Trumpism Is Not A Turn Against Democracy

Trumpism Is Not A Turn Against Democracy

The Democrat Media Industrial Complex can believe their own lies, but Trumpism is not a turn against Democracy. It is Democracy. The Democrat Media Industrial Complex (DMIC)…

Pelosi Admits Covid Stimulus Was Blocked To Get Biden Elected

Pelosi Admits Covid Stimulus Was Blocked To Get Biden Elected

The Covid stimulus was blocked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for no other reason than politics.

Unemployment Missing? Look No Further Than Death Row!

Unemployment Missing? Look No Further Than Death Row!

The State of California doled out at least $140 million in unemployment benefits. Some of those claims come from none other than death row inmates in the…

The View Gorgons Lament: “Trumpism” Here to Stay

The View Gorgons Lament: “Trumpism” Here to Stay

The Democratic Party—which The View windbags represent—is fast becoming the party of rich, coastal, and yes white, Americans.

Arbitrary Lockdowns And Civil Disobedience

Arbitrary Lockdowns And Civil Disobedience

The lockdowns are causing a rise in civil disobedience. Victor Davis Hanson was very prescient in his prediction just five days ago.

Dark Winter Still Ahead Per Joe Biden

Dark Winter Still Ahead Per Joe Biden

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris held a press conference yesterday following a video conference with a bipartisan group of the nation’s governors. Joe felt it necessary to…

CDC Issues Warnings Against Thanksgiving Travel

CDC Issues Warnings Against Thanksgiving Travel

The CDC still exists, despite the politicians who think they are scientists, and they would like everyone to stay home for Thanksgiving.

Study Says: Masks Offer No Protection From Coronavirus

Study Says: Masks Offer No Protection From Coronavirus

The bipartisan petty tyrants who’ve abused their powers since the China Virus began raging across the globe earlier this year have become even more authoritarian in the…

Pascrell and Dems Prove They Can’t Put Trump Behind Them

Pascrell and Dems Prove They Can’t Put Trump Behind Them

If you want to see the perfect example of a toddler pitching a fit because they didn’t get their way, take a look to the Democrats. Even…

Covid Testing And “Compliance Ambassadors”

Covid Testing And “Compliance Ambassadors”

Covid testing has ramped up around the country, particularly in Los Angeles.

Gather If You Dare-The Grim Reaper Comes

Gather If You Dare-The Grim Reaper Comes

The reports are all over the news-the second wave of COVID-19 is now here. Just in time for the holidays come new mandates on businesses and your…

Covid Rules? What Covid Rules?

Covid Rules? What Covid Rules?

Covid rules regarding large gatherings or Thanksgiving have exceptions. Lots of exceptions. We aren’t supposed to gather in large groups. We can’t have graduations, weddings or funerals…

Top 5 Halloween Costumes For 2020

Top 5 Halloween Costumes For 2020

Despite all the effort to keep people indoors and strip any modicum of fun from the lives of children, Halloween is tomorrow and people will be out,…

Pelosi Stumps For Biden/Harris At Capstone Rally

Pelosi Stumps For Biden/Harris At Capstone Rally

At an event for clean energy, called the Capstone Rally, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi made the case for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The Capstone…

Pandemic Fatigue And Government Control

Pandemic Fatigue And Government Control

We have put up with a whole lot since the first Covid-19 case was diagnosed in Washington State on January 20, 2020. Don’t mask, Mask up. Stay…

Mask Between Bites Latest Covidiocy In California

Mask Between Bites Latest Covidiocy In California

As if 2020 couldn’t get any more weird, the office of the Governor of California has specified that diners in restaurants should put their masks back on…

Cops Ambushed: Will The Left Ever Disavow Black Lives Matter?

Cops Ambushed: Will The Left Ever Disavow Black Lives Matter?

Will the Left ever disavow Black Lives Matter over attacks like this? Two cops were ambushed and shot last night outside a Compton train station. 

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Ava Gardner