Bros In Bars Want To “Guillotine The Rich” for Bernie

Bros In Bars Want To “Guillotine The Rich” for Bernie

Just days after a video of Bernie Sanders’ campaign organizer Kyle Jurek promoting gulags sufaces, comes another round of audio from one of the Bernie Bros in…

Meatballs: Cloudy With No Chance of Bloomberg

Meatballs: Cloudy With No Chance of Bloomberg

While Bernie and Liz were attempting to be “good friends” and Biden was dropping Obama’s name again, Mike Bloomberg/s campaign was busy lighting up Twitter last night…

Paltrow’s Marketing Ploy: Smell My Vagoop

Paltrow’s Marketing Ploy: Smell My Vagoop

Hollywood is keeping it classy once again. This from the files of Gwyneth Paltrow’s ridiculously over-priced lifestyle site, Goop. Wait for it, folks…it’s a candle. The scent?…

Flash Mobs For American Feminism, The Pink Hat of 2020

Flash Mobs For American Feminism, The Pink Hat of 2020

Forget the pink pussy hats-those were so 2017. The new trend amongst feminists? Flash mobs, like this one outside of the courthouse where Harvey Weinstein’s trial began…

Ukrainian 737: “Unintentionally” Shot Down In Iraq

Ukrainian 737: “Unintentionally” Shot Down In Iraq

This may or may not be a newsflash to some. I mean, we know Iran shot down a Ukrainian 737 on Wednesday. We just did not know…

Liberals’ Trump Nightmare Spinning Out Of Control

Liberals’ Trump Nightmare Spinning Out Of Control

American Liberals have been having very bad dreams for three years. With the killing of murderer Qasem Soleimani, the nightmare that is President Donald Trump has spun…

Michelle Williams: Vapid Hollywood At Its Finest

Michelle Williams: Vapid Hollywood At Its Finest

Just when we thought the Golden Globes were actually going to be entertaining with the commentary of Ricky Gervais, enter the virtue-signaling. In our hearts, we knew…

Selective Service Website Crashes As Young America Fears Draft

Selective Service Website Crashes As Young America Fears Draft

The hysteria amongst the 18-25 crowd has begun. After news of the death of Qasem Soleimani, media outlets and public figures were quick to report that the…

Amanda Marcotte Takes Aim at Christians and Christmas Again…And Again

Amanda Marcotte Takes Aim at Christians and Christmas Again…And Again

Amanda Marcotte of Salon‘s holiday ramblings have been extremely angry as of late. From Marcotte’s November column, basically calling Trump the Grinch who stole Christmas, to one…

Elizabeth Warren Is Only 1/1024th Wine Snob

Elizabeth Warren Is Only 1/1024th Wine Snob

Elizabeth Warren’s nose is growing once again. Two days after Warren calls out Pete Buttigieg for having a bougie fundraiser event at a wine cellar comes the…

Impeachmas Weekend: The Left Is Quick to Celebrate

Impeachmas Weekend: The Left Is Quick to Celebrate

So it has begun. Journalists are gloating and taking back their tweets so as not to appear biased (even though we know they are), Members of the…

Wolf: Abortion Gave Her A God Complex

Wolf: Abortion Gave Her A God Complex

From the bowels of Netflix comes more crass crotch-humor from comedian Michelle Wolf. You may remember her as the comedian who attacked Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ looks at…

Woke America Needs New Heroes In The New Year

Woke America Needs New Heroes In The New Year

The faces of woke America in 2020 grace check-out lanes in stores everywhere. Besides Oprah, who humbly places herself on every single one of her magazine covers…

Joy Behar Says Joe Biden Should Go Out And Shame People

Joy Behar Says Joe Biden Should Go Out And Shame People

We take a break from the the impeachment circus to bring you more from other clowns in another ring. Seems Donald Trump Jr. is not the only…

Truancy And Temper Tantrums Will Get You Awards

Truancy And Temper Tantrums Will Get You Awards

Time magazine has announced their 2019 Person of The Year. And, drum roll, please…the award goes to none other than Swedish queen of truancy and tantrums, climate…

Mandatory Rest Spaces For Tents Considered On The Streets Of Portland

Mandatory Rest Spaces For Tents Considered On The Streets Of Portland

From the Liberal La-La Land of Portland, comes the latest. The Planning and Sustainability Commission in Portland is working on so that all new structures (including private…

Pink Planned Parenthood Scarves for Warren on Inauguration Day

Pink Planned Parenthood Scarves for Warren on Inauguration Day

She panders, she drinks beer, and now Elizabeth Warren is planning to don her pink Planned Parenthood scarf should she be the 2020 nominee. Take a look:

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Ava Gardner