Noname Does Not Want To Perform For White Crowds

Noname Does Not Want To Perform For White Crowds

Hip Hop and Rap is everywhere in our culture. Now, there is one less female rapper taking a break from the game. Noname has made the announcement…

Kwong Out At Newsweek: Fake News Gonna Fake

Kwong Out At Newsweek: Fake News Gonna Fake

The Newsweek reporter who falsely reported on President Trump’s Thanksgiving Day activities has been given the boot. Jessica Kwong has been fired from the news outlet.

Woke But Asleep At The Wheel: Next Up, Party of Five

Woke But Asleep At The Wheel: Next Up, Party of Five

From Scrunchies we’d wish would fade to black to “mom jeans” that do not look good on anyone besides girls who have not yet given birth to…

Spartacus Booker Calls Himself Young, Dynamic

Spartacus Booker Calls Himself Young, Dynamic

Cory “Spartacus” Booker challenged Joe Biden this past weekend with a message: “early primary poll leads are for losers”.

West and Marcotte: Witches of The Great Toilet

West and Marcotte: Witches of The Great Toilet

Amanda Marcotte sat down with author, Lindy West, for yet another Salon man-hating session to talk about West’s new full-length book entitled, “The Witches Are Coming“. One…

Gender Studies In First Grade, Parents File Suit

Gender Studies In First Grade, Parents File Suit

A Canadian couple has filed suit against their local school board after learning of a gender studies classroom lesson. The couple is suing the school district for…

Egg On The Faces Of Liberals At LSU-Alabama Game

Egg On The Faces Of Liberals At LSU-Alabama Game

President Trump was greeted to a standing crowd and cheers at yesterday’s LSU-Alabama game. Local media outlets, CNN and MSNBC have egg on their faces.

Moratorium on Deportations? Elizabeth Warren Is Game.

Moratorium on Deportations? Elizabeth Warren Is Game.

Elizabeth Warren is not above pandering for votes in 2020. Not only is she pushing for “Medicare for All”, she is also considering a moratorium on deportations…

Clarkson and Legend Wreck A Holiday Classic

Clarkson and Legend Wreck A Holiday Classic

The latest grinches who stole Christmas? Look no further than Kelly Clarkson and John Legend. “Baby It’s Cold Outside” is back…but not how you may think.

Baker Flips, Pass The Stoli and Popcorn

Baker Flips, Pass The Stoli and Popcorn

Pass the Stoli and the Popcorn…Former FBI counsel, James Baker, has flipped and will now be helping AG Barr in his investigation into the Obama Deep State….

GQ Lectures Their Target Demo On “New Masculinity”

GQ Lectures Their Target Demo On “New Masculinity”

Straight off the presses comes more tripe from Conde Nast and GQ. In the latest November issue, GQ has unveiled their “voices of new masculinity”.

Canada’s Election Results Brings More Justin Trudeau

Canada’s Election Results Brings More Justin Trudeau

The polls have shown a close race for weeks now.

Teens Sound Off On Political Affiliations in Teen Vogue

Teens Sound Off On Political Affiliations in Teen Vogue

Teen Vogue strikes again with more gold, ladies and gentlemen, from the teens of our time. This time, the online magazine penned an article on the political…

Gabbard Throat-Punch: Hail Hillary, Personification of The Rot!

Gabbard Throat-Punch: Hail Hillary, Personification of The Rot!

What does Hillary Clinton get when alluding to a fellow female Democrat being a favorite amongst the Russians? A good old Twitter throat-punch from Tulsi Gabbard!

DeBlasio and Palminteri Differ On Who Built NYC

DeBlasio and Palminteri Differ On Who Built NYC

New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio faced off with “A Bronx Tale” actor, Chazz Palminteri in a heated radio dispute this past week on WABC’s “The…

Predators Are Hillary Clinton’s Friends

Predators Are Hillary Clinton’s Friends

Hillary Clinton may be appearing on national television with her daughter Chelsea to promote books on “gutsy women” but actress Rose McGowan has another story. Predators are…

Beyoncé Says Her Daughter Is A “Cultural Icon”

Beyoncé Says Her Daughter Is A “Cultural Icon”

Beyoncé and Jay-Z, as we know, have very inflated opinions of themselves. Of course, they would. They were regulars at Barack and Michelle’s parties.

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Ava Gardner