Biden Admin Totally Unprepared For Afghanistan Evacuation

Biden Admin Totally Unprepared For Afghanistan Evacuation

Totally unprepared. Something we’ve all known, but now documents verify it. The Biden Administration had no idea what it was doing regarding Afghanistan. Axios broke the story.

The Russia Ukraine Issue Means Potential Invasion Or Government Overthrow

The Russia Ukraine Issue Means Potential Invasion Or Government Overthrow

The Russia Ukraine issue is getting more intense by the hour. Late yesterday afternoon British Intelligence let the world know that Russia is planning to install a…

China Openly Taunting Taiwan And US With Flybys

China Openly Taunting Taiwan And US With Flybys

This is why Joe Biden’s failures in Afghanistan matter so much.

White House: Please Ignore Biden’s Summer Of Failure

White House: Please Ignore Biden’s Summer Of Failure

The White House wants us to ignore Joe Biden’s summer of failure. They desperately want to pivot away from any discussions regarding Afghanistan, the 13 men and…

Vogue: Jill Biden Is The Best Mrs. Wilson!

Vogue: Jill Biden Is The Best Mrs. Wilson!

Vogue interviewed Jill Biden. And well, the conclusion is in. She is THE BEST Mrs. Wilson EVER!

Iran President Raisi Refuses To Meet With Biden

Iran President Raisi Refuses To Meet With Biden

Ebrahim Raisi, the newly minted President of Iran refuses to meet with Joe Biden. That was one of several jaw-dropping and troubling answers he gave during an…

Biden’s Tone Deaf Democracy Op-Ed

Biden’s Tone Deaf Democracy Op-Ed

Tone deaf. That’s the best description for the op-ed Joe Biden, or someone in his office, wrote for The Washington Post last night. This op-ed is all…

Biden Calls A Lid On Foreign Policy

Biden Calls A Lid On Foreign Policy

Let’s just call a lid on U.S. foreign policy shall we? After all, that’s what the Biden Administration is doing.

Unease In the Middle East With Arrests In Jordan

Unease In the Middle East With Arrests In Jordan

The Middle East is a bit uneasy right now. Jordanian royals along with nearly twenty others have been arrested or detained per the order of King Abdullah…

Media Firefighters Cover For Biden’s Triple Trip

Media Firefighters Cover For Biden’s Triple Trip

Biden did a triple trip up the stairs to Air Force One. It was painful and sad to watch.

Iran Achieves 20% Uranium Enrichment, NY Times Blames Trump

Iran Achieves 20% Uranium Enrichment, NY Times Blames Trump

Iran has achieved 20% uranium enrichment, and the New York Times has decided to blame President Trump once again.

Iran Is Vulnerable And Needs Savior Joe Biden

Iran Is Vulnerable And Needs Savior Joe Biden

Joe Biden will be Iran’s savior and they need his brand of diplomacy now more than ever. That is the conclusion from several “journalists” and policy wonks…

World Leaders Heart Biden And A Return To Status Quo

World Leaders Heart Biden And A Return To Status Quo

World leaders are thrilled that Joe Biden will probably be President. But is his brand of foreign policy what they really want? If it means rendering our…

US Sanctions Policy Under Fire

US Sanctions Policy Under Fire

I have to admit, I’ve never been a John Bolton fan, so when he reportedly wrote in his upcoming book that Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin was concerned…

Biden Tries To Rewrite His Foreign Policy History

Biden Tries To Rewrite His Foreign Policy History

While the left is still reeling from the fallout of Qasem Soleimani’s death (or, as the New Yorker put it, that “flamboyant” and “dapper” character), Joe Biden…

Rudy Giuliani Investigated For Lobbying And Campaign Finance Violations

Rudy Giuliani Investigated For Lobbying And Campaign Finance Violations

No sooner had his name been uttered during the impeachment hearings, when the news breaks that Rudy Giuliani is under investigation.

Turkey Ignores Trump’s “Unmatched Wisdom”

Turkey Ignores Trump’s “Unmatched Wisdom”

In news that surprises nobody but Trump, the primarily Kurdish SDF in northern Syria are being attacked by Turkey. If only Trump had advisors who could offer…

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Ava Gardner