Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant Attacked By Russian Troops

Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant Attacked By Russian Troops

Last night, the Russian Army attacked the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Southern Ukraine. The fight was ongoing as of this writing. The Green New Deal War…

Biden SOTU: Rewriting History Over Ukraine

Biden SOTU: Rewriting History Over Ukraine

Joe Biden stayed up late tonight and gave up his nightly viewing of “Matlock” in order to deliver his first “official” State of the Union address tonight.

Putin Just Threw Down the Nuclear Card. Why?

Putin Just Threw Down the Nuclear Card. Why?

As if things couldn’t get more tense in the Ukrainian-Russian standoff, Vladimir Putin just threw down the nuclear card.

Psaki: Sun And Wind Will Rescue U.S. From Russian Oil

Psaki: Sun And Wind Will Rescue U.S. From Russian Oil

Sun and wind. That’s the perfect ticket to rescue the U.S. from that icky Russian oil dependence. So sayeth Green New Deal guru Jen Psaki this morning.

SWIFT Is Yanked While Ukraine Stands Tall And Putin Rages

SWIFT Is Yanked While Ukraine Stands Tall And Putin Rages

It seems that Ukraine standing tall has shamed world leaders. FINALLY, yesterday afternoon, they decided to yank  SWIFT banking from Russia.

Dear Celebs: Ukraine Is Not About You

Dear Celebs: Ukraine Is Not About You

It does not take long for our dear, narcissistic celebs to take any situation and mold it for shameless self-promotion. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a perfect…

Biden’s Useless Toothless Sanctions

Biden’s Useless Toothless Sanctions

The sanctions are useless. Why? The Iran Deal. Specifically, Russia is still involved in the negotiations! 

Ukraine Soldiers Tell Russian Warship To Go “Eff” Yourself

Ukraine Soldiers Tell Russian Warship To Go “Eff” Yourself

It feels surreal being at CPAC 2022 listening to Conservative speakers talk about problems and solutions in the United States while the world is being reordered. Vladimir…

Biden Harris: A Foreign Policy Embarrassment

Biden Harris: A Foreign Policy Embarrassment

A foreign policy embarrassment. That is the epitome of the Biden Harris Administration. Never has it been so apparent as it is right now over the Russia…

Macron Brokers Conditional U.S. Russia Summit Over Ukraine

Macron Brokers Conditional U.S. Russia Summit Over Ukraine

French President Macron has been busy. It seems his discussions with Putin and Biden have paid off, mostly. He was able to broker a conditional summit between…

Zelensky To West: Are You Helping Ukraine Or Not?

Zelensky To West: Are You Helping Ukraine Or Not?

Volodymyr Zelensky is probably in the worst of all worlds right now.

False Flag Operation In Russia/Ukraine

False Flag Operation In Russia/Ukraine

False Flag Operation: 1. an attack or other hostile action that obscures the identity of the participants carrying out the action while implicating another group or nation…

Biden: Let’s Wag The Dog Over Russia Ukraine Conflict

Biden: Let’s Wag The Dog Over Russia Ukraine Conflict

Biden wags the dog over the Russia Ukraine conflict. Last evening we find out the situation, according to all the experts is more dire than we thought….

Biden Admin Totally Unprepared For Afghanistan Evacuation

Biden Admin Totally Unprepared For Afghanistan Evacuation

Totally unprepared. Something we’ve all known, but now documents verify it. The Biden Administration had no idea what it was doing regarding Afghanistan. Axios broke the story.

NYT: GOP Infighting to Blame for Russia/Ukraine Response Confusion

NYT: GOP Infighting to Blame for Russia/Ukraine Response Confusion

It never fails to amaze me.  Our Pravda press will always find a way to cover Biden’s bottom and point their finger at the GOP.  The New…

State Department To American Civilians: Leave Ukraine

State Department To American Civilians: Leave Ukraine

The tension in Ukraine just got ratcheted up to Afghanistan levels.

The Russia Ukraine Issue Means Potential Invasion Or Government Overthrow

The Russia Ukraine Issue Means Potential Invasion Or Government Overthrow

The Russia Ukraine issue is getting more intense by the hour. Late yesterday afternoon British Intelligence let the world know that Russia is planning to install a…

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Ava Gardner