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Salon‘s David Masciotra thinks he’s entered a portal into a “surreal realm of hallucination” when considering what it means to be an alpha male. According to him, masculinity is dead because of Donald Trump.
Masciotra quotes a “professional journalist from a serious publication” to support his claim. Wait, what? Professional journalists actually exist? Pray tell where we find them, David! Where was that? Oh, Vox.
It would seem that the obvious way to get more men to wear masks would be to make the manliest version of a mask possible. Maybe put guns on it, or a football team, or make a mask that makes men feel like a super-soldier spliced from Rambo and Captain America.”-Alex Abad-Santos, Vox
Serious journalism right there, folks. Guys will only wear masks if they are adored with AK-47s, NFL teams or a “super soldier”.
If the United States were a sane society, the revelation that many seemingly functional adults require the enticement of looking like a video-game monster to observe public health protocols would provoke sustained soul searching and institutional deliberation to determine exactly where and how it all went wrong. How are families, schools and conduits of public information failing so miserably to raise men of minimal competence, maturity and compassion?”-David Masciotra, Salon
You can read Masciotra’s analysis here. But I will sum it up for you. It’s all Trump’s fault. He’s the “ultimate symbol of the sad state of American manhood”. Because it could never be this:
Take note. The guy kicking the man in the face was not masked up. And, most likely NOT a Trump supporter. Nonetheless, Masciotra drones on to quote philosopher, Tom Digby, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and author of Love and War: How Militarism Shapes Sexuality and Romance and . Oh, the joy. Not exactly sure how these college professors can provide an accurate analysis of love with war and militarism considering most of them have never set foot in a true war zone. By the way, Portland doesn’t count as a “war zone”. Those boys would be cowering like kittens in a thunderstorm and crapping their pants if they were dropped on the beach in Normandy.
The notion of masculinity that prevails in the U.S. derives from the warrior ideal. Above all, the warrior needs not only to demonstrate courage by risking death or injury, but also to readily inflict such harm on others. The warrior must be able to manage the capacity to care about his or her suffering, as well as the suffering of others. The part of warrior masculinity that Donald gets right is not caring about the suffering of others. He actually seems to delight in inflicting harm on other people.”-Tom Digby
Digby argues that Trump’s masculinity is “cartoonish”. Manly men don’t wear masks because they’re indestructible. Manly men do not care about who has died from COVID-19. Manly men only want to wear a mask if it sports a superhero, an assault weapon or the logo of a (woke AF) NFL team. How are families, schools and conduits of public information failing so miserably to raise men of minimal competence, maturity and compassion? This is where the realistic people have entered the portal of “surreal hallucination” where “professional journalists” (snort) tell the country this is all Trump’s fault.
Let’s take families.Families are failing men because of political agendas that flat-out don’t support the family unit because it is deemed as a “racial construct”, a premise rooted in white supremacy. This is a cause supported by old-softie, Joe Biden and potential “game-changer”, Kamala Harris. Schools are failing so miserably to raise men of minimal competence, maturity and compassion as well. Let’s start with schools not being OPEN. That’s funny because didn’t the President support school openings? Oh, right. This was his toxic masculinity at work-a callous attempt at killing our children and teachers. Got it. And seriously, let’s not even go there with the conduits of public information, spreading the narrative that all law enforcement officers are cut from the same corrupt cloth of systemic racism no matter their skin color. Politicians spew this, the “superheroes” to these young men, raking in the fat stacks of cash on sports teams and endorsements, adopt this ideology and game over. Out goes their willingness to hear opinions and civilized arguments from the other side. Out goes competence to see another point of view, maturity to understand it and compassion to love that person regardless. In comes the justification to kick someone’s head in just because.
If all of this is ironic, moronic, tragic and stupefying, it is designed to be. So from now until November, failed masculinity is all the fault of Donald Trump. Don’t be so macho. Mask-up, boys.
Welcome Instapundit Readers!
“Those boys would be cowering like kittens in a thunderstorm and crapping their pants if they were dropped on the beach in Normandy.” Scary. True. And Scary because it’s True.
They’d have freaked if they went in on the 10th wave when the beach fighting was done. They’d find a foxhole isn’t much of a safe space…
The idea of anyone from Salon or Vox addressing masculinity is ludicrous. (Ludicrous speed!)
I wear a mask; a Trump 2020 mask. And carry pepper spray, (Hardly justifies a gun.) So far I’ve received only compliments. I must be living right.
