America is On Fire: Is ANTIFA to Blame?

America is On Fire: Is ANTIFA to Blame?

There is much speculation about what’s causing the wildfires in the American West. According to CA Governor Gavin Newsom and his cronies in the Democrat Party, climate…

Climate Change Policies Will Fix Wildfire Problems

Climate Change Policies Will Fix Wildfire Problems

Gavin Newsom says new climate change policies will solve California’s wildfire problems! He’s ignoring California’s YEARS of forest mismanagement as the culprit in this disaster.

California Energy Disaster Prompts Fed Help

California Energy Disaster Prompts Fed Help

The state of California, rich in natural resources and opportunity, is a disaster zone in crisis.

Roundup Time: Dolezal 2.0, Maolings on Campus, Etc.

Roundup Time: Dolezal 2.0, Maolings on Campus, Etc.

As we are now within 60 days of election, it looks like the last 3.5 years of coup attempts against President Trump are starting to look like…

Pelosi Wants An Apology For Breaking COVID Rules

Pelosi Wants An Apology For Breaking COVID Rules

You thought Nancy Pelosi was entitled? Hypocritical much? Flaunting her status and privilege?

Lockdowns And The CDC Data

Lockdowns And The CDC Data

Lockdowns were supposed to “flatten the curve.” Yet here we are, in September, and the lockdowns continue. Did and do the lockdowns work?

California Wins Against Uber, Lyft and Its Own Citizens

California Wins Against Uber, Lyft and Its Own Citizens

California ended the month of June with a statewide unemployment rate of 15.1% and rather than trying to find ways to allow people to earn a living,…

California Bans All The Things, People Light Up

California Bans All The Things, People Light Up

California is seeing a serious escalation in coronavirus cases, and while some are willing to admit that the protests are a likely culprit, that hasn’t stopped Governor…

AAP: Back To School Because of Inequity

AAP: Back To School Because of Inequity

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is urging government officials and school districts to do everything they can to reopen schools in the fall.

SCOTUS Denies Injunction Against CA Lockdown

SCOTUS Denies Injunction Against CA Lockdown

SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts has taken the role formerly held by former Justice Anthony Kennedy — finding a way to “nuance” his support for the port side…

Roundup Time – Protect Your Forehead!

Roundup Time – Protect Your Forehead!

The Wuhan Bat Lab Virus has allowed for naked exposure of what animates individuals in our Ruling Class and their apparatchiks. New day, new facepalm.

Churches Push Back Against Coronavirus Edicts

Churches Push Back Against Coronavirus Edicts

Normally we don’t think of devout Christians as being scofflaws. Indeed, we tend to think of them as good citizens, and they would largely agree. However, pushback…

Contrasting Narrative of the Golden and Sunshine States

Contrasting Narrative of the Golden and Sunshine States

Amid phased reopening, some states are ahead of the curve. Their success is working to shift from the doomsday narrative, and increase revenue. States like Florida stand…

Contact Tracing in an Era of Mistrust

Contact Tracing in an Era of Mistrust

The latest in the Wuhan Bat Lab Virus saga is the new goalpost being established in states about contact tracing. States, like California, are announcing the hiring…

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Unemployed, America

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Unemployed, America

While liberal state governors are encouraging stay at home orders in the name of “an overabundance of caution”, our economy continues to tank. The stay home, stay…

I Went Out to Dinner, It Didn’t Kill Anyone

I Went Out to Dinner, It Didn’t Kill Anyone

Saturday night I took my family out to dinner. You read that correctly. We went to a restaurant, sat down, and had a dining experience circa early…

Chicago Mayor Threatens Jail for Lockdown Violators

Chicago Mayor Threatens Jail for Lockdown Violators

Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot finally had it up to her eyeballs with people who violate the city’s stay-at-home orders. So she threatened culprits with jail. But these aren’t…

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Ava Gardner