Tim Walz On China: Everyone Shares, It’s GREAT!

Tim Walz On China: Everyone Shares, It’s GREAT!

Tim Walz has an abiding love for China. Why else would he promote the idea that everyone shares and it’s totally great! This is a guy who is on record saying that we all need to be neighborly as long as you do what the government tells you. 

TikTok: Where The Uglies Come Out To Boast Their Privilege

TikTok: Where The Uglies Come Out To Boast Their Privilege

In the vast online wasteland of TikTok, lives a group of women who are starving for attention.

Biden Calls Ally Japan “Xenophobic” Along With China And Russia

Biden Calls Ally Japan “Xenophobic” Along With China And Russia

Another day ending in “y,” another Joe Biden gaffe.

TikTok Vote Has China Complaining And Strange Bedfellows

TikTok Vote Has China Complaining And Strange Bedfellows

The vote to force TikTok to be divested from Chinese ownership, or be banned in the United States, has passed in the House of Representatives, by a…

Taiwan Casts Its Lot with Freedom

Taiwan Casts Its Lot with Freedom

Taiwan just pushed back against bully China’s threats and elected a pro-Western, pro-sovereignty candidate to be president of the island nation.

Taiwan Will Vote On Saturday, And China Is Watching

Taiwan Will Vote On Saturday, And China Is Watching

This coming Saturday, Taiwan will be holding its presidential election. Everyone should be prepared for what China may do after the votes are counted.

China Sends Spy Balloons To Check Out Taiwan

China Sends Spy Balloons To Check Out Taiwan

Look up in the sky, over Taiwan! It’s not a bird, it’s not a plane, it’s China… sending their infamous spy balloons over to have a little…

Victory Girls Predictions For 2024: Political And Non-Political

Victory Girls Predictions For 2024: Political And Non-Political

Happy New Year, readers and friends! We made it through to the other side, but what awaits us in 2024?

Biden Got Played By Xi Jinping

Biden Got Played By Xi Jinping

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping ended their summit at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) conference in freshly-scrubbed San Francisco on Wednesday. Joe, being the leftist Democrat he…

Biden And Xi: What To Watch For

Biden And Xi: What To Watch For

San Francisco is busy transforming their trash-hole of a city ahead of the Asian-Pacific Economic Conference (APEC) and Joe Biden is scheduled to meet with Chinese leader…

Politico Reluctantly Admits Joe Probably Lied About Everything

Politico Reluctantly Admits Joe Probably Lied About Everything

Politico, in quite the delicate tap dance, reluctantly admits that Joe very likely lied about everything.

Gavin Newsom Cosplays President In China

Gavin Newsom Cosplays President In China

Do you remember the Summer of 2022 when Joe Biden left the White House unlocked while he was out and California Governor Gavin Newsom went in to…

Day of Rage Attacks: France, China, And Waiting

Day of Rage Attacks: France, China, And Waiting

Hamas leadership called for a “Day of Rage” today, as anyone with ears to hear was willing to hear.

Hunter Biden Wire Transfers Lead To The Big Guy’s Home

Hunter Biden Wire Transfers Lead To The Big Guy’s Home

So, Hunter? What, exactly, is ten percent of $250 thousand dollars? A whole lot of Jeni’s ice cream, I’d say.

Chinese Have Tried To Access Military Bases Over 100 Times

Chinese Have Tried To Access Military Bases Over 100 Times

It isn’t just Chinese balloons that are raising concerns of espionage, it is the so-called Chinese “tourists” who’ve managed to get onto military bases and other federal…

Biden Laments On Missing Out On Xi Time At G20 Summit

Biden Laments On Missing Out On Xi Time At G20 Summit

It’s become increasingly clear that the Biden administration desires nothing more than to suck up to China.

Vivek Ramaswamy Has Some ‘Splainin’ To Do

Vivek Ramaswamy Has Some ‘Splainin’ To Do

Vivek Ramaswamy wants you to think he’s the wünderkind of the Republican Party. He’s MAGA 2.0, a younger Donald Trump with a higher IQ (which, to be…

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Ava Gardner