More parents need to raise children like Bridger Walker, who at age 6 displayed more “competence, maturity and compassion” than an awful lot of male nominal grownups.
Guys will only wear masks if they are adored with AK-47s, NFL teams or a “super soldier”.
adorned, they are adorned with AK-47s
I kind of adore my AK-47. I adore my AR-15 slightly more.
That’s why I cried so much when they were lost in that canoeing accident.
This is what’s called a “target-rich environment”.
I could probably spend all day fisking this but I have other things to do so I’ll just touch a few highlights, or perhaps lowlights:
“Salon‘s David Masciotra thinks he’s entered a portal into a “surreal realm of hallucination”…”
He writes for Salon. He is indeed in a “surreal realm of hallucination”.
“Masciotra quotes a “professional journalist from a serious publication” to support his claim…Where was that? Oh, Vox.”
Vox employs no actual journalists and is not as serious a publication as, say, the old MAD magazine.
“If the United States were a sane society”…then the convulsions and hysteria over “Mask Theater” wouldn’t be happening.
“How are families, schools and conduits of public information failing so miserably to raise men of minimal competence, maturity and compassion?”
I suggest you look to the media, public schools and the democrats for that answer, Dave.
Salon and Vox make Buzzfeed look like Soldier of Fortune
Liberal hypocrisy just broke thru the stratosphere! When a liberal rag like Salon sows condemnation on President Trump after promoting and supporting such “thoughtful and caring men” like Harvey Weinstein (serial rapist) Bill Clinton(serial rapist) Jeffery Epstein(Sadistic sexual slave merchant and child molester to the political left) Joe Biden(accused rapist and hair sniffer of women and children) and Hunter Biden (drug addict, and father of illegitimate child). Are these the kind of men that Salon would like everyone to be? Because you sure don’t see any hatful and negative articles about them in Salon. Maybe Salon should start preaching to those of their own political persuasion before condemning others. And by the way, I’m a gun shooting, flag waving, honorably discharged army veteran, who loves his country and the Constitution and I wear a mask every day. So don’t use bigotry and ignorance to try and put me and my many brothers in some little box of your prejudice to keep everything in your make believe world nice and tidy.
It would seem that the obvious way to get more men to wear masks would be to make the manliest version of a mask possible. Maybe put guns on it, or a football team, or make a mask that makes men feel like a super-soldier spliced from Rambo and Captain America.
That’s not necessarily a bad idea. Make masks that men might like, and they might be more inclined to wear them. But it won’t make those who hate them like them, nor make those who think masks are necessary or “we’re all gonna DIE!” any manlier.
Now, here’s the part where I’m gonna blow his mind: They already do! Loads of gun/outdoor companies have gotten someone to make masks for them. Sports teams have produced them (though fewer are buying them because… well, who gives a crap about sports teams nowadays?). I bet there’s ones with all sorts of comic characters and such on them. (And star-spangled stuff, and Blue Lives flags, and such.) Also, lots of individuals are making them and selling them – and lots of those are made out of sports/guns/comic-related fabric that existed before the Wuhan Plague descended upon our pitiful planet.
If the United States were a sane society
Red areas are. It’s why we’re so resistant to wearing masks and shutting down our lives for the Wuhan Plague (which, in toto, is about as bad as as the flu).
exactly where and how it all went wrong
When the progressives took over education. That’s when and how. The real kicker is when they produced a large plurality of Safetyists who think that we can eliminate all risk from our modern lives and live to be 1,000yo with the right chemicals, workouts, and ‘healthy’ eating. It’s all downhill from there.
Tom Digby, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
This guy is a wuss and an imbecile.
By the way, Portland doesn’t count as a “war zone”.
Yeah, because no one is shooting back. It’s just “like a war zone” for those suffering the consequences.
(And I wish the police would make it much more like a war zone. Real consequences might actually deter these idiots.)
The notion of masculinity that prevails in the U.S. derives from the warrior ideal.
Partly. When it needs to. But the original root of masculinity in America stems from the Biblical ideal. It’s a much more comprehensive view of masculinity than Dr Digby could ever hope to comprehend.
Schools are failing so miserably to raise men of minimal competence, maturity and compassion as well.
Primarily because they’re trying to raise them to be women with testicles (if that).
Once again, Ronnie’s adage is so true:
“It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”