The “Hillary” Hulu documentary debuted at Sundance this weekend. The newest tidbit from this gushing doc is that Obama called President Trump a fascist.
Yes, you read that correctly. In an interview with Hollywood Reporter, Mean Girl Hillary Clinton dissed Bernie Sanders by claiming that “nobody likes Bernie.” Boy howdy, talk…
A paper that’s been around as long as the New York Times should know how endorsements work. The editorial board is supposed to choose the candidate that…
As the 2020 election season begins gearing up, a political battle is being waged for the future of this country. It’s a multi-tiered battle, one where a…
Better than Bravo Reality TV, the fighting between Grammy Liz and Poppa Bernie has their snowflakes children progressive supporters in fit of breakup fallout fear. Before CNN dubbed the…
Elizabeth Warren just got a solid assist from the CNN/Des Moines Register moderators during the debate, and was allowed to leave the question of “who lied?” open…
Bernie Sanders has dressed himself up as a “independent” and “democratic socialist” in order to gloss over what he really is: an old fart of a communist…
A new year, another Dullsville Democratic debate. Only this one will be far less crowded than its predecessors. Exited Stage Left are the All You Need is…
The Bernie Sanders campaign looked at the calendar and realized that Tuesday’s debate is the last time they will face off before the Iowa caucus. So the…
Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, two of the 789 2020 Democrat Presidential Candidates, are scheduled to host a teleconference with a pro-Tehran group, the National Iranian…
Joe Biden’s baggage makes him an unsuitable candidate for President says Bernie Sanders. Evidently, since the Bern has raked in a lot of cash this last quarter,…
Bernie Sanders already had one major go-round in the Democrat primaries in the 2016 campaign, so he should know what works and what doesn’t, right? Well, no.
Senator Bernie Sanders held a huge campaign rally at Venice Beach, California. In addition to Harvard Divinity Professor Cornel West, one of the speakers was freshman Congresswoman…
A New York judge ruled Tuesday that the Attorney General had completely failed to show proof that Exxon Mobil hid facts about climate change from their investors.
The last thing Major League and Minor League Baseball need right now is Bernie Sanders trying to butt his way into the conversation over the potential cutting…
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has decided to throw his hat into the 2020 ring. Evidently the rest of the Democrats running aren’t good enough to…
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