Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “Two Impostors” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “Two Impostors” Edition

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted…

Heidi Heitkamp, Cindy McCain: Let’s Kiss, Make Up, Unite With Biden

Heidi Heitkamp, Cindy McCain: Let’s Kiss, Make Up, Unite With Biden

Cindy McCain, widow of senator John McCain, along with former senator Heidi Heitkamp—fired by voters in 2018 and now a leftist-media contributor—would like us all to sit…

MAGA Crowd Motivated By Fascist Aesthetics, Says Salon

MAGA Crowd Motivated By Fascist Aesthetics, Says Salon

The MAGA crowd is motivated by fascist aesthetics. Flip the record on the record player to the “B side”, folks and viola, we have the same old…

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “Suddenly” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “Suddenly” Edition

Have you seen Greenfield’s Illegitimate Election piece? How about Michael Anton and Codevilla’s recent pieces? Sure, you have. You understand the stakes. And of course, the Illegitimate…

Votes? What Votes? Backdated Ballots Thrown Out Before Election

Votes? What Votes? Backdated Ballots Thrown Out Before Election

On the same day as Attorney General Barr made his proclamation that he saw “no evidence of widespread voter fraud”, comes this report on backdated ballot votes.

Takeaways from the Arizona GOP’s Election Fraud Hearing

Takeaways from the Arizona GOP’s Election Fraud Hearing

On the heels of the Republican legislator’s hearing in historic Gettysburg last week, some Arizona Republican legislators held their own hearing yesterday where witnesses testified on both…

America Is Back, Says Joe Biden

America Is Back, Says Joe Biden

Joe Biden introduced his national security team on yesterday and made the bold claim that America is back! Watch out, world, here he comes, out from the…

Cancel Thanksgiving, Urges The Atlantic

Cancel Thanksgiving, Urges The Atlantic

Coronavirus numbers are on the rise as the long, dark winter approaches. Enter notorious liberal publication, The Atlantic, urging Americans to cancel Thanksgiving.

Ilhan Omar, Foreign Policy Expert

Ilhan Omar, Foreign Policy Expert

If you just spit out your coffee at the title of this absurdity, trust me, you have not read nothing yet. Ilhan Omar took to Twitter last…

The Media, Manufacturers of Hate And Anger

The Media, Manufacturers of Hate And Anger

We sat and watched the media over the past few days as victories for President Trump disappeared overnight in key battleground states. We woke up Saturday morning…

Melania Trump Speaks Out, Liberals Are At Their Worst

Melania Trump Speaks Out, Liberals Are At Their Worst

First lady Melania Trump posted her first message since Election Day on Friday, reflecting on Be Best, her youth initiative that addresses cyberbullying. So what did the…

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The Short March to Borodino” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The Short March to Borodino” Edition

Paladin was mistaken at a profound level. Overtaken by his wishes to vanquish a viciously dangerous opposition he made the critical error of confusing his desires for…

Pelosi Thinks She Still Has A Mandate

Pelosi Thinks She Still Has A Mandate

Ground Control to Nancy Pelosi… Ground Control to Nancy Pelosi… glue in your dentures and put your helmet on… because the House Democrats are trying to bring…

Senate GOP Holds The Line In 2020

Senate GOP Holds The Line In 2020

The election totals are moving slowly, and we might not know the final outcome from key states like Pennsylvania and Michigan until the end of the week.

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “No Prisoners!” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “No Prisoners!” Edition

Paladin wants VGirl readers to watch a clip from Lawrence of Arabia; it is relentless, horrific and it may be what we narrowly avoided today.  That is,…

Election Day: Here’s What the Left Is Really Afraid Of

Election Day: Here’s What the Left Is Really Afraid Of

A bit of news broke on Election Day Eve that shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s paid even five minutes of attention to the train wreck that is the…

Wolf Blitzer Laments “Possible Unrest” Over Election

Wolf Blitzer Laments “Possible Unrest” Over Election

CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer is either willfully disingenious or hopelessly clueless. Or perhaps he’s both.

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Ava Gardner