As Obama And Kerry Blow Up US/Israel Relations Southern Border Experiences Surge Of Illegal Crossings [VIDEO]

As Obama And Kerry Blow Up US/Israel Relations Southern Border Experiences Surge Of Illegal Crossings [VIDEO]

This week as the U.S. and the world were aghast over the Obama Administration’s abject betrayal of Israel in the UN and Kerry’s horrifically anti-Israel speech following…

#ElectionDay: Why This “College Educated White Woman” Is Voting For Trump and Pence

#ElectionDay: Why This “College Educated White Woman” Is Voting For Trump and Pence

Yes, I know, I know. Our choices are less than ideal. And while I advocated against Donald Trump in the primaries, I’m resigned to looking at my…

#RNCinCLE: Trump’s Big Night

#RNCinCLE: Trump’s Big Night

Tonight, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination of the Republican party, and gave the keynote speech of the night – and really, as the nominee, this is…

Former Mexico President Vincente Fox’s Epic Twitter Rant Against Donald Trump

Former Mexico President Vincente Fox’s Epic Twitter Rant Against Donald Trump

From the start of Donald Trump’s campaign we’ve heard nothing but “Build A Wall!” between the U.S. and Mexico. That was his YUUUGE idea and the only…

Quote of the Day: Ivana Trump Wonders How Anything Will Ever Get Clean Without Immigrants

Quote of the Day: Ivana Trump Wonders How Anything Will Ever Get Clean Without Immigrants

Donald Trump’s platform has practically revolved around ending illegal immigration. He knows that Americans are angry about the seemingly unending flood of illegal immigrants, and so he…

#BrusselsAttacks: Five Lies Liberals Honestly Believe

#BrusselsAttacks: Five Lies Liberals Honestly Believe

As we watched the news unfold in Brussels yesterday, we waited for our President’s reaction to the events and were met with all of 51 seconds of…

Quote of the Day: Trump University’s Lessons for Illegal Immigrants

Donald Trump sure likes to talk a big game when it comes to illegal immigration… now, anyway. He boasts about building a ten foot wall across the…

5 Reasons Donald Trump May Want to Skip Thursday’s FOX Debate [VIDEOS]

5 Reasons Donald Trump May Want to Skip Thursday’s FOX Debate [VIDEOS]

Donald Trump reportedly announced yesterday that he’ll hold a press conference from Florida following this evening’s Super Tuesday returns. No doubt words like “loser,” “leightweight (sic),” and…

#GOPDebate: Donald Trump Blasts Frmr Mexico President Over Border Wall Remarks

#GOPDebate: Donald Trump Blasts Frmr Mexico President Over Border Wall Remarks

The GOP Debate last night was chock full of twists, turns, insults, and multiple moments of “Did he really just say that?!” In fact, as far as…

Charlie Daniels Pens A Letter To Our Enemies: You Don’t Know America

Charlie Daniels Pens A Letter To Our Enemies: You Don’t Know America

Country singer, Charlie Daniels so eloquently posted an open letter to the enemies of our country on CNS news yesterday that was spot-on. In the beginning, he…

Donald Trump the Candidate: Fact-Checking Supporter and Media Misinformation [VIDEOS]

Donald Trump the Candidate: Fact-Checking Supporter and Media Misinformation [VIDEOS]

Let me make my position on Donald Trump perfectly clear (now stick with me, Trump supporters, because you may appreciate at least two of the bullet points!):…

HuffPo Gets Huffy About Trump’s New Hampshire Win

HuffPo Gets Huffy About Trump’s New Hampshire Win

In an announcement last month, The Huffington Post stated that it will include a strongly worded editor’s note in all future stories about Republican presidential candidate Donald…

Chelsea Clinton Sounds Off: “Republican Hate Speech is Far More Troubling Than Attacks On My Parents”

Chelsea Clinton Sounds Off: “Republican Hate Speech is Far More Troubling Than Attacks On My Parents”

Cosmopolitan Magazine. In the clutter of articles about the hottest trick in bed to “leave him wanting more”, how the “ditzy ponytail” is THEEE new hairstyle of…

Think Trump is Conservative? Check this List.

Think Trump is Conservative? Check this List.

Donald Trump is no conservative. His supporters who think The Donald has made a conversion from being a New York liberal are deluding themselves. A video was…

Surprise! November Border Surge Overwhelms Immigration Officials, Triggering “Emergency Measures”

Surprise! November Border Surge Overwhelms Immigration Officials, Triggering “Emergency Measures”

During last week’s POTUS Preach from the Oval Office, Barack Obama made no mention of the fact that our southern border remains a noodle strainer, and offered…

Spike Lee’s Latest Rant: Compares Trump to Hitler

Spike Lee’s Latest Rant: Compares Trump to Hitler

What else can we expect from Hollywood? More shameless promotion laden with more hypocrisy. This time from Spike Lee. His latest “joint”, Chi-Raq, appropriately set in the…

More Syrians Attempting To Enter US From Mexico

Last week, it was reported and confirmed by Homeland Security that 8 Syrians had been stopped trying to cross the U.S./Mexican border at Laredo. (It should also…

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Ava Gardner