Tucker, Twitter And Tinfoil Hats-Oh My!

Tucker, Twitter And Tinfoil Hats-Oh My!

The long-awaited appearance of Tucker Carlson on Twitter happened last night and the media is claiming he’s gone full tinfoil hat mode.

MSNBC: Tiffany Cross Says Republicans Are A Threat To Democracy

MSNBC: Tiffany Cross Says Republicans Are A Threat To Democracy

What if…what if, President Joe Biden and his Democrat tyrants came down on media personalities like Tiffany Cross on MSNBC for inciting divisive rhetoric?

White House Correspondents’ Dinner: Send In The Clowns

White House Correspondents’ Dinner: Send In The Clowns

It’s been likened to school starting after a long summer’s break. After two years, The White House Correspondents’ Dinner (WHCD) has returned to D.C.

LibsofTikTok Fights Back After Taylor Lorenz Hit Piece

LibsofTikTok Fights Back After Taylor Lorenz Hit Piece

LibsofTikTok is fighting back after the Washington Post gleefully published Taylor Lorenz’s garbage hit piece this morning.

CNN Wants To Hire Team To Manage “Misinformation”

CNN Wants To Hire Team To Manage “Misinformation”

Aspiring political science and liberal arts college majors, CNN is looking for you! Apparently, the major media outlet got a little jealous of Mark Zuckerberg’s mouth-breathing Facebook…

Brian Williams To Leave NBC/MSNBC

Brian Williams To Leave NBC/MSNBC

Looks as if NBC News and MSBC will be down one more biased “journalist” next month as longtime anchor, Brian Williams steps aside. Williams mentioned late yesterday…

Tiffany Cross Disconnection: The Megyn Kelly Edition

Tiffany Cross Disconnection: The Megyn Kelly Edition

Look no further than MSNBC to spew racial hate, division and female cattiness in general. Enter Tiffany Cross, host of “The Cross Connection” on the (cough) news…

Guest Opinion: Three dot Journalism …wear your mask or you ain’t black!

Guest Opinion: Three dot Journalism …wear your mask or you ain’t black!

It has been said the three dots technique is used to separate the end of one thought before starting another thought. With all that is going on…

Nikole Hannah-Jones Snubs UNC Tenure Offer

Nikole Hannah-Jones Snubs UNC Tenure Offer

When UNC trustees caved the other week and granted Nikole Hannah-Jones unearned tenure, everyone thought that would be the last of the controversy. Until this morning.

AP Snags Pulitzers For Politicized Pandemic And Riots

AP Snags Pulitzers For Politicized Pandemic And Riots

Associated Press (AP) photographers were awarded the coveted Pulitizer Prize yesterday for photos which captured pain in a the COVID-19 pandemic and, as AP likes to word…

Biden Threatens To Run Over The Sycophants

Biden Threatens To Run Over The Sycophants

While The Squad stumps for Hamas and tries to talk some sense into Old Man Biden (who hasn’t the foggiest notion of what is going on), Crazy…

Protestors Targeted As “Victims”, According To Media

Protestors Targeted As “Victims”, According To Media

Protestors are the new victims in the latest narrative USA Today and our mainstream news outfits are churning out. Their justification for the argument goes something like…

Media Promises Kinder, Gentler Coverage Of Biden

Media Promises Kinder, Gentler Coverage Of Biden

Kinder, gentler coverage of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is on the horizon says the media. The headline to this Atlantic piece is a major self-awareness FAIL.

Fact Checker Unmasked: Hillary Clinton Activist

Fact Checker Unmasked: Hillary Clinton Activist

Have you ever posted something conservative at Facebook, only to have some nameless “fact checker” delete it? Who then shake their self-righteous finger at you, accusing you…

Reagan, Unlike Trump, Didn’t Downplay Assassins, Says Los Angeles Times

Reagan, Unlike Trump, Didn’t Downplay Assassins, Says Los Angeles Times

The L.A. Times takes the cake for last night’s narrative, and harkens back to a comparison of the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan.

MSNBC Producer Quits, Writes Media Obituary

MSNBC Producer Quits, Writes Media Obituary

Ariana Pekary used to be a producer at MSNBC. You don’t know her name, but after today, you should. Pekary just quit her job at MSNBC, and…

Censorship China Style Is Great Idea Says The Atlantic

Censorship China Style Is Great Idea Says The Atlantic

Censorship China style is a fabulous idea! That’s the entire gist of this awful article in The Atlantic. 

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Ava Gardner