The Obamas are now in Cuba, and ESPN SportsCenter probably thought they would get into the swing of all that kumbaya swirling around the first couple’s visit…
Blogger Warner Todd Hudson, writing at Western Journalism, made this very interesting observation about last night’s Iowa caucus victory for Ted Cruz. He wrote: Ted Cruz’s caucus…
For an professor and supposedly intelligent man, Marc Lamont Hill sure didn’t do his homework. Or this was a horrible, terrible, gross trolling moment. You make the…
1961 was the last time the American Flag flew over the U.S. Embassy in Cuba. Today, during quite a splashy ceremony, it was raised once again. The U.S….
This flag just went down. On Monday, this one will go up. After more than five decades, the United States has reestablished diplomatic relations with the communist…
For the last few days, the U.S. media has been all twitter-pated about the new candidates for President. Most especially Hillary and her Scooby Van Iowa tour,…
The Old Gray (Communist) Lady never fails to disappoint does she? “As Cuba opens the door wider to private enterprise, the gap between the haves and have-nots,…
President Obama wants to turn the page. He wants to turn America’s page away from the realities that we face, and his opening remarks of his address to our…
Yesterday, President Obama visited with our military while on vacation in Hawaii. Josh Lederman of ABC News elaborates: President Barack Obama marked the end of more than…
There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that where there are enemies of the United States, there Obama will be to prop them up. Earlier this month we…
The Sochi Olympics have barely ended, and Russian president Vladimir Putin has already dropped his nice-guy mask. Before the Olympics, he tried to put on a good…
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