Mike Rowe And Mixed Messages Regarding Vaccines

Mike Rowe And Mixed Messages Regarding Vaccines

Mike Rowe offered up his take on vaccines and the politics surrounding the virus in a thoughtful Facebook post two days ago.

Lloyd Austin: Covid Vaccine Mandatory for Military

Lloyd Austin: Covid Vaccine Mandatory for Military

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will be making the Covid vaccine mandatory for active duty military, according to reports. That means that he will be asking President Biden…

Kristi Noem Stumbles On Employer Vaccine Mandates

Kristi Noem Stumbles On Employer Vaccine Mandates

Kristi Noem hit the skids regarding employer vaccine mandates. Well, not literally, but she did stumble with this tweet.

Mask Guidance Based On Misleading Data

Mask Guidance Based On Misleading Data

The mask guidance that was issued by the CDC yesterday is based upon little to no data. Yes, you read that correctly. As states, the federal government,…

Town Hall Showed a Bumbling and Bizarre Biden

Town Hall Showed a Bumbling and Bizarre Biden

Joe Biden held his second town hall in Cincinnati, OH, on Wednesday night. CNN sponsored the event, and Don Lemon hosted it, but despite these advantages, Biden…

D.C. Law: Vaccination Without Parental Consent

D.C. Law: Vaccination Without Parental Consent

Vaccination without parental consent is a D.C. law that was quietly put into effect last October. Now parents and other organizations are suing.

Texas Democrats Are Washington DC Superspreaders

Texas Democrats Are Washington DC Superspreaders

This was supposed to be a fun political stunt for Texas Democrats. After all, they brought a case of Miller Lite on the plane, right?

Facebook Slams Biden’s “Killing People” Comment

Facebook Slams Biden’s “Killing People” Comment

Facebook took issue with Joe Biden yesterday evening. The social media organization isn’t happy with his “killing people” comment.

China Wants A Nobel Prize For Wuhan Lab, Hint Hint

China Wants A Nobel Prize For Wuhan Lab, Hint Hint

This story required a double-take at the headline, and then a “wow” at the sheer balls it took for China to say something this insane out loud.

Lori Lightfoot: I Want Covid Money to Fight Racism

Lori Lightfoot: I Want Covid Money to Fight Racism

Earlier this week, the Chicago Health Department released a study which shows that black Chicagoans have an average life span of 9 years less than whites. That’s…

FLOTUS And Fauci, Angels Of Harlem

FLOTUS And Fauci, Angels Of Harlem

It’s not every day a COVID-19 vaccination site gets a visit from two doctors (cough), but this New York church, doubling as a vaccination site, was lucky…

Project Veritas Exposes Facebook’s Suppression Secrets

Project Veritas Exposes Facebook’s Suppression Secrets

Monday Project Veritas kicked Facebook’s suppression secrets wide open. Two employees revealed to Project Veritas Facebook’s own internal documents with algorithms and three-tiered system to censor anyone…

Fauci: Man of Virtue To Sheep, Ignoramus Every Day

Fauci: Man of Virtue To Sheep, Ignoramus Every Day

Doctor Anthony Fauci just loves being on TV spouting his latest health guidance. Many consider Fauci as the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite his conflicting advice…

Vaccine for teens! What could go wrong?

Vaccine for teens! What could go wrong?

On Monday, the FDA authorized an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer COVID vaccine to be administered to teens aged 12 to 15. Acting FDA Commissioner…

Vaccination Rates Are Dropping. Gee I Wonder Why

Vaccination Rates Are Dropping. Gee I Wonder Why

Covid vaccination rates are dropping across the United States, especially in some rural areas. Young adults are shunning the vaccine, too. According to the Centers for Disease…

CDC Tells Whitmer Lockdown Is Better Than Vaccines

CDC Tells Whitmer Lockdown Is Better Than Vaccines

The CDC told Gretchen Whitmer no when she requested a vaccine surge. Instead, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky says the state needs to go into another lockdown.

CDC Director Admits Vaccinated People Don’t Carry The Coronavirus

CDC Director Admits Vaccinated People Don’t Carry The Coronavirus

Listen to the science and data, they said. Mask up, stand six feet apart, they said. What does the CDC data report as of late? Thought you’d…

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Ava Gardner