Please, Let’s Not Name Anything Else After John McCain [video]

Please, Let’s Not Name Anything Else After John McCain [video]

There are some movements afoot to name and rename things after the recently passed Arizona Senator John McCain.

Democrats Are Back In Love With Executive Orders [VIDEO]

Democrats Are Back In Love With Executive Orders [VIDEO]

Remember the hue and cry on the left when President Trump issued an executive order to rescind President Obama’s executive order on DACA? Or when Trump issued…

#SOTU: President Trump Proudly Stands For Our National Anthem, Democrats Pout [VIDEO]

#SOTU: President Trump Proudly Stands For Our National Anthem, Democrats Pout [VIDEO]

Tonight the theme of the State of the Union address is ‘A Safe, Strong, and Proud America.’ Tonight, President Trump recognized some of America’s bravest and finest….

DACA, Dreamers and Little Chuckie Schumer

DACA, Dreamers and Little Chuckie Schumer

Fresh off the heels of the compromise that reopened our government for three weeks, Senator Chuck Schumer (D) is doing his best Dickie Durbin impression. Unfortunately for…

Democrats Cave: 10 Telling Tweets on the Foolish #SchumerShutdown

Democrats Cave: 10 Telling Tweets on the Foolish #SchumerShutdown

The Senate Democrats believed American voters were behind them. And in their delusion, they chose to block a government funding bill last week, putting “Dreamers” ahead of,…

Democrats Blink First, Vote To End Shutdown [VIDEO]

Democrats Blink First, Vote To End Shutdown [VIDEO]

The Democrats were quite honestly stunned that their attempt to hang the shutdown on the Republicans was failing. Even the media failed them. And they found themselves…

The Democrat Shutdown

The Democrat Shutdown

As I was driving to work yesterday morning, one of the local morning shows was interviewing a Democrat Congressman about what – at the time – was…

Opportunistic Leeches Introduce Legislation to Relieve You of Your Rights

Opportunistic Leeches Introduce Legislation to Relieve You of Your Rights

You knew it had to happen. After #LasVegas and Sutherland Springs, the usual suspects have introduced legislation to ban what they pant-shittingly (yes, I just made that…

SHAME! Democrats Go Into Hiding After Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Revelations [VIDEO]

SHAME! Democrats Go Into Hiding After Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Revelations [VIDEO]

Shakespeare In Love. Sex, Lies, and Videotape. Good Will Hunting. Kiss The Girls. Finding Neverland. Those are just a few of the movies spearheaded by Harvey Weinstein….

Healthcare Crisis: Hundreds in Virginia Wait Overnight for Free Clinic at Area Fairground [PHOTOS]

Healthcare Crisis: Hundreds in Virginia Wait Overnight for Free Clinic at Area Fairground [PHOTOS]

As anyone paying attention for the past seven years knows, Republicans have promised time and again that If We Just™ hand them the House, the Senate, the…

Democrats Try New Slogan And Blaming Hillary [VIDEO]

Democrats Try New Slogan And Blaming Hillary [VIDEO]

The Democrats are trying. They are really, really trying. The problem is, when you go for a makeover, you maybe shouldn’t stick with the same stylist. So,…

Greatest Hits: Liberal Reactions To Senate GOP Healthcare Bill [VIDEO]

Greatest Hits: Liberal Reactions To Senate GOP Healthcare Bill [VIDEO]

The Senate unveiled their Healthcare bill yesterday, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act. The reactions were something to behold. One would think the sky had fallen, the…

McAuliffe Math: When The Narrative Gets Inflated [VIDEO]

McAuliffe Math: When The Narrative Gets Inflated [VIDEO]

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-Clinton) lost no time before releasing an official statement and running for the cameras after the shooting of Congressional Republicans at their softball…

#Gorsuch: Cloture Has Failed, Nuking Imminent [VIDEO]

#Gorsuch: Cloture Has Failed, Nuking Imminent [VIDEO]

The Democrats have cast 41 votes to avoid cloture, and the Senate is about to go nuclear. Again. Outcome of the initial cloture vote was 55-45; 4…

#Gorsuch Vote This Week, Will GOP Go Nuclear? [VIDEO]

#Gorsuch Vote This Week, Will GOP Go Nuclear? [VIDEO]

It is a foregone conclusion that Neil Gorsuch will be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice this coming week. What isn’t a foregone conclusion is how much…

Democrats Deep In Politicking On #Gorsuch Nomination [VIDEO]

Democrats Deep In Politicking On #Gorsuch Nomination [VIDEO]

The confirmation hearings of Neil Gorsuch have taught us two things. First, Gorsuch is an impressive judge and an upright man who has showed amazing grace under…

What To Expect During The Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing [LIVE FEED HERE]

What To Expect During The Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing [LIVE FEED HERE]

Massive amounts of Senatorial hot air for starters. Seriously, that’s what these confirmation hearings have evolved into in the last 20 years or so. On Monday March…

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Ava Gardner