Trump Assassination Attempt: Melania Speaks Out

Trump Assassination Attempt: Melania Speaks Out

The Democrats will say what they will about Melania Trump and, we will say this: Melania Trump has more class and style in her pinky finger than any of them can or will ever muster.

Melania Trump – It Is My Privilege To Share This Great Nation With You

Melania Trump – It Is My Privilege To Share This Great Nation With You

I don’t give a fat rat’s bald backside what you think of former President Donald Trump. The former First Lady, his wife, Melania Trump is a gracious…

FBI Trump/Mar-a-Lago Raid-More Disinformation

FBI Trump/Mar-a-Lago Raid-More Disinformation

Among the more ridiculous statements made by the grating Jessica Tarlov on The Five on August 18 was that no one would have known about the FBI…

Hunter Biden Really, Really Hates Stepmom Jill

Hunter Biden Really, Really Hates Stepmom Jill

There’s one thing, and one thing only, that Hunter Biden and I have in common: we both despise Jill Biden. But more about me later. Let’s start…

Jim Carrey Mocks Melania With More Bad Art

Jim Carrey Mocks Melania With More Bad Art

Jim Carrey is at it again with his very bad art. This time, bidding farewell to former first lady, Melania Trump.

Jill Biden Is Media’s New Fashion Queen

Jill Biden Is Media’s New Fashion Queen

No one is even trying to hide their biases anymore. On one hand, that’s a good thing, because it allows for more transparency in media.

Hateful Mob Torches Melania Trump Statement

Hateful Mob Torches Melania Trump Statement

On January 11, First Lady Melania Trump issued a statement through the White House titled “Our Path Forward”. Immediately, the hateful mob torched Mrs. Trump, mostly, for…

Christmas Photo Of Trumps Causes Controversy

Christmas Photo Of Trumps Causes Controversy

Late afternoon on December 18, Melania Trump released the Official 2020 White House Christmas photo. Naturally, the Twitterverse and Democrat Media Industrial Complex found the photo offensive….

Christmas Joy Is Not Something The Left Cares About

Christmas Joy Is Not Something The Left Cares About

It’s pretty comical when outlets like Salon pretend to care about Christmas, don’t you think? Especially when the piece is really not about Christmas but about trashing…

Melania Trump Speaks Out, Liberals Are At Their Worst

Melania Trump Speaks Out, Liberals Are At Their Worst

First lady Melania Trump posted her first message since Election Day on Friday, reflecting on Be Best, her youth initiative that addresses cyberbullying. So what did the…

Melania Tapes: Listen Up, She’s Relatable

Melania Tapes: Listen Up, She’s Relatable

First of all, my best wishes for a quick recovery to First Lady Melania Trump. Having lost a family friend to COVID early on, I fully understand…

Ghouls Cackle Over Trump Covid Diagnosis

Ghouls Cackle Over Trump Covid Diagnosis

The ghouls are getting an early jump on Halloween. Their gleeful cackling over President Trump and Melania’s covid diagnosis is gruesome…and not unexpected.

Michelle O and the Giant Chip on Her Shoulder

Michelle O and the Giant Chip on Her Shoulder

I swear, Michelle Obama looks for racism under every rock, in every nook and cranny of her everyday life. For example, on her Thursday podcast, Michelle O…

Rose Garden Gets Melania Makeover, Twitter Howls

Rose Garden Gets Melania Makeover, Twitter Howls

First Lady Melania Trump will be speaking at the GOP convention from the White House Rose Garden on Tuesday. The famous garden had been under renovation since…

Jill Biden Saves Joe From Lunging Vegans

Jill Biden Saves Joe From Lunging Vegans

I am not a fan of anyone with the last name Biden. I know the sad and tragic Biden story. Be that as it may, the whole…

SOTU Features Rush Limbaugh And The Sobsisters In White

SOTU Features Rush Limbaugh And The Sobsisters In White

President Donald Trump gave his third State of the Union Address. It was an historic moment. The first time an impeached President gave the SOTU on the…

Melania Trump Blasts Pamela Karlan For Using Barron To Smear Trump

Melania Trump Blasts Pamela Karlan For Using Barron To Smear Trump

Pamela Karlan decided to use Barron Trump as a prop during today’s impeachment hearing. Melania Trump was having none of it and blasted her on Twitter.

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Ava Gardner