The Five Biggest Losers Of The Mueller Report

The Five Biggest Losers Of The Mueller Report

It’s been just shy of two years since Robert Mueller was appointed special prosecutor, charged with digging up whether or not the Trump campaign colluded with Russia…

Dems Just Can’t Let Mueller Report Go

Dems Just Can’t Let Mueller Report Go

Finally, the long-awaited Mueller report came out on Friday, with special counsel Robert Mueller saying there would be no more indictments. And still the Dems just can’t…

Jussie Smollett And His Hate Crime Hoax: It’s Still Trump’s Fault

Jussie Smollett And His Hate Crime Hoax: It’s Still Trump’s Fault

Are you tired of Jussie Smollett? I am. I think we all are. Yet here I am writing another blog post about the whiner. Why? Because the…

But Russia! CNN Reports Don Jr.’s Mysterious Trump Tower Calls Weren’t To Or From Trump

But Russia! CNN Reports Don Jr.’s Mysterious Trump Tower Calls Weren’t To Or From Trump

It’s always interesting to watch a Democrat Media narrative fall apart at the seams. CNN’s 2019 started out badly and as of yesterday afternoon, it’s getting even…

Mueller Drop Kicks Buzzfeed Story Under The Bus

Mueller Drop Kicks Buzzfeed Story Under The Bus

This morning we told you about Buzzfeed’s big ole grand anonymously sourced TRUMP COHEN GOTCHA story. As noted then, the story had more holes than a sieve….

Michael Cohen To Testify Before House Panel, Whatever Will He Say?

Michael Cohen To Testify Before House Panel, Whatever Will He Say?

Amidst all the news regarding Trump’s visit to the border and Jim Acosta’s idiotic WHOPPER wall fail, the news broke that Michael Cohen will testify to the…

116th Congress Begins Today, Liberals Are Revolting

116th Congress Begins Today, Liberals Are Revolting

The 116th Congress will be gavelled in today. Democrats take control. Nancy Pelosi will be Speaker of the House again. Whole flocks of women will join the…

White House Blow Up – Must See TV

White House Blow Up – Must See TV

The “vulgarian” Trump invited House and Senate Minority Leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to the White House yesterday to discuss building the wall or border security…

Impeachment Conversation Overheard On Acela Train

Impeachment Conversation Overheard On Acela Train

The Democrats won’t be the House majority until January, 2019, but they are already rubbing their hands together and running their pie holes in anticipation. Anticipation is…

Guest Post: NYAH-Nyah NYAH-Nyah  NYAH NYAH

Guest Post: NYAH-Nyah NYAH-Nyah NYAH NYAH

The Rules Used to Be: Magnanimous in Victory, Gracious in Defeat, Gentlemanly Forbearance even in the face of rank calumny. The supine pose in measured discourse. The indulgent…

If You Give a Democrat a Chairmanship

If You Give a Democrat a Chairmanship

Remember the classic children’s book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie? In the story, a little boy gave a hungry mouse a cookie, the mouse demanded…

Democrats Do Not Want FISA Documents Made Public [VIDEO]

Democrats Do Not Want FISA Documents Made Public [VIDEO]

One story that is somewhat flying under the radar due to the Kavanaugh debacle is the Trump FISA declassification order. One would think that the Democrats would…

Reactions To The Trump Putin Washington DC Summit Show People Don’t History Well [VIDEO]

Reactions To The Trump Putin Washington DC Summit Show People Don’t History Well [VIDEO]

The reaction, face palms, and HAIR ON FIRE! craziness regarding the Trump Putin Helsinki summit has been something to behold. People thought it was bad enough when…

CIA Wrong on Russian Pro Trump Interference

CIA Wrong on Russian Pro Trump Interference

The Washington Times has reported that former CIA Director John Brennan’s conclusion that Russia interference was to ensure a Trump victory in the 2016 Election was flawed….

Diamond and Silk Versus Sheila Jackson Lee, Cue Head Smack

Diamond and Silk Versus Sheila Jackson Lee, Cue Head Smack

If the fate of the Nation lies with Congressional Hearings, we are bloody, freaking doomed. It was David versus Goliath. It was the Little Dipper versus the…

John Bolton Named National Security Advisor, The Pearl Clutching Reaction Is Epic [VIDEO]

John Bolton Named National Security Advisor, The Pearl Clutching Reaction Is Epic [VIDEO]

McMaster is out. John Bolton is in. That news hit the wires early last evening and boy howdy, did it put some knots in people’s shorts!

Hope Hicks Bolts White House And You Should Care

Hope Hicks Bolts White House And You Should Care

White House Communications Director Hope Hicks has resigned from the Trump Administration the day after she testified before the (cue threatening music) House Intelligence Committee. You know,…

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Ava Gardner