UN Ambassador: White Supremacy Written Into Our Constitution

UN Ambassador: White Supremacy Written Into Our Constitution

UN Ambassador: White Supremacy Written Into Our Constitution

White supremacy is part and parcel of our founding and is written into our Constitution. So sayeth the Biden Administration’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

Who is the National Action Network? Why that’s the “news” organization run by Al Sharpton himself. A guy who has a horrible track record as a race-baiter and grifter. 

Her entire diatribe is jaw-dropping. But specifically, when talking about rejoining the UN Human Rights Council, she throws America under the bus. 

“Of course, when we raise issues of equity and justice at the global scale, we have to approach them with humility. We have to acknowledge that we are an imperfect union and have been since the beginning. And every day we strive to make ourselves more perfect and more just. In a diverse country like ours, that means committing to do the work. It means learning and understanding more about each other. It means engaging trailblazing groups like yours to teach, to grow, to include, to improve. It means not forgetting our past or ignoring our present, but keeping both firmly in mind as we push for a better future.


I tried to do this recently in the UN General Assembly when I spoke on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. That day and commemoration was personal for me. So I told the UN some personal stories. I told them how my great-grandmother, Mary Thomas, born in 1865, was the child of a slave, just three generations back from me. I grew up in the segregated South; I was bused to a segregated school. On weekends, the Klan burned crosses on lawns in our neighborhood. I shared these stories and others to acknowledge, on the international stage, that I have personally experienced one of America’s greatest imperfections. I’ve seen for myself how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles.” [Emphasis added]

Here’s that speech. 

Just a couple of months ago, she was singing a very different tune! 

“At her confirmation hearing last month, she told senators that she wants to help restore America’s reputation as a defender of democracy and human rights.”

Keep in mind, a lot of moderate Republicans voted for her confirmation even as she tap danced around the questions regarding her speaking engagement at Savannah State University that was paid for by the Chinese-run Confucious Institute. Senator Ted Cruz rightly slammed her for her very poor track record on holding China’s feet to the fire. 

Yesterday’s diatribe plays right into BLM, Antifa, and China’s hands. First, she speaks glowingly of how wonderful it is that BLM’s “mostly peaceful” protests riots and looting spread across the United States and have gone around the globe. She willfully and deliberately ignores all the previous and current destruction that is happening in our cities and specifically in the Minneapolis area right now. She literally poured more gasoline onto the fire in her own country. 

Secondly, her diatribe about America’s white supremacy problem helps China. Why? Because she specifically points out that America has a human rights and white supremacy issue, and that other countries are just as racist. Oh sure, she mentions China and its horrific track record on genocide against the Uyghurs, but her focus is mainly on accusing her own country of racism and white supremacy. Which China loves, because it is the exact type of propaganda they peddle to their own citizens. In fact, every country that has an atrocious human rights track record is applauding this move. That includes countries such as Cuba, Russia, Libya, Venezuela, and others who are members of the UN Human Rights Council. 

The United States does NOT have a white supremacy problem. Period full stop. Our grand Republic has helped within this country and around the world to bring more people to freedom and prosperity than any other country in the world. Furthermore, our Founders knew this country would not get off the ground if they addressed the issue of slavery at the beginning. Instead they put the mechanisms in place, our Constitution. Yes, that mechanism did lead to the tragedies of the Civil War, but it ALSO led to Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and to the work of Frederick Douglas and eventually to what Martin Luther King and others (NOT Al Sharpton) were able to accomplish. 

But you see, this Biden Administration, from the CDC Director to Pete Buttigieg and now the US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, are declaring that everything about this country is racist and white supremacy is polluting this country. 

The world is laughing at the United States right now. 

Linda Thomas-Greenfield was the wrong choice for the UN. She will not be a strong defender of our Republic and our values as Condoleeza Rice was nor as Nikki Haley was. Instead, she’s on an apology tour over imaginary wrongs. 

What she SHOULD’VE said is what Daniel Patrick Moynihan said. 

“Am I embarrassed to speak for a less than perfect democracy? Not one bit. Find me its equal. Do I suppose there are societies which are free of sin? No, I don’t. Do I think ours is, on balance, incomparably the most hopeful set of human relations the world has? Yes, I do. Have we done obscene things? Yes, we have. How did our people learn about them? They learned about them on television. In the newspapers.”

There is no equal in the world. America and Americans should NEVER EVER apologize for who we are, where we live, nor our history.

The Biden Administration is a clear and present danger to our Republic. Greenfield’s statements yesterday speaking AGAINST our Republic prove that. 

Feature Photo Credit: Official UN Photo via Wikimedia Commons, cropped and modified

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  • RANDY M POCHEL says:

    She and others that think this is terrible country PLEASE LEAVE!

  • John A Wilson says:

    How can such an unaware person justify her words and actions if she is to represent all of the US? I think it’s the racism of low expectations that led to such awful words from a person who really does need to be held accountable for such abominable words accusing me of racism without any proof whatsoever.

  • Cameron says:

    Has a cushy job but bitches about raysism. These people would normally be thought of as “adorable” but they have some power.

  • Alej says:

    Not “weaved,” Aunt Jemima. Det be ebonics. Try “woven.”

    White supremacy. How many Ethiopians have walked on the moon ? Which Chinaman developed powered airplane flight? Which Mexican developed the polio vaccine?

    Water is wet. Whites are supreme. Next question –

  • F.D.R. in Hell says:

    Here I thought James Brown had died in 2006.
    He’s transitioned quite well, however, except for some gray in her hair.

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