Just because we all knew the Democrats planned on sticking together, doesn’t make this horrific omnibus of taxes and spending, lamely titled the “Inflation Reduction Act,” any…
The woke scolds seem to be all over Americans who claim the current trend in transgenderism amongst our youth is killing them.
It seems the Senate Dems are SO DESPERATE to get all 50 votes for the Inflation Reduction Act that Schumer decided virus testing for Covid isn’t necessary.
Remember how bigoted Democrats thought Trump was after he uttered the phrase, “We will build a wall?” I mean, Ms. MoveOn.org herself, White House Press Secretary Karine…
Justice Samuel Alito gave a rousing speech on religious liberty last week in Rome, Italy. Of course, what many picked up on is his gentle mockery of…
Ever since the days of FDR (when over the course of his presidential terms, he appointed EIGHT justices), the Supreme Court has run to the left.
Seems the biggest mouths of midday television on The View have struck yet again. This time, the likes of Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg managed to get…
Cashless bail. That’s the very soft on crime stance in New York that ensured Lee Zeldin’s attacker is free to roam without restrictions of any kind.
Because SCOTUS and the Republicans are quick to take away rights to free, on-demand abortion at any time, the House voted for a bill yesterday to protect…
It’s all games. Or, as another put it, donkey theatre. Today, a bunch of virtue signaling Democrats decided to join an abortion protest in Washington D.C.
Believing a red wave election will do anything to correct the disastrous course our government has charted, is whistling past the graveyard.
Being a congresswoman is tough, says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). I mean, it’s downright costly to the point of insanity.
We all know it’s now cool amongst kids in elementary school to universities to want to have a sex change. Now it seems, the University of California,…
Joe Manchin is done with letting Democrats burn money. Schumer’s spending bill just got spiked by Joe Manchin, once again dealing a major blow to Democrats hoping…
The inflation numbers came out this morning, and Joe Biden is once again a record-setting president!
Prior to the internet, tabloids stacked in the grocery store were the source of all manner of lurid and fanciful stories. Mermen, flying saucers and even children…
In between the windows of woke propaganda spewed out to our young, impressionable minds in Teen Vogue, comes this little nugget from “news and politics” author, young…
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