COVID Chaos And The Fauci Gang: Apologies Not Accepted

COVID Chaos And The Fauci Gang: Apologies Not Accepted

On the heels of the release of the Fauci e-mails that detailed COVID-era communications, an adviser to the doctor comes forward with excuses and apologies.

CDC Finally Gives Up COVID Quarantine Recommendation

CDC Finally Gives Up COVID Quarantine Recommendation

Guess what, everyone! The CDC is catching up to what the general public now knows to be true – COVID-19 can be treated like any other respiratory…

Trump Owes Us The Truth About Fauci and COVID-19

Trump Owes Us The Truth About Fauci and COVID-19

The interview of Donald Trump by Megyn Kelly is extremely interesting and very telling.

Public Health Must Be a Major Focus in 2024

Public Health Must Be a Major Focus in 2024

What are voters focusing on in the upcoming 2024 election? Forget MAGA types owning the libs, or Democrats owning the MAGA folks. Focus instead on public health,…

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – The Democrats and Vaccinations

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – The Democrats and Vaccinations

Not that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFKjr) ever had a chance of being the 2024 Democrat Presidential nominee, he’s a rich White man and scion of a…

Rand Paul Goes Full Pitbull On Fauci

Rand Paul Goes Full Pitbull On Fauci

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has been known to question Dr. Anthony Fauci and his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic over the years. This weekend’s interview with Fox…

Trump Hired Only The Best, And Now He Says They All Suck

Trump Hired Only The Best, And Now He Says They All Suck

Something is very much wrong with how Donald Trump is conducting himself and his campaign. Everyone watching this should have serious concerns regarding his unfiltered comments regarding…

Walensky Announces Resignation From CDC Because COVID Is Over

Walensky Announces Resignation From CDC Because COVID Is Over

After running the institution into the ground, there really wasn’t anything left for Rochelle Walensky to do at the CDC, I guess.

Pandemic National Emergency Resolution Signed

Pandemic National Emergency Resolution Signed

Late in the afternoon on April 10, 2023, Resident Joe Biden signed H.J. Res. 7 which ended the Pandemic National Emergency. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Well, there WOULD…

China Removed COVID-19 Data, WHO Upset

China Removed COVID-19 Data, WHO Upset

Oh my. Who could have ever seen this coming. Who could have ever predicted that the Chinese weren’t being completely transparent with what they knew about COVID-19…

Weingarten Says Unions Know Best, Ignores Results

Weingarten Says Unions Know Best, Ignores Results

Sadly, Randi Weingarten still holds a position of power as a terminally online union boss and political creature. And she is busy organizing all the things union-related…

Fauci Has No Idea Why People Are Mad At Him

Fauci Has No Idea Why People Are Mad At Him

Dr. Anthony Fauci is shocked, SHOCKED, that anyone could be angry at him or want him prosecuted for his role in the COVID-19 response. Least of all…

Former CDC Chief Redfield Believes Covid-19 Was Result Of Lab Leak

Former CDC Chief Redfield Believes Covid-19 Was Result Of Lab Leak

Robert Redfield, the former head of the CDC has always believed that Covid-19 was the result of a lab leak. In testimony he stated he’s more certain…

COVID-19: America’s Elephant’s Foot

COVID-19: America’s Elephant’s Foot

Remember in the early days of COVID-19, when we were told we were bigoted, Conspiracy-theorists for not believing everything Dr. Anthony Fauci told us?

Joe Biden: Delusional, Decrepit Divider In Chief

Joe Biden: Delusional, Decrepit Divider In Chief

Many outlets, including ours here at VG have perceived exactly what the media does not want us to perceive about Joe Biden.

Covid Emergencies Will End On May 11, Per White House

Covid Emergencies Will End On May 11, Per White House

Joe Biden has informed Congress that the Covid Emergencies will end on May 11, 2023. Covid Emergencies because there are two. The public health emergency and the…

Project Veritas Pfizer Sting Raises Questions

Project Veritas Pfizer Sting Raises Questions

Jordon Walker of Pfizer is not having a good day today. Project Veritas has him on video talking about a whole laundry list of things he says…

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Ava Gardner