Anti-Catholic Bigots In The U.S. Senate

Anti-Catholic Bigots In The U.S. Senate

President Donald Trump is poised to nominate a judge to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court of the United States. This is…

Romney Will Vote On SCOTUS, Resistance Cries

Romney Will Vote On SCOTUS, Resistance Cries

Mitt Romney has made his decision, and things just got a lot easier for Mitch McConnell.

SCOTUS Justice Watch: The Two Main Issues That Have Leftists Verklempt

SCOTUS Justice Watch: The Two Main Issues That Have Leftists Verklempt

President Trump is promising the nomination of a SCOTUS justice candidate this week to fill the seat left vacant following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg last…

Impeachment 2.0 Is One Arrow In Dem Quiver

Impeachment 2.0 Is One Arrow In Dem Quiver

In an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi didn’t rule out Impeachment 2.0 of President Donald Trump in an attempt to stop…

Tammy Bruce Filets Richard Blumenthal On Twitter, Delicious

Tammy Bruce Filets Richard Blumenthal On Twitter, Delicious

Senator Richard Blumenthal (DaNang, CT) issued a threat to the Republicans on Twitter,regarding the next SCOTUS pick after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. DaNang Dick Blumenthal…

SCOTUS Seat Empty – Who Will Fill It?

SCOTUS Seat Empty – Who Will Fill It?

The stakes for the 2020 election – if they weren’t high enough already – were just exponentially raised with the death of Justice Ginsburg.

Roberts Blows Ruling On Church Capacity

Roberts Blows Ruling On Church Capacity

With rulings like these from Chief Justice John Roberts, one has to wonder exactly what a Justice Harriet Miers would have been like.

Religious Freedom Wins Twofer from Supreme Court

Religious Freedom Wins Twofer from Supreme Court

On Wednesday, religious freedom took not just one, but two, wins via Supreme Court rulings. Surprisingly, the votes weren’t even close; both were 7-2 decisions.

SCOTUS: Trump Admin Wins Deportation Case

SCOTUS: Trump Admin Wins Deportation Case

In a 7-2 decision (Dept. of Homeland Security v. Thuraissigiam) the Supreme Court of the United States found for the Trump administration. SCOTUS upheld the constitutionality of…

SCOTUS Blurs Separation of Powers in LGBT Decision

SCOTUS Blurs Separation of Powers in LGBT Decision

SCOTUS, in a 6-3 decision, has reached back in history to 1964 and decided to rewrite the plain language of “sex” to include sexual orientation and gender-identity…

SCOTUS Denies Injunction Against CA Lockdown

SCOTUS Denies Injunction Against CA Lockdown

SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts has taken the role formerly held by former Justice Anthony Kennedy — finding a way to “nuance” his support for the port side…

TX Abortionists Want SCOTUS to Bring Back Abortion

TX Abortionists Want SCOTUS to Bring Back Abortion

The average person would probably agree that abortion is an elective procedure. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott thinks so too, and has restricted abortions in his state during…

Abortion Is Not Safer Than Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Abortion Is Not Safer Than Wisdom Tooth Extraction

On Wednesday, while walking to the Supreme Court to protest the Louisiana abortion clinic case being heard, California Representative Jackie Speier made a startlingly stupid claim. She…

McConnell: Chuck Schumer’s SCOTUS Threats Dangerous And “Shameful”

McConnell: Chuck Schumer’s SCOTUS Threats Dangerous And “Shameful”

Senator Mitch McConnell called Chuck Schumer’s threats towards Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh “unhinged and shameful.” Yet people on the left AND the right are attempting to…

SCOTUS Backs Trump Ruling on Immigration

SCOTUS Backs Trump Ruling on Immigration

The Supreme Court went to bat for the Trump administration on Monday. In a 5-4 ruling, SCOTUS ruled that Trump et. al. could enforce the Immigration and…

Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor Dissent On Trump Immigration

Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor Dissent On Trump Immigration

Once again, our Southern border and the problems of mass immigration are in the news. A Supreme Court ruling Wednesday evening allows new Trump Administration directives to…

Justice Gorsuch Talks About Constitution And Court

Justice Gorsuch Talks About Constitution And Court

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch is doing the media rounds to promote his new book, “A Republic, If You Can Keep It,” which will be released tomorrow.

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Ava Gardner