Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “In Front of Your Nose” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “In Front of Your Nose” Edition

Orwell famously remarked, “. . . the avoidance of reality is much the same everywhere and has much the same consequences. (sic) To see what is in…

Town Hall Showed a Bumbling and Bizarre Biden

Town Hall Showed a Bumbling and Bizarre Biden

Joe Biden held his second town hall in Cincinnati, OH, on Wednesday night. CNN sponsored the event, and Don Lemon hosted it, but despite these advantages, Biden…

Rand Paul and Dr Fauci Slug It Out in Congress Again

Rand Paul and Dr Fauci Slug It Out in Congress Again

Who needs YouTube cat fight videos when you can turn on C-Span and watch Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci duke it out before Congress?

D.C. Law: Vaccination Without Parental Consent

D.C. Law: Vaccination Without Parental Consent

Vaccination without parental consent is a D.C. law that was quietly put into effect last October. Now parents and other organizations are suing.

Facebook Slams Biden’s “Killing People” Comment

Facebook Slams Biden’s “Killing People” Comment

Facebook took issue with Joe Biden yesterday evening. The social media organization isn’t happy with his “killing people” comment.

Little League First Pitch by Ron DeSantis Triggers Libs

Little League First Pitch by Ron DeSantis Triggers Libs

What shouts summer in America more than a Little League game? And who doesn’t love seeing mini-Joe DiMaggios or George Bretts coming up to bat? Well, that…

Drug Deaths Are Up. So Is Drug Smuggling at Border

Drug Deaths Are Up. So Is Drug Smuggling at Border

Shocking news came from the Centers for Disease Control on Wednesday: drug deaths in the US have spiked 30 percent. The year 2020 saw a record 93000…

CDC Wants Schools Fully Reopened, with Caveats

CDC Wants Schools Fully Reopened, with Caveats

The Centers for Disease Control released — to media fanfare — their guidelines for full reopening of schools. The CDC has acknowledged that maybe that virtual learning…

Pandemic Was “A Tremendous Personal Benefit” Says Cuomo

Pandemic Was “A Tremendous Personal Benefit” Says Cuomo

Talk about shameless and arrogant. The pandemic, according to Cuomo at the National Governor’s Association meeting, was of “tremendous personal benefit” to him. The New York Post…

Biden: “Strike Teams” Will Go Door-To-Door Pushing Vaccine

Biden: “Strike Teams” Will Go Door-To-Door Pushing Vaccine

“Strike Teams” will be at your door in the near future. If you or someone in your household hasn’t gotten vaccinated, you will very possibly get that…

Joe Biden List War In Iran When Listing Covid Deaths

Joe Biden List War In Iran When Listing Covid Deaths

I must have missed it but apparently we fought a war in Iran. When Biden was discussing the Covid death toll, he said that more people have…

U.S. Will Not Push China On Covid Origin

U.S. Will Not Push China On Covid Origin

Joe Biden’s National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan went on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday morning. Sullivan was asked about the Biden/Putin confab in Geneva last…

HIPAA? CO Public Health Targeting Unvaccinated People

HIPAA? CO Public Health Targeting Unvaccinated People

Unvaccinated people in Colorado will start receiving calls, texts, and emails as of June 21st. What will those calls, emails, and texts consist of? Essentially the message…

Lori Lightfoot: I Want Covid Money to Fight Racism

Lori Lightfoot: I Want Covid Money to Fight Racism

Earlier this week, the Chicago Health Department released a study which shows that black Chicagoans have an average life span of 9 years less than whites. That’s…

When Jon Stewart Doesn’t Buy the Covid Origin Story

When Jon Stewart Doesn’t Buy the Covid Origin Story

Jon Stewart was once the king of comedy as the host of The Daily Show on Comedy Central. I had once heard that during his reign, Stewart…

Unvaccinated Students Numbered With Black Sharpie At Prom

Unvaccinated Students Numbered With Black Sharpie At Prom

Unvaccinated students attending prom were marked with a black Sharpie. Yes, you read that correctly.

Fauci Book Disappears From Online Pre-Sales

Fauci Book Disappears From Online Pre-Sales

Well, who had this on their Bingo card for the week? An upcoming book by Anthony Fauci, with the ironic title Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner