Committee Hearing Becomes A Parody Show

Committee Hearing Becomes A Parody Show

An impeachment inquiry is supposed to be serious business. After all, it’s the final check on presidential power that the Constitution grants. Well, welcome to the House…

It’s Raining Cash At The RNC; Thanks Dems

It’s Raining Cash At The RNC; Thanks Dems

It’s raining cash at the Republican National Committee, and the Pubbies have to say a big thank you to those hardworking Democrats. They are working hard to…

Pelosi Decides To Burn It All Down

Pelosi Decides To Burn It All Down

Nancy Pelosi has caved to the far left. Impeachment proceedings of some sort against President Trump will happen.

Democrats Still Grasp For Impeachment Ring After Mueller Hearings

Democrats Still Grasp For Impeachment Ring After Mueller Hearings

The Democrats were left floundering in the wake of the Mueller hearings on Wednesday. Yet many are stubbornly clinging to the IMPEACH TRUMP! narrative. Trump did something…

Mueller Hearings Begin; A Few Observations

Mueller Hearings Begin; A Few Observations

The Mueller Hearings began with the House Judiciary Committee this morning. The hearings are both painful to watch and pure comedy platinum. Victory Girls’ Nina wrote a…

#MuellerHearing: 5 Questions Repubs Should Ask Robert Mueller

#MuellerHearing: 5 Questions Repubs Should Ask Robert Mueller

Republicans are great at getting folks that should be in the hot seat in the hot seat, and then wasting their opportunity to squeeze information from them…

Iran Says They’re Being Framed For Attacks

Iran Says They’re Being Framed For Attacks

Does anyone believe Iran when they say that there’s no proof that it was their mines that set oil tankers on fire in the Strait of Hormuz.

Trump’s Foreign Intel Comments Get Everyone’s Knickers In A Twist

Trump’s Foreign Intel Comments Get Everyone’s Knickers In A Twist

Trump’s response to the foreign intel question has everyone’s knickers in a twist. In a major interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, quite a number of topics were…

Jennifer Rubin Says Hope Hicks Testimony Will ‘Crack Trump’s Wall’

Jennifer Rubin Says Hope Hicks Testimony Will ‘Crack Trump’s Wall’

As soon as the news broke that Hope Hicks had agreed to testify in a closed hearing next week, the media started doing a happy dance. The…

Speaker Pelosi Wants President Trump In Prison

Speaker Pelosi Wants President Trump In Prison

According to an article in, Nancy Pelosi doesn’t necessarily want to impeach President Donald J. Trump, but she does want to see him in prison. Speaker…

Maureen Dowd v. Trump; Crazy Is As Crazy Does

Maureen Dowd v. Trump; Crazy Is As Crazy Does

Maureen Dowd, of the New York Times, is at it again. Her latest column about Donald Trump, “Crazy Is As Crazy Does”, tells us way more about…

Media Says Trump Blocking Subpoenas Means Obstruction Is Real!

Media Says Trump Blocking Subpoenas Means Obstruction Is Real!

The Democrats are on a roll. Not satisfied with the Mueller Report’s finding of no collusion, they immediately switched to obstruction and are now on a subpoena…

Nadler Uses Barr to Inflate a Constitutional Crisis

Nadler Uses Barr to Inflate a Constitutional Crisis

Congressional Democrats want to create a perceived Constitutional crisis to cover for their failures. The Attorney General, Bill Barr, is the latest road bump on the rush…

Try To Impeach Donald Trump, Please, Please, Please

Try To Impeach Donald Trump, Please, Please, Please

Since the release of The Mueller Report, both Dems and Pubbies have been crowing that their side has won. Marta wrote about The Mueller Report and the…

NIMBY! Sanctuary Cities Don’t Want Illegal Immigrants

NIMBY! Sanctuary Cities Don’t Want Illegal Immigrants

There is a definite crisis on our border. Even the New York Times fish wrap admitted there was a crisis. Meanwhile sanctuary cities have been taking care…

Jerry Nadler’s Double Standard And The Mueller Report Subpoena

Jerry Nadler’s Double Standard And The Mueller Report Subpoena

The Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee have been throwing a temper tantrum ever since Attorney General Barr provided the 4-page summary of the Muller report. Their…

Scandal Journalism & The Fools In The Mainstream Media

Scandal Journalism & The Fools In The Mainstream Media

The Mueller Report is in. Despite the incessant screeching of the likes of Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff and Rachel Maddow and Jim Acosta, there was no…

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Ava Gardner