Nancy Pelosi Disses Courageous Iranian Protestors

Nancy Pelosi Disses Courageous Iranian Protestors

Nancy Pelosi had her own “some people did something” moment yesterday. She made it clear that she could care less about the Iranian protestors while talking with…

China Watch: Violence at HK New Years Protests Is a Warning

China Watch: Violence at HK New Years Protests Is a Warning

While we were preparing for our New Years celebrations, protestors filled the streets of Hong Kong for a New Year’s Day demonstration. Surprisingly, Hong Kong police did…

VA AG Herring: They’re Not Really Going to Defy Us

VA AG Herring: They’re Not Really Going to Defy Us

Virginia Attorney General Mark “Blackface” Herring has recently poo-pooed the resolutions passed by more than 40 Virginia counties and cities declaring themselves “Second Amendment Sanctuaries.” They don’t…

Hong Kong Protestors Hold Thanksgiving Rallies In Gratitude For Trump And American Support

Hong Kong Protestors Hold Thanksgiving Rallies In Gratitude For Trump And American Support

Hong Kong protestors are holding “Thanksgiving” rallies across the country today. They are thrilled and grateful that President Trump signed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy…

The Berlin Wall Thirty Years Later, Lessons Learned?

The Berlin Wall Thirty Years Later, Lessons Learned?

Thirty years ago the Berlin Wall came down. It’s collapse, a very welcome one, served as a glaring spotlight on the failures of Communism. Have we learned…

South Park Trolls The NBA And China Over Censorship

South Park Trolls The NBA And China Over Censorship

Would you like to know how respond to government censorship? South Park is here to show you the way.

China Watch: Hong Kongers Bravely Defy Face Mask Ban

China Watch: Hong Kongers Bravely Defy Face Mask Ban

What was Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s pro-Beijing chief executive, thinking when she issued a face mask ban? Did she think that it would quell the anger of…

Antifa: Don’t Blame Us For Bullying An Elderly Woman And Calling Her A Nazi!

Antifa: Don’t Blame Us For Bullying An Elderly Woman And Calling Her A Nazi!

According to the Antifa protestors at the Mohawk College free speech event, if the event had been canceled, the elderly woman with the walker wouldn’t have been…

Trump UN Speech: “The Future Belongs To Patriots”

Trump UN Speech: “The Future Belongs To Patriots”

In his speech to the United Nations, Trump bluntly stated that “The future does not belong to the globalists. The future belongs to patriots.” It was a…

China Stays Silent While Hong Kong Protests Continue

China Stays Silent While Hong Kong Protests Continue

China’s silence while Hong Kong citizens took the streets this weekend advocating for freedom, human rights, and the ability to remain “one country, two systems” per the…

Hong Kong Protests, Why They Matter

Hong Kong Protests, Why They Matter

For the last ten weeks, Hong Kong has seen hundreds of thousands protesting the current government and China. This last weekend, the protests turned violent and Hong…

S.E. Cupp Sneers At Trump’s Patriotism

S.E. Cupp Sneers At Trump’s Patriotism

S.E. Cupp sneers at everything Trump these days. Last night she informed us that Trump has hijacked Patriotism. Once upon a time, S.E. used to be a…

New Zealand’s Gun Ban Has Me Giving Thanks For Our Constitution

New Zealand’s Gun Ban Has Me Giving Thanks For Our Constitution

New Zealand is taking drastic measures to prevent another Christchurch attack from happening again. Unfortunately those measures, including a massive gun ban, involve curtailing everyone’s freedom. Is…

Chelsea Manning – Still Delusional After All These Years

Chelsea Manning – Still Delusional After All These Years

After Canada and Australia barred convicted spy Chelsea Manning from entry, the UK decided to not just allow that pernicious dickcheese to enter the country, but also…

The War Against InfoWars and Free Speech

The War Against InfoWars and Free Speech

I never in my life thought I would be writing a post defending Alex Jones and InfoWars (no, I’m not linking to that vat of conspiritard slime…

From the VG Bookshelf: Bret Baier’s Book “Three Days In Moscow” Is A Must Read

From the VG Bookshelf: Bret Baier’s Book “Three Days In Moscow” Is A Must Read

In a bit of serendipity, I started reading Bret Baier’s newest book just prior to The Trump/Putin Helsinki Summit. This book, “Three Days In Moscow,” is timely…

Trump Unleashes All Caps Tweet In Response To Iran Threat [VIDEO]

Trump Unleashes All Caps Tweet In Response To Iran Threat [VIDEO]

Twitter and social media clutched their pearls and scrambled for their fainting couches last night after President Trump posted an ALL CAPS tweet about Iran.

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Ava Gardner