Berkeley Law Dean Chemerinsky Wants to Destroy the Constitution

Berkeley Law Dean Chemerinsky Wants to Destroy the Constitution

Where Potemkin Kamala’s catchphrase “What can be, unburdened by what has been” is bumpersticker platitude covering up a vapid intellect, leftwing Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of Berkeley Law…

Aurora Mayor And DHS Acknowledge Venezuelan Gang Presence

Aurora Mayor And DHS Acknowledge Venezuelan Gang Presence

Perhaps Colorado Governor Jared Polis should go actually take a look at the city of Aurora, and see what the Department of Homeland Security is seeing. Aurora,…

Biden-Harris Open Border Threatens School Children

Biden-Harris Open Border Threatens School Children

Despite the concerted efforts of Democrat-run Media, reports of crimes against American citizens by illegal aliens seep out. The latest, from San Diego County, has at least…

Covid 19 Just For The 2024 Presidential Election

Covid 19 Just For The 2024 Presidential Election

If your first thought when reading that headline is “Hale No”, Mazel Tov! You are a sentient thinking human being. Unfortunately, you are part of a minority…

Interview Fail: Dana Bash Bails Out Kamala And Her Plus-One

Interview Fail: Dana Bash Bails Out Kamala And Her Plus-One

Kamala Harris and her Plus-One had an interview with Dana Bash last night. And well, it was an interview fail.

Brat Kamala Rewriting Personal History To Fit The Vibe – Coconuts

Brat Kamala Rewriting Personal History To Fit The Vibe – Coconuts

Marketing a product can be a joy or a lot of work. If your product is really good, does what you say it does, the marketing is…

Kamala Finally Agrees To CNN Interview, But Insists On A Plus-One

Kamala Finally Agrees To CNN Interview, But Insists On A Plus-One

Why does Kamala Harris have to be this… WEIRD… about a single sit-down interview with a friendly media outlet?

California: Let’s Give Illegal Immigrants Up To $150K To Buy A Home

California: Let’s Give Illegal Immigrants Up To $150K To Buy A Home

Forget about American citizens. The California legislature in their infinite wisdom has passed a bill giving illegal immigrants up to $150k to purchase a home.

Portland: County Delays Drug Deflection Center

Portland: County Delays Drug Deflection Center

Once upon a time, it was illegal to possess drugs in Portland. Then, some progressives thought it was just fine to walk around with small amounts of…

Gold Star Families Still Have Not Heard From Biden or Harris

Gold Star Families Still Have Not Heard From Biden or Harris

Color me not at all shocked. The Gold Star Families of the thirteen service members killed at Abbey Gate have not been contacted by the meat puppets…

Mark Zuckerberg, Zuckerbucks and Censorship

Mark Zuckerberg, Zuckerbucks and Censorship

Well, isn’t that special? Mark Zuckerberg told the House Judiciary Committee that he’s really sorry that his Zuckerbucks and bootheel censorship influenced the 2020 election and he’ll…

Kamala Now Wants To Change Debate Rules

Kamala Now Wants To Change Debate Rules

Kamala and Trump will debate on September 10 with ABC as the moderator. The rules were agreed to, but now Kamala wants to change the rules.

Abbey Gate, Three Years Later – Kamala Should Own Afghanistan

Abbey Gate, Three Years Later – Kamala Should Own Afghanistan

It has been three years since the attack at Abbey Gate during the catastrophic withdrawl from Afghanistan cost the lives of thirteen American servicemembers, killed at least…

Panicked Democrats And The Empty Media

Panicked Democrats And The Empty Media

The Democrats have to be panicked by the news of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. deciding to end his independent candidacy run for the presidency and, at the…

Fluffy Joy Is Kamala’s Campaign Strategy

Fluffy Joy Is Kamala’s Campaign Strategy

Forget promoting a policy platform. What is needed, according to Kamala’s campaign, is a strategy of fluffy joy and Donald Trump is bad.

Abortion Extremism: A Human Rights Violation

Abortion Extremism: A Human Rights Violation

We sat through a few days of Kamala Harris and her fellow Democrats calling abortion other things like: “reproductive health care” and “bodily autonomy”, and will sit…

RFK On Stage, Trump Talks On JFK Assassination Files

RFK On Stage, Trump Talks On JFK Assassination Files

News in the 2024 Presidential Race continues apace. Keep in mind that we had, in one news day, what would have been a week’s worth of news…

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Ava Gardner