Oh, the Irony! Hogg Beclowned Himself With His Publix Stunt. [VIDEO]

Oh, the Irony! Hogg Beclowned Himself With His Publix Stunt. [VIDEO]

So Publix folded like a cheap suit. It seems that David Hogg and his Band of Brats intimidated the grocery chain with threats of a “die-in” at…

Peaceful Palestinians Deploy Molotov Kites At Gaza Strip, IDF Responds [VIDEO]

Peaceful Palestinians Deploy Molotov Kites At Gaza Strip, IDF Responds [VIDEO]

History Made. Today, the U.S. Embassy was officially moved to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. As Deanna wrote here, President Trump pledged during his campaign to make this…

#SuperBowl: Hoping To Regain Ratings The NFL Plays At Patriotism Using Medal OF Honor Recipients [VIDEO]

#SuperBowl: Hoping To Regain Ratings The NFL Plays At Patriotism Using Medal OF Honor Recipients [VIDEO]

The NFL just can’t help themselves. They’ll use anything and everyone to shore up their tanking ratings. During tonight’s Super Bowl, they once again took a stab…

On Day 6 of the #IranProtests Major “Women’s Rights” Organizations Remain Silent

On Day 6 of the #IranProtests Major “Women’s Rights” Organizations Remain Silent

By now you may have seen photos and videos like these leaking out of Iran:

#IranProtests2017: Regime Cracks Down, Media Yawns, Hillary Says Something Stupid [VIDEO]

#IranProtests2017: Regime Cracks Down, Media Yawns, Hillary Says Something Stupid [VIDEO]

The Iranian revolt against a tyrannical terrorist regime has moved into its fourth day. The government vowed to crack down on the protestors and began doing so…

Iranian Protestors Rally for Regime Change And Freedom, Trump Calls For Support [VIDEO]

Iranian Protestors Rally for Regime Change And Freedom, Trump Calls For Support [VIDEO]

Iran will be ringing in the New Year soon, but it won’t be a party with fireworks and confetti. Instead many will be on the streets protesting…

#TakeAKnee: Cowardly Roger Goodell Won’t Require Players to Stand for National Anthem

#TakeAKnee: Cowardly Roger Goodell Won’t Require Players to Stand for National Anthem

Victory Girl Jenny wrote a terrific post on the player kneeling issue and its detrimental affects on our nation here. If you haven’t yet read it, please…

Green Beret who told Kaepernick to kneel, wants America to heal

Green Beret who told Kaepernick to kneel, wants America to heal

Don’t we all? Some people thought that when we found out that it was a Green Beret who convinced Colin Kaepernick not to sit, but to kneel,…

On Players’ Free Speech, #NFL Commish Roger Goodell Is a Star-Spangled Hypocrite

On Players’ Free Speech, #NFL Commish Roger Goodell Is a Star-Spangled Hypocrite

While people are literally clinging to life in Puerto Rico and other areas hit hard by natural disasters, last night, the only team owner who had the…

#StockleyVerdict: ACLU Sues, St. Louis Aldermen Support A Criminal, Protests Continue [VIDEO]

#StockleyVerdict: ACLU Sues, St. Louis Aldermen Support A Criminal, Protests Continue [VIDEO]

St. Louis, Missouri. A city rich in history. The Gateway to the West. Now, the protest capital of the United States. First there was Ferguson and the…

#StockleyProtest: Peaceful STL Protestors Burn Flag, Destroy Property, Throw Bricks [Video]

#StockleyProtest: Peaceful STL Protestors Burn Flag, Destroy Property, Throw Bricks [Video]

When the news broke that former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley was found ‘Not Guilty’ of murdering a suspect, law-abiding folks in that city braced themselves…

Well, NFL, What Will You Do?

Well, NFL, What Will You Do?

Until about 10 years ago, I was a massive football fan. Football was something my friends and I revered growing up. As a student journalist for my…

If AntiFa is a “Gift” to the Alt-Right, Who Brings “Gifts” to AntiFa?

If AntiFa is a “Gift” to the Alt-Right, Who Brings “Gifts” to AntiFa?

Self-proclaimed “fellow traveler” to the anarchist tradition and critic of U.S. foreign policy, Noam Chomsky has come to my alma mater and my “intellectual” friends in the…

Missouri Senator Who Hopes For Trump’s Assassination Refuses To Resign [Video]

Missouri Senator Who Hopes For Trump’s Assassination Refuses To Resign [Video]

Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal is, rightfully so, taking heat from all sides of the political spectrum for her Facebook post yesterday. Why? This is why: “I…

#Charlottesville Fallout: Protests Spread To Other Cities [VIDEO]

#Charlottesville Fallout: Protests Spread To Other Cities [VIDEO]

The chaos that began over the weekend in Charlottesville is already spreading across the United States to other cities. In Seattle, a planned pro-Trump rally (put on…

Spike Lee Promotes Rally For Colin Kaepernick: “United We Stand”

Spike Lee Promotes Rally For Colin Kaepernick: “United We Stand”

…Even though he chose to kneel. Colin Kaepernick is a sad soul. It seems as if the quarterback is down on his luck these days in obtaining…

Chaos In Venezuela Leading Up To Symbolic Vote [VIDEO]

Chaos In Venezuela Leading Up To Symbolic Vote [VIDEO]

Venezuela, the socialist paradise, is an absolute wreck. Years of control by dictators like Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro have turned the country into a slow-motion starving…

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Ava Gardner