#FISAReport: 10 Questions Senators Should Ask IG Horowitz at Wednesday’s Hearing

#FISAReport: 10 Questions Senators Should Ask IG Horowitz at Wednesday’s Hearing

If you haven’t been watching the partisan witch hunt, er, impeachment hearings, I don’t blame you. In my book, it’s right up there with a double root-canal…

Under-Rehearsed Democrats Give Pitiful Performance

Under-Rehearsed Democrats Give Pitiful Performance

It was widely reported, with breathless anticipation of a boffo show, that the Democrats rehearsed this weekend. The House Judiciary Committee received the impeachment inquiry report from…

Nadler: No Fair Elections if Senate Doesn’t Convict

Nadler: No Fair Elections if Senate Doesn’t Convict

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler is understandably terrified that the Democrats’ efforts to impeach President Trump and remove him from office will result in a resounding…

Devin Nunes Shouldn’t Talk To Indicted Felons – Swalwell

Devin Nunes Shouldn’t Talk To Indicted Felons – Swalwell

In an interview on Fox News Channel with Bill Hemmer, Representative Eric Swalwell, in regards to Representative Devin Nunes’s call records, said that “If you don’t talk…

Food Stamps Reform Triggers Leftist Lies

Food Stamps Reform Triggers Leftist Lies

If you believed the progressive left, the Trump Administration is about to let thousands of children starve because the Department of Agriculture is going to institute new…

Down the Democratic Rabbit Hole of Impeachment

Down the Democratic Rabbit Hole of Impeachment

Well, Adam Schiff finally delivered his impeachment report. He tried for fanfare. He tried so hard to sound the end of the Trump Administration. Instead of being…

Biden Camp Sad Obama Is Silent On Ukraine

Biden Camp Sad Obama Is Silent On Ukraine

For all his protestations to the contrary, Joe Biden really wanted Barack Obama’s support during the primary.

From the VG Bookshelf: Witch Hunt

From the VG Bookshelf: Witch Hunt

Witch Hunt, by Gregg Jarrett, is the epic follow-up to his earlier bestseller, The Russian Hoax. Expertly sourced, persuasively argued, Jarrett peels back the layers of secrecy…

If House Impeaches, Will the Senate Convict Donald Trump?

If House Impeaches, Will the Senate Convict Donald Trump?

Adam Schiff is convinced that impeaching President Trump is so urgent…that he and his fellow reps in the House and the Senate headed out of D.C. for…

Censure of Donald Trump Should Be A Hard Pass

Censure of Donald Trump Should Be A Hard Pass

After two weeks of the of the wretchedly reviewed Adam Schiff show, the Democrats are rethinking the impeachment of Donald Trump. They are floating the idea that…

FBI Official Under Criminal Investigation Regarding Carter Page Surveillance

FBI Official Under Criminal Investigation Regarding Carter Page Surveillance

Fresh off yesterday’s impeachment hearing, CNN reluctantly reported that an unnamed FBI official is now under criminal investigation. Why? Carter Page.Updated below

Fiona Hill Lectures The GOP About Ukrainian Fiction

Fiona Hill Lectures The GOP About Ukrainian Fiction

Fiona Hill has decided that Ukraine never attempted to interfere in the 2016 Election. The Ukraine problem is “fictitious” she states. Let’s talk about Fiona’s veracity, her…

Sondland And The Quid Pro Quo That Wasn’t

Sondland And The Quid Pro Quo That Wasn’t

Ambassador Gordon Sondland stated that there was quid pro quo during his impeachment hearing testimony. Yet, when asked directly if quid pro quo actually happened, Sondland can’t…

Alex Vindman And His Frank Burns Moment

Alex Vindman And His Frank Burns Moment

Alex Vindman got his moment in the spotlight yesterday and guess what? Frank Burns is alive and well! Not only that, he does selfies!

The Knives Are Out For Elise Stefanik

The Knives Are Out For Elise Stefanik

Elise Stefanik isn’t playing Adam Schiff’s games. Furthermore, her questions of former Ambassador Yovanovitch have the left in a tizzy. So, their only recourse is to pull…

Marie Yovanovitch And The  Fake Impeachment Inquiry

Marie Yovanovitch And The Fake Impeachment Inquiry

In today’s episode of the Fake Impeachment Inquiry, the Democrat’s chose career diplomat Marie Yovanovitch. This episode, just like Wednesday’s episode with diplomats Taylor and Kent, was…

New Transcript Drops Before Impeachment Hearing

New Transcript Drops Before Impeachment Hearing

Never let it be said that the Trump administration doesn’t have a great sense of timing, as a second transcript was released just before the impeachment hearing…

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Ava Gardner