Rudy Giuliani Investigated For Lobbying And Campaign Finance Violations

Rudy Giuliani Investigated For Lobbying And Campaign Finance Violations

No sooner had his name been uttered during the impeachment hearings, when the news breaks that Rudy Giuliani is under investigation.

Whistleblower Reports Integral to Accountability

Whistleblower Reports Integral to Accountability

I want to get something out of the way at once: the following post has little to do with the whistleblower who filed a report against President…

Election Day: Will GOP Win Governor Races in KY and MS?

Election Day: Will GOP Win Governor Races in KY and MS?

It’s election day yet again. And today it’s races for governor in Kentucky and Mississippi, as well as local races across the country.

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The Assassination of Orange Man Bad” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The Assassination of Orange Man Bad” Edition

A few weeks short of the 56th anniversary of JFK’s tragic and fateful day in Dallas – Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States was…

Quid Pro Quo, Impeachment, And The Deep State

Quid Pro Quo, Impeachment, And The Deep State

The Deep State and media believe that Trump’s call with Ukraine was the very definition of quid pro quo, thus impeachment is necessary. Did Tim Morrison confirm…

House Rules Committee Prefers The World Series To Impeachment Inquiry

House Rules Committee Prefers The World Series To Impeachment Inquiry

The House Rules Committee, tonight, approved the rules for the inquiry into the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. The vote was nine Democrats for and four…

Baker Flips, Pass The Stoli and Popcorn

Baker Flips, Pass The Stoli and Popcorn

Pass the Stoli and the Popcorn…Former FBI counsel, James Baker, has flipped and will now be helping AG Barr in his investigation into the Obama Deep State….

NY Times: Those Patriotic Deep State Folks Are Causing A Crisis In The GOP

NY Times: Those Patriotic Deep State Folks Are Causing A Crisis In The GOP

The NY Times is now applauding the Deep State for their PATRIOTISM while, at the same time, they have declared the GOP is in crisis.

Canada’s Election Results Brings More Justin Trudeau

Canada’s Election Results Brings More Justin Trudeau

The polls have shown a close race for weeks now.

DNC Chair Tom Perez Cheers For The Deep State Whistleblowers

DNC Chair Tom Perez Cheers For The Deep State Whistleblowers

Last night, prior to the start of the Democrat Debate, DNC Chair Tom Perez unmasked himself. In his ‘Rah Rah!’ speech to the crowd, he gave a…

Pelosi Speaks But the Candidates Don’t Hear

Pelosi Speaks But the Candidates Don’t Hear

Well, the Democratic circus was in full view last night. I don’t know about you, but I kept hearing the song “Bring in the Clowns” as the…

Nancy Pelosi’s Impeachment Double Standard

Nancy Pelosi’s Impeachment Double Standard

Nancy Pelosi is fine with impeaching Trump because he supposedly undermined our election process in a way that is “not only wrong and unconstitutional – it’s poisonous.” Back…

New Whistleblower From IRS Spins A Story To The Washington Post

New Whistleblower From IRS Spins A Story To The Washington Post

Suddenly we have a new whistleblower! This one is from the IRS, and he/she went running to the Washington Post this week after lodging the complaint with…

Impeachment Twins Wrap Selves In Constitution And Prayer

Impeachment Twins Wrap Selves In Constitution And Prayer

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff held a press conference today where they wrapped themselves in prayer and The Constitution….

4 WaPo and NYT Bombshells That Are Really Duds

4 WaPo and NYT Bombshells That Are Really Duds

Do you know how to tell when a bombshell story is really a dud? When it’s broken by either the WaPo or the New York Times or…

What The Left Has Learned From The Christine Blasey Ford Debacle

What The Left Has Learned From The Christine Blasey Ford Debacle

TIME Magazine helpfully reminded me this morning via Twitter that one year ago today we watched Christine Blasey Ford testify. Since then the deranged Left has been…

Former CIA Questions Official Whistleblower Complaint

Former CIA Questions Official Whistleblower Complaint

If you watched the Inquisition of the Acting Director of National Intelligence, Joseph Maguire, today, you may be forgiven if you thought that Grand Inquistor/Representative Adam Schiff…

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Ava Gardner