Benjamin Netanyahu May Block Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar

Benjamin Netanyahu May Block Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to decide today whether to allow Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar from visiting Israel on Friday. The congresswomen hope…

Cowardice: New York Times Permanently Dumps Political Cartoons

Cowardice: New York Times Permanently Dumps Political Cartoons

The New York Times cowardice is on full display today. The publication has decided that its motto, “All the news that’s fit to print,” no longer applies…

Trump Supports Golan Heights While Democrat Candidates Diss AIPAC

Trump Supports Golan Heights While Democrat Candidates Diss AIPAC

The Democrat party has been anti-Israel. However, for many years they did a good job of keeping that information stuffed under the rug. But with the trifecta…

US Embassy Opens In Jerusalem [VIDEO]

US Embassy Opens In Jerusalem [VIDEO]

Today is the 70th anniversary of the state of Israel in its modern form, and today, the United States has formally moved its embassy from Tel Aviv…

Five Tweets That Did Not Age Well In 2017

Five Tweets That Did Not Age Well In 2017

Ah, Twitter. What would we do without knowing the instant and unfiltered reaction of every single person with itchy fingers and wi-fi at the ready?

Israel And U.S. Finalize Plan To Roadblock Iran In The Middle East [VIDEO]

Israel And U.S. Finalize Plan To Roadblock Iran In The Middle East [VIDEO]

While the media is obsessed with President Trump’s climate change tweet and a white van is inconveniently parked in front of CNN’s view of his golf game,…

Israel will ignore the UN Security Council Resolution 2334, but the rest of the world won’t.

Israel will ignore the UN Security Council Resolution 2334, but the rest of the world won’t.

Last week, two days before the uncommon event of Christmas and Hanukkah falling on the same day, President Obama gave one of his last Up Yours to…

PBS’S Gwen Ifill Slammed For Anti-Netanyahu Tweet

PBS’S Gwen Ifill Slammed For Anti-Netanyahu Tweet

A member of the MSM media has really stepped up her cheerleading game for the Obama Administration. PBS journalist, and I use the term journalist VERY loosely,…

#IranDeal: White House Offers Israel Increased Military Aid in Wake of Agreement

#IranDeal: White House Offers Israel Increased Military Aid in Wake of Agreement

President Obama has offered to increase U.S. military aid to Israel in the wake of the monumentally horrific nuclear deal made with Iran. According to the New…

Iranian Nuclear Energy Deal: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Iranian Nuclear Energy Deal: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

For better or for worse, the United States and Iran are on the brink of coming to a deal on nuclear energy with an announcement possibly coming…

“OneVoice” Nonprofit Forms New Entity After Congress Says It Violated Law

Well, now that the Israeli election seems to be over, Congress can add this to the never dwindling pile of criminal malfeasance that needs addressed from the…

Israel Election Night Coverage

We here at Victory Girls are keeping a close eye on the exit polls in Israel this evening. Now that the polls have officially closed, the initial…

Senate Panel: Did Obama Administration Fund Anti-Netanyahu Campaign?

While President Obama excused himself from meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this month on the high-minded grounds that “. . . our general policy is,…

Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses Congress: Video, Transcript

Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses Congress: Video, Transcript

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress today in the most important speech of his life, giving that body an impassioned warning that an upcoming nuclear weapons…

Benjamin Netanyahu to Arrive in the US Today; Obama Administration Will Not See Him

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to arrive in Washington, DC, on Sunday afternoon in preparation for the speech of his lifetime before Congress on Tuesday…

#AntiSemitism Rising? Targeting of Jews in Europe, Swastikas in United States

#AntiSemitism Rising? Targeting of Jews in Europe, Swastikas in United States

There’s a famous quote that goes something like this: “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” Unfortunately, it’s looking more and more like we’ve…

Election Influence: Obama Campaign’s Field Director Reportedly in Israel to Help Unseat Netanyahu

Election Influence: Obama Campaign’s Field Director Reportedly in Israel to Help Unseat Netanyahu

I’m betting Barack Obama, the guy who claims he doesn’t want to influence Israel’s upcoming election by meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu during his scheduled address to Congress…

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Ava Gardner