Pivot! Fauci Says We Should Assess Our Own Risk

Pivot! Fauci Says We Should Assess Our Own Risk

Pivot! That’s what Fauci did this morning on ABC News. After two years of issuing dire warnings and mandating lockdowns, masks, testing, and vaccines forever, suddenly he’s…

Covid Theater: 2nd Booster Jabs in Time for Mid-Terms

Covid Theater: 2nd Booster Jabs in Time for Mid-Terms

Far be it from us to peddle conspiracy theories, but we sure are interested in the repeated pattern of new China virus variants showing up at just…

Unexpectedly The Pandemic Is Over

Unexpectedly The Pandemic Is Over

Pandemic? What pandemic? As we’ve watched over the last couple of weeks, the narrative has shifted, BIG TIME. Suddenly Democrats are lifting mandates, restrictions, and back pedaling…

Johns Hopkins Study: Lockdowns Are A Failure

Johns Hopkins Study: Lockdowns Are A Failure

Lockdowns are a failure. That’s the gist of a new in-depth study from Johns Hopkins. How much of a failure? Covid mortality rates were reduced by a…

Roundup Time: Latest Woke Left Tricks

Roundup Time: Latest Woke Left Tricks

There are times when the sane look upon the latest Leftwing shenanigans and wonder if the participants actually believe their performative exercises in anti-Western street theater.

Good To Be King: Fauci’s $350K Per Year Golden Parachute

Good To Be King: Fauci’s $350K Per Year Golden Parachute

Fauci’s golden parachute is one for the record books. As a government employee, Fauci has won the lottery. Upon his retirement, whenever that happens, he’ll rake in…

Air Travel Vaccine Mandate Possible Says Biden

Air Travel Vaccine Mandate Possible Says Biden

Air Travel vaccine mandates could happen. IF Biden’s medical advisors say it’s necessary. That was Joe Biden’s response while walking his dog on the beach last evening.

Senate Vote Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate For Private Companies

Senate Vote Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate For Private Companies

The Senate, with the assistance of two Democrat Senators, voted last night to block Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for private companies.

Jake Tapper Defends Fauci Over Lara Logan Remarks

Jake Tapper Defends Fauci Over Lara Logan Remarks

Jake Tapper heroically jumped into the fray last night. The little troll named Fauci needed defending and Jake was ON IT.

Fauci The Puppy Killer, Explain Yourself

Fauci The Puppy Killer, Explain Yourself

Puppy Killer. That is what Fauci’s organization has been thoroughly involved in. Multiple labs around the world conducted animal experiments, CRUEL animal experiments with Fauci’s direct knowledge.

Vaccine Mandate Draft: Written And Submitted

Vaccine Mandate Draft: Written And Submitted

The Federal vaccine mandate draft was (finally) written and submitted, according to a report last night. According to this, The U.S. Dept. of Labor reported the “initial…

Texas Hospitals Are Already Overloaded.  Gee, I Wonder Why?

Texas Hospitals Are Already Overloaded. Gee, I Wonder Why?

The Pravda is at it again, The New York Times has the the latest Corona panic-porn headline: Texas Hospitals Are Already Overloaded. Doctors Are ‘Frightened by What…

TikTok Cringe: Fauci And The Influencers

TikTok Cringe: Fauci And The Influencers

It’s bad enough some of our kids are on TikTok. For some of them, TikTok allows them their 15 minutes of celebrity. For others, TikTok is a…

D.C. Law: Vaccination Without Parental Consent

D.C. Law: Vaccination Without Parental Consent

Vaccination without parental consent is a D.C. law that was quietly put into effect last October. Now parents and other organizations are suing.

Biden: Police Text Messages Over Vaccine Info

Biden: Police Text Messages Over Vaccine Info

Cell carriers are being asked to police text messages for the Biden Administration. Why? Because irresponsible people, according to the Biden Administration, are using text messages and…

FLOTUS And Fauci, Angels Of Harlem

FLOTUS And Fauci, Angels Of Harlem

It’s not every day a COVID-19 vaccination site gets a visit from two doctors (cough), but this New York church, doubling as a vaccination site, was lucky…

Fauci, You’re F.I.R.E.D.

Fauci, You’re F.I.R.E.D.

All over the “news” right now are headlines that Republicans are calling for Dr. Fauci to be fired after his admission that the NIH earmarked tax-payer dollars…

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Ava Gardner