Bill Barr Out, Gets Flak From Both Sides

Bill Barr Out, Gets Flak From Both Sides

Attorney General Bill Barr offered his resignation on Monday, right after the Electoral College affirmed Joe Biden’s Presidential win. Immediately speculation among the chattering classes began: Did…

Election Day: Here’s What the Left Is Really Afraid Of

Election Day: Here’s What the Left Is Really Afraid Of

A bit of news broke on Election Day Eve that shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s paid even five minutes of attention to the train wreck that is the…

Tony Bobulinski And The Compromised Biden Family

Tony Bobulinski And The Compromised Biden Family

Tony Bobulinski was very clear with Tucker Carlson. Based upon his personal experiences with the Biden family, he believes that they, especially Joe Biden, have been compromised…

Joe Is The Democratic Party…For Now

Joe Is The Democratic Party…For Now

It was a slugfest on stage. We got through it. The very first of the presidential debates. Trump is as Trump as he wanted to be. Chris…

BleachBit 2.0: Mueller Team Wiped Data Off Thirty One Phones

BleachBit 2.0: Mueller Team Wiped Data Off Thirty One Phones

Bleachbit rises again! Turns out the Mueller team engaged in some data wiping of their own. Thirty one phones somehow accidentally on purpose had their data disappear…

Pramila Jayapal Is A Hero In Her Own Mind

Pramila Jayapal Is A Hero In Her Own Mind

Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) proved herself to be an ignorant, ill-mannered, grandstanding jackass yesterday in the House Judiciary Committee. She was rude to a fellow Congresswoman, and…

Mike Pompeo On Our Unalienable Rights

Mike Pompeo On Our Unalienable Rights

One year ago, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the Commission on Unalienable Rights. Yesterday, at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Secretary Pompeo announced the findings…

Stone Prison Sentence Commuted, Left Loses It

Stone Prison Sentence Commuted, Left Loses It

And, just like that, Democrats have become concerned with law and order once again. Yesterday afternoon, President Donald Trump commuted the sentence of longtime adviser and friend,…

HEROES Act Gets Vote But House Continues To Stay Home

HEROES Act Gets Vote But House Continues To Stay Home

Nancy Pelosi’s House voted yesterday evening on a $3 Trillion-Dollar HEROES Act while also making the decision to stay home. Indefinitely. In perpetuity. TFN.

Flynn Fallout: Acting DNI Grenell Reportedly Declassifies Names of Obama Admin Unmaskers

Flynn Fallout: Acting DNI Grenell Reportedly Declassifies Names of Obama Admin Unmaskers

You know what they say about karma. And none are feeling her sting quite as acutely as Barack Obama and his administration’s minions. The same cabal who…

Abortion Is Not Safer Than Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Abortion Is Not Safer Than Wisdom Tooth Extraction

On Wednesday, while walking to the Supreme Court to protest the Louisiana abortion clinic case being heard, California Representative Jackie Speier made a startlingly stupid claim. She…

Media Has A New Twist On The Trump Russia Narrative

Media Has A New Twist On The Trump Russia Narrative

The media just cannot quit the Trump Russia narrative. Last evening the NY Times rolled out a story regarding Russia working to interfere in the 2020 election.

Retribution Tour: The Latest Media Hysteria

Retribution Tour: The Latest Media Hysteria

President Trump has been acquitted for eight days now and Democrats and the media are far from happy. “Look out”, they say. Here comes the Trump Retribution…

Trump’s Victory Lap Through Hell

Trump’s Victory Lap Through Hell

President Trump’s White House speech was a victory lap through hell. The tone was celebratory, and “shout-outs” contrasted against  “call-outs” dominated the hour. Three things are clear:…

House Impeachment Managers Fail At The Close

House Impeachment Managers Fail At The Close

It’s not like everything was going swimmingly for the House impeachment managers up to this point, but the close of the question and answer portion of the…

Elizabeth Warren Questions Legitimacy Of Supreme Court

Elizabeth Warren Questions Legitimacy Of Supreme Court

Elizabeth Warren decided that questioning the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, our Constitution, and Chief Justice Roberts was THE WAY TO GO during Thursday afternooon’s impeachment circus.

Patrick Philbin, Hero Of The Impeachment Trial

Patrick Philbin, Hero Of The Impeachment Trial

The question and answer phase of the Impeachment Trial of President Donald J. Trump started on Wednesday, January 29, 2020. The questions and answers have been predictably…

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Ava Gardner