Warren Turns The Trans Pandering To Eleven

Warren Turns The Trans Pandering To Eleven

At this point, Elizabeth Warren has looked at the polls, looked at herself in the mirror, and said “Self, what more must I say to get Iowa…

Using a Dog to Boost Liz Warren

Using a Dog to Boost Liz Warren

Elizabeth Warren has been dropping in Iowa polls, while her fellow socialist Bernie Sanders is on the rise. So the New York Times, in an attempt to…

New York Times Wants Only Women For President

New York Times Wants Only Women For President

A paper that’s been around as long as the New York Times should know how endorsements work. The editorial board is supposed to choose the candidate that…

Moderators Give Warren A Pass In #DemDebate

Moderators Give Warren A Pass In #DemDebate

Elizabeth Warren just got a solid assist from the CNN/Des Moines Register moderators during the debate, and was allowed to leave the question of “who lied?” open…

Field of Dweebs: CNN Hosting Tuesday’s Democratic Debate

Field of Dweebs: CNN Hosting Tuesday’s Democratic Debate

A new year, another Dullsville Democratic debate. Only this one will be far less crowded than its predecessors. Exited Stage Left are the All You Need is…

Bernie Moves His Campaign To Offense

Bernie Moves His Campaign To Offense

The Bernie Sanders campaign looked at the calendar and realized that Tuesday’s debate is the last time they will face off before the Iowa caucus. So the…

Warren Tries Being An Advice Columnist

Warren Tries Being An Advice Columnist

Elizabeth Warren must be seeing her poll numbers slip into the abyss with no hope of recovery. The momentum she once had died when she revealed that…

Sanders And Warren Choose Tehran Over America

Sanders And Warren Choose Tehran Over America

Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, two of the 789 2020 Democrat Presidential Candidates, are scheduled to host a teleconference with a pro-Tehran group, the National Iranian…

Castro Endorses Warren, Makes Zero Impact

Castro Endorses Warren, Makes Zero Impact

Admit it, you were sitting around anxiously waiting to see who former HUD secretary and presidential primary dropout Julian Castro was going to endorse in the Democrat…

Warren: Soleimani is Impeachment Distraction

Warren: Soleimani is Impeachment Distraction

Of all the asinine liberal hot takes on the operation that finally sent IRGC-QF commander Soleimani to hell where he belongs – and there were plenty –…

The Top 5 Warren Campaign Fails

The Top 5 Warren Campaign Fails

Looking back on 2019, it’s impossible to quantify all the craziness that has come as a result of the Democrats jump-starting their primary season so early. So…

New York Attorney General Loses Climate Change Fraud Case Against Exxon Mobil

New York Attorney General Loses Climate Change Fraud Case Against Exxon Mobil

A New York judge ruled Tuesday that the Attorney General had completely failed to show proof that Exxon Mobil hid facts about climate change from their investors.

Warren Loved Some Corporate Money Once

Warren Loved Some Corporate Money Once

The Elizabeth Warren campaign has been trying to drag her poll numbers back up after a rather dramatic drop-off. Why the drop? Apparently Medicare For All isn’t…

In Praise Of The “Freeloading Billionaires” That Warren Condemns

In Praise Of The “Freeloading Billionaires” That Warren Condemns

Last night, MSNBC and the Washington Post sponsored another (the fifth) Democrat Debate with ten of the remaining Presidential candidates. Julian Castro and New Age author Marianne…

Warren Wants to Be Your Tough, Smart Woman

Warren Wants to Be Your Tough, Smart Woman

Poor Elizabeth Warren. No one gives her the respect she thinks she deserves. Last night, she was asked “how to get men to vote for a woman for…

Mark Cuban Shines Spotlight On Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Hypocrisy

Mark Cuban Shines Spotlight On Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Hypocrisy

Mark Cuban decimated Elizabeth Warren’s hypocrisy and billionaire envy. In just a few tweets on Saturday he turned a very bright spotlight onto her desperate deflection from…

Bloomberg To Enter 2020 Race Because No One Else Is Good Enough

Bloomberg To Enter 2020 Race Because No One Else Is Good Enough

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has decided to throw his hat into the 2020 ring. Evidently the rest of the Democrats running aren’t good enough to…

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Ava Gardner