Republicans For Covid Relief, Against Democrat Pork

Republicans For Covid Relief, Against Democrat Pork

Republicans don’t care about Covid relief says Bill Press in The Hill this morning. According to him, the Republicans want to cater to the wealthy and are…

Pete Buttigieg To Keystone Pipeline Workers: Go Code

Pete Buttigieg To Keystone Pipeline Workers: Go Code

Keystone Pipeline XL workers who just lost their jobs should learn to code. That was the implication of Pete Buttigieg’s response to Ted Cruz during yesterday’s hearings.

Pelosi Admits Covid Stimulus Was Blocked To Get Biden Elected

Pelosi Admits Covid Stimulus Was Blocked To Get Biden Elected

The Covid stimulus was blocked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for no other reason than politics.

De Blasio’s Budget Fix: Furlough Myself!

De Blasio’s Budget Fix: Furlough Myself!

De Blasio has come up with a terrific solution for NYC’s budget woes. Furlough time!

DNC’s Catchy Ad Is Titled “Republican National Chaos”

DNC’s Catchy Ad Is Titled “Republican National Chaos”

The DNC has a catchy new ad out. It debuted just in time for the RNC Convention. “Republican National Chaos” is such a pithy title isn’t it?

REOPEN America Is Happening In Colorado, Georgia, And Tennessee

REOPEN America Is Happening In Colorado, Georgia, And Tennessee

REOPEN America will start happening this week and next in several states. Georgia will start reopening at the end of this week, Tennessee starts next week, and…

AOC Celebrates Cratering Oil Prices

AOC Celebrates Cratering Oil Prices

AOC just can’t help saying the quiet stuff out loud. As many already know, oil prices went negative this morning. What does AOC do in all her…

World Health Organization Director Should Resign Says Sen. Martha McSally

World Health Organization Director Should Resign Says Sen. Martha McSally

The World Health Organization (WHO) Director needs to resign says Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ). And she is absolutely correct.

Kennedy Center Gets $25 Million And Fires Musicians

Kennedy Center Gets $25 Million And Fires Musicians

The Kennedy Center decided this was the right time to step on a massive rake. After Nancy Pelosi held the CARES Act bill up for three days…

Nancy Pelosi Adjourns House For Entire Day, Refuses To Set Vote On Stimulus Bill

Nancy Pelosi Adjourns House For Entire Day, Refuses To Set Vote On Stimulus Bill

Nancy Pelosi is continuing to play despicable games with American lives and livelihoods. This morning, as welcome news came that there was an agreement on the Senate…

Nevada Governor Bans Testing And Use Of Anti-Malarial Drugs, Why?

Nevada Governor Bans Testing And Use Of Anti-Malarial Drugs, Why?

The Nevada Governor has banned the anti-malarial drugs that could be used in the fight against this COVID-19 Wuhan virus.

The Pelosi Schumer Bill Is Full Of Crap

The Pelosi Schumer Bill Is Full Of Crap

There is nothing but crap in the Pelosi Schumer bill that Democrats oh-so condescendingly inform Americans is MUCH better than the Republican CARES Act.

Bloomberg Kicks Employees To Curb Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic

Bloomberg Kicks Employees To Curb Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic

Employees of Mike Bloomberg’s failed Presidential campaign learned the hard way that that Democrat jackass does not care. On Friday, his campaign employees were abruptly told, YOU’RE…

Focus Group Talks, Will DNC Listen? [VIDEO]

Focus Group Talks, Will DNC Listen? [VIDEO]

The Democrats have a ton of excuses for why Hillary Clinton lost the election. Hillary Clinton has excuses for why she lost the election – an election…

Divided, Angry Electorate Votes In Wake Of Obama Legacy [VIDEO]

Divided, Angry Electorate Votes In Wake Of Obama Legacy [VIDEO]

In 2008, Barack Obama stood in front of the country and promised quite a lot after campaigning on “hope and change.” “Care for the sick.” “Jobs for…

Brexit: Of Course, British Millennials are Whining About the Vote [VIDEOS]

Brexit: Of Course, British Millennials are Whining About the Vote [VIDEOS]

Last night Britain shocked the world as it voted to leave the European Union. One group of Brits that were overwhelmingly in the Remain camp were the…

#JobsReport: Obama’s Economic Victory Lap Is Epic Failure [VIDEO]

#JobsReport: Obama’s Economic Victory Lap Is Epic Failure [VIDEO]

Just the other day, in Elkhart Indiana, President Obama stood in front of a crowd and said: “By almost every economic measure, America is better off than…

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Ava Gardner