Actress Alyssa Milano isn’t exactly the brightest crayon in the Crayola box. Nor is she the sharpest tool in the shed. Nor is she (fill in your…
I think we can say with relative certainty that our Congress Critters/Cretins wouldn’t even be discussing funding border security barriers, let alone negotiating legislation, if Donald Trump…
In the midst of the understandable backlash regarding the abortion bills put forth in New York and Virginia, along with Wreck-It Ralph’s KKK/Blackface debacle, the White House…
Their date is back on. And this time the State of the Union Address is set for February 5th, at her our House, with Petty Pelosi stationed…
The House and Senate Democrats do not care that the government is shut down. Nor do they care about the 800,000 federal employees who have been without…
How does a woman signal that she is not listening to you and totally disrespects you as a human being? She files her nails. And, then to…
As the government shutdown continues over the border wall funding stalemate, President Trump decided to do what he does best – speak directly to the American public…
California Governor Gavin Newsome is picking up right where Jerry Brown left off. Driving California off the cliff. In his inaugural address yesterday, he announced that California…
Have you ever read anything so ridiculous you stopped and asked yourself What did I just read? You might react that way if you read Buzzfeed’s commentary on…
In the midst of the drama over the government shutdown, California’s Stanislaus County Sheriff department along with multiple other agencies were engaged in a major manhunt for…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can’t stop digging. In her efforts to make the Trump Administration look bad, she ends up looking the fool. In this case, her Christmas tweet…
The list is long. The country is divided. And we’re bickering with one another over trivial things. But there are important items crucial to the health of…
The reboot of Murphy Brown is all about politics on multiple levels. Last night’s episode was a definite slam against the current immigration policies and ICE. It…
Initial take on the Schlub Class Photo of 2018 claimed it was some kind of American Beerhall Putsch at Baraboo. First thing Lads: lay off the Cheetos…
Senator Kamala Harris really really REALLY wants to be President. So much so that she smugly decided her line of questioning to Ronald Vitiello, President Trump’s nominee…
As we’ve discussed multiple;e times, there are numerous illegal immigrant caravans marching north. As of yesterday, another new one has left El Salvador for the U.S. Well,…
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