U.S. Crafting Plans To Hold China Accountable For Coronavirus Pandemic

U.S. Crafting Plans To Hold China Accountable For Coronavirus Pandemic

The U.S. is crafting plans designed to hold China accountable for their actions regarding the Coronavirus pandemic.

Serial Murderer One Vote Shy of Release

Serial Murderer One Vote Shy of Release

Do you know what kind of criminals are being releasing into your neighborhood? Consider that convicted serial murderer, Gary Ridgway, the infamous Green River Killer, only remains…

Media Burned By Own Words, CNN Goes Full TDS

Media Burned By Own Words, CNN Goes Full TDS

Yesterday, at the Covid-19 Task Force presser, the media got checked. It was glorious. It was stupendous. For those of us who believe that President Donald Trump…

Prisons Are A COVID-19 “Death Trap”, According To Teen Vogue

Prisons Are A COVID-19 “Death Trap”, According To Teen Vogue

When they’re not glorifying prostitution, encouraging sexting between teens, explaining how the Coronavirus demonstrates the failures of Capitalism and, how can we forget, teaching young ones on…

McConnell: No Chance of Unnecessary Spending In Emergency Bill

McConnell: No Chance of Unnecessary Spending In Emergency Bill

Democrats want to add unnecessary spending to the latest emergency funding bill. They see the lifeline for small businesses as another opportunity to overspend on pet projects.

Gotcha Questions Plague Coronavirus Briefings

Gotcha Questions Plague Coronavirus Briefings

The self-proclaimed journalists are out in full-force at Trump’s daily Coronavirus briefings. Dishonest and leading “gotcha” questions have never been more than apparent as the media desperately…

Biden’s Absence and Other Silver Linings of the Coronavirus Outbreak

Biden’s Absence and Other Silver Linings of the Coronavirus Outbreak

He promised supporters daily briefings, but, amid the coronavirus outbreak, Joe Biden has had no national TV interviews in two weeks.

Tanks and Trump and Martial Law Oh My!

Tanks and Trump and Martial Law Oh My!

We’re all a bit verklempt about the spread of coronavirus, and our fears are understandable. But along came Twitter posters pushing the panic buttons further by posting…

China Gets Media Cover, California Stops Moving

China Gets Media Cover, California Stops Moving

Los Angeles became the second major city to issue a “stay-at-home” order to try and combat the spread of COVID-19, the Wuhan coronavirus, but then Governor Gavin…

Primary Day: 5 Ways #Covid19 Could Impact the 2020 Election

Primary Day: 5 Ways #Covid19 Could Impact the 2020 Election

It was likely too late to re-schedule today’s 2020 election primaries in Florida, Ohio, Illinois, and Arizona, though they very well may be the last ones held…

Will Bernie Bust at Second Super Tuesday?

Will Bernie Bust at Second Super Tuesday?

Today marks the second round of Super Tuesday voting, albeit with just a handful of states voting in their primaries, including my own.

William Barr And The Sanctuary Cities Lawsuits

William Barr And The Sanctuary Cities Lawsuits

With the announcement of lawsuits against key sanctuary cities, Attorney General William Barr capped off a very busy day yesterday.

California Ranting On Such A Lousy State

California Ranting On Such A Lousy State

California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom showed up on The View yesterday to proclaim the state the most awesome, gnarly, we are shredding it, dude! EVAH!

Hillary Clinton And ABC Peddle Fake News About Australian Wild Fires

Hillary Clinton And ABC Peddle Fake News About Australian Wild Fires

Peddling Fake News is how ABC News and Hillary Clinton roll. This time they set their sights on the horrendous brush fires decimating several areas in Australia….

Dear Trump, Let California Sink

Dear Trump, Let California Sink

California is rich with homeless people, and has a one party state government that is unwilling to fix the problem. Trump needs to let California sink under…

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The Assassination of Orange Man Bad” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The Assassination of Orange Man Bad” Edition

A few weeks short of the 56th anniversary of JFK’s tragic and fateful day in Dallas – Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States was…

AOC Says Climate Change Is Only Reason Why California Has Wildfires

AOC Says Climate Change Is Only Reason Why California Has Wildfires

In case you were wondering, climate change is the reason those California wildfires are raging through the state. How do we know this? Because AOC says so!

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Ava Gardner