BLM Chooses Cuba Regime Over Cuban Protestors

BLM Chooses Cuba Regime Over Cuban Protestors

BLM is showing its true colors once again. This time they’ve issued statement praising the communist Cuban government instead of standing up for the Cuban protestors.

Cuban Protestors VS Social Media And Gov’t Censorship

Cuban Protestors VS Social Media And Gov’t Censorship

Cuban protestors have taken to the streets. They’ve had enough and want to let the world know. Which would be great if the Cuban government and social…

The Stars and Stripes Act Of 2021

The Stars and Stripes Act Of 2021

What is the Stars and Stripes Act of 2021? It is legislation introduced in the House that “directs the Secretary of State to restrict the display of…

TinHorn Flats Fights Back Against Asinine Covid Restrictions

TinHorn Flats Fights Back Against Asinine Covid Restrictions

TinHorn Flats Saloon & Grill is every restaurant around the country that is fed up with the asinine Covid restrictions. TinHorn Flats is currently in the midst…

Our American Story Is FREEDOM

Our American Story Is FREEDOM

Our American story is that of Freedom. 

Censorship: Parler Axed From Apple

Censorship: Parler Axed From Apple

Parler got the axe from Apple yesterday. An arbitrary move from a company that has declared it is the sole decider of what is “good” or “bad”…

COVID Red Flag Laws Coming To A State Near You

COVID Red Flag Laws Coming To A State Near You

Covid Red Flag laws are visibly on the horizon in the United States. Specifically, New York has AB A416 sitting in committee right now. It’s a piece…

Capitalism Is Not Slavery, Socialism Is

Capitalism Is Not Slavery, Socialism Is

Capitalism is slavery. That was the proclamation made by newly elected Congressman Jamaal Bowman during an interview earlier this week.

Support Trump? You’ll Go On The List

Support Trump? You’ll Go On The List

A list is being compiled by Democrats. What kind of list? A list of anyone and everyone who is or has supported President Donald J. Trump.

Democrats: Black People Are Not Allowed To Vote For Trump

Democrats: Black People Are Not Allowed To Vote For Trump

Black people are not allowed to vote for President Trump. That is according to Maxine Waters, Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), and Chelsea Handler.

Clarence Henderson, The Woolworth Lunch Counter And Freedom

Clarence Henderson, The Woolworth Lunch Counter And Freedom

In 1960 Clarence Henderson sat at the Woolworth lunch counter PEACEFULLY protesting in an effort to gain an additional measure of freedom.

We The People Are America’s Heroes

We The People Are America’s Heroes

Who are America’s heroes? WE THE PEOPLE.

Mobs And The First Amendment

Mobs And The First Amendment

The mobs we have been watching these last few days and months don’t care about our First Amendment. In fact, they don’t care about our Constitution.

Governors and Coronavirus: Whitmer Versus Noem

Governors and Coronavirus: Whitmer Versus Noem

Americans are growing restless. We’ve done a decent job of doing what we can to help quell the coronavirus outbreak, but some of us are recognizing that…

Is the COVID “Curve” Worth Losing Our Rights?

Is the COVID “Curve” Worth Losing Our Rights?

Is it worth the loss of rights to slow the spread of COVID-19? America’s reactionary reflex is bearing bitter fruit. We can simultaneously hold concern for those…

Miami Plans Anti-Communism Concert Amidst Bernie’s Support Of Castro

Miami Plans Anti-Communism Concert Amidst Bernie’s Support Of Castro

The city of Miami is not a fan of Castro, Communism, Cuba, nor Bernie Sanders. Now they are making their disdain for all things Communist very clear…

Walt Whitman Warned Us About Liberty And The “Lice Of Politics”

Walt Whitman Warned Us About Liberty And The “Lice Of Politics”

In 1855 Walt Whitman penned a preface to his “Leaves Of Grass” that warned about the abhorrent lice of politics and losing our liberty.

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Ava Gardner