Democrats Worried They’re Stuck With Kamala

Democrats Worried They’re Stuck With Kamala

Democrats Worried They’re Stuck With Kamala

Kamala Harris was supposed to be Joe Biden’s heir apparent. She was the backup for the Democrats who actually did the math and knew that Joe was well past Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel’s cut off, and shouldn’t serve more than one term.

After initially billing himself as a “transitional candidate,” Joe Biden has retreated from that position, now fully intending to run for a second term. But it wasn’t supposed to be that way. Kamala Harris was deliberately picked because Joe vowed to make his vice president a “woman of color,” and Kamala Harris fit the bill after her disaster of a presidential campaign. She was supposed to prove how smart and competent she was, ready to take over in any situation, being groomed to someday occupy the Oval Office on her own.

Those dreams have gone up in smoke, and it’s been a long hard road to reality for Democrats. They have seen gaffe after gaffe, cackle after cackle, multiple reports about the chaos in her office because she is a bad boss who doesn’t put in the work herself, and have not seen any major successes for Harris that would allow them to rally around her. And yet, they can’t get rid of the cackle box they put in the Naval Observatory. Just listen to this sheer genius that is next in line for the presidency.

Does she think she is still talking to the child actors in her much-mocked space video? Yikes. The problem is that even though Harris sounds deeply condescending in these videos where she is explaining things in the most simplistic terms, people fail to realize that she isn’t doing that for THEM – she’s doing that for HERSELF. She’s doing this because she doesn’t actually read the notes that her staff gives her, or takes the time to learn about things ahead of giving speeches, and is then stuck explaining things in these Sesame Street terms because SHE DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING ELSE. Which is how we get whole segments about how much she loves Venn diagrams – probably because it’s the only way her staff can get her to pay attention.

Democrats, with the midterms not being nearly as catastrophic for them as they had anticipated, are willing to let Joe Biden (firmly under Jill’s control) to stay at the top of the ticket unless something obviously bad happens health-wise that can’t be ignored or covered up. But many are wondering if they HAVE to keep Kamala Harris as well.

Now, (Jacquelyn) Bettadapur is worried about the political prospects of the woman positioned to be President Biden’s heir — Vice President Harris.”

“People are poised to pounce on anything — any misstep, any gaffe, anything she says — and so she’s probably not getting the benefit of the doubt,” said Bettadapur, who recently stepped down as county party chair. Many Democrats, Bettadapur said, “don’t know enough about what she’s doing” — and, she added, “it doesn’t help that she’s not [that] adept as a communicator.”

Such concerns about Harris’s political strength were repeated often by more than a dozen Democratic leaders in key states interviewed for this story, some speaking on the condition of anonymity to convey candid thoughts. Harris’s tenure has been underwhelming, they said, marked by struggles as a communicator and at times near-invisibility, leaving many rank-and-file Democrats unpersuaded that she has the force, charisma and skill to mount a winning presidential campaign.”

As Biden passes the halfway point of his term, Harris faces a critical moment. If he seeks reelection as expected, she would be a central part of the campaign, making it a high-stakes dress rehearsal for her own potential bid in 2028. If Biden steps aside, she would instantly move to center stage as his potential successor, facing the heightened attacks and scrutiny that accompany such a role.”

This Washington Post article goes on to note that even Elizabeth Warren (who probably still dreams of herself as president) was less than enthusiastic about Kamala Harris remaining on the 2024 ticket – even though she backtracked her comments pretty quickly.

The Post article tries to split the proverbial hair over why Kamala Harris is having such a terrible time, by saying that it’s both a lack of skills and visibility on her part, but then also blaming those RAYCISS Americans and EVIL Republicans who would just never vote for her anyway.

Broader doubts about Harris, Democrats say, largely fall into two categories. Some party members fear that Americans are simply not willing to elect a woman of color as president, especially given the racism and sexism they see emerging in recent years. Others worry that Harris herself lacks the political skills to win a national race.”

And given the increasingly hard-edge tone of the Republican Party, they add, few Democrats are willing to roll the dice.”

This would be the same American public that voted for Barack Obama twice, but he also had personal charisma. Kamala Harris, who suffers from charisma deficit disorder, has compensated for her problems by living in deep royal blue California, where candidates are consistently trying to out-left and out-intersectionalize each other. On paper, Harris has good intersectional credentials, and that moved her up the Democrat chain in California, all the way to the United States Senate. But one she stepped into her own presidential campaign, it became obvious that she was in over her head and quit before the first primary votes were even cast. For all of that, Joe Biden rewarded her by killing her Senate career with the vice presidency, where her attacks on Biden during the campaign are the backbone of Jill Biden’s complaints against her.

The Democrats are now in a silent struggle session with themselves, and the stories are leaking out into the media, which means the silence is starting to get louder behind the scenes. They’re stuck with the old man and praying he doesn’t up and die on them. But do they have to keep the intersectional-yet-cringey one on the ticket? In the end, I predict that Jill Biden will insist that she goes, and we shall see who gets proposed as an alternative choice. Goodness knows the bench is thin and Jill can’t make Joe pick her as vice-president. I mean, she could, but that would kind of give the game away.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    Not sure if you’re wrong or right Deanna, but for the sake of argument, if you are correct, and they boot knee-pads to the curb, I predict that either booty-judge or Mooch gets the nod… They’re both completely incompetent, but check multiple boxes, which seems to be all the dems are about these days.

  • SciVo says:

    The Dems are trying to sell a poop sandwich. The condiments and packaging don’t matter. And since they’re unwilling to change their product, all they can really do is spin up the scaremonger and election fraud machines from 2020 and hope they work again.

  • Lloyd says:

    Cameron could be right: The Dems have another angry black woman ready to step in.

    • GWB says:

      Oh criminy.
      Will it be “Tank” or Whoopi?

      (Tank has the edge, having already played President of United Earth.)

  • GWB says:

    she’s not [that] adept as a communicator
    That could be in the dictionary next to the word “understatement”. The only possible Dem even worse at communication would be Lurch II Fetterman. He, at least, has a medical excuse.

  • GWB says:

    in over her head

  • BLSinSC says:

    The DEMOcrats have now realized they may have gone a “tad” too far but it’s no turning back now!! Sure, The Kamala was a “sucksess” in California, but you can’t “willie brown” the entire Nation! Even diehard DEMOcrats would begin to question ELECTION FRAUD should she be the candidate and win!

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