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Bankrupt oil, gas, and coal industries. That is what Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of Currency, Saule Omarova, wants to do.
First, a little background on Saule Omarova.
She is a native of Soviet Kazakhstan, and was attending school at the University of Wisconsin in 1991 as part of an exchange program between that school and Moscow University. According to her, she was left “stranded” in the United States when that happened. Except that Kazakhstan had no restrictions and was newly freed because of the Soviet Union’s collapse.
The BIG problem with Saule Omarova is her stance on the banking system, her views of the role of government, and now her views regarding the oil, gas, and coal industries.
It’s very important to note that the Comptroller of Currency regulates the entire banking system. So what does Saule Omarova want to do?
Ms. Omarova wants to put an “‘end to banking’ as we know it”—again, her words—and transfer private banking functions to the Federal Reserve, where accounts would “fully replace” private bank deposits. The Fed would control “systemically important prices” for fuel, food, raw materials, metals, natural resources, home prices and wages.
She says the Fed should be remade into what she calls “The People’s Ledger.” By “the people” she means progressive elites like her. She calls for “reimagining” the role of central banks “as the ultimate public platform for generating, modulating, and allocating financial resources in a modern economy.”
Shades of Soviet Union 1980’s style! Those ideas are fully and wholly Marxist from the jump. Oh, but it gets better. While at Moscow State University, she wrote a thesis. The title? “Karl Marx’s Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution in The Capital,” Senator Pat Toomey sent a request to her in October asking her to provide the thesis (which she had deliberately left OFF her resume) to the committee, she has refused. According to Omarova, what she wrote then, has nothing to do with what she believes now. Oh, ok. So if the thesis is really no big deal, WHY IS SHE HIDING IT?
Omarova wants a National Investment Authority that answers only to the President, not Congress.
Omarova argues that part of the need for the National Investment Authority is because members of Congress like Manchin are opposed to huge government spending programs.
“It’s fine when, if we have a strong majority in Congress as we are sure that Congress will fund whatever we need, but we can never be sure of that,” Omarova said.
“People like Joe Manchin, for example – supposed to be on the Democratic side- and yet feel very uncomfortable with big-spending ideas, right?” Omarova said. “To supplement that kind of fiscally constrained and politically constrained kind of spending, we need to make sure we have a strong public institution that can harness the existing abundant private capital and pull it in the right direction.”
Read that last line again. Private companies, according to Omarova, should be forced to hand over their capitol to the government so it can be pulled “in the right direction.” Again, that’s some classic Marxist governing right there. Given what we are dealing with right now, high inflation, skyrocketing gas prices, and a crippled supply chain MORE government spending and regulation is NOT the answer!
BREAKING: U.S. inflation was up 6.2% in October over a year ago. That’s the highest inflation in 31 years.
— Heather Long (@byHeatherLong) November 10, 2021
Inflation was up 0.9% in Oct. alone, a much higher increase than 0.4% in Sept. and 0.3% in August.
Prices are rising for food, energy, shelter, used cars and new cars.
Unless you are Saule Omarova that is. What she wants is to bring in the Soviet style Marxist government that will control our every move.
Her credentials are so troubling that Senators Jon Tester, Joe Manchin, and Krysten Sinema, and a few others are signaling they are a flat NO on her nomination.
And now there’s the latest that has surfaced about Saule Omarova. Have the government bankrupt the oil, gas, and coal industries.
This was at a roundtable discussion earlier THIS YEAR. This wasn’t a misstatement. She means what she says. Are the unions, the workers, and the owners of the companies in the oil, gas, and coal industries paying attention? They all should be.
Perfect fit for Building Back Better — force bankruptcies
— Hank Miiller (@miiller) November 9, 2021
Saule Omarova truly wants the government to regulate everything. She absolutely wants to expand political control and power over the entire banking industry. Believe her when she says that tackling climate change means forcing major industries into bankruptcy.
The Comptroller of Currency has unilateral power, and would also sit on the Financial Stability Oversight Council. That council regulates systemically important risks, and has very little oversight.
Saule Omarova, is who the Brandon Administration wants for this job. Saule Omarova wants to bring Marxism into our government. The oil, gas, and coal industries had better wake up and fast, because if her nomination goes through, those industries are first on her chopping block.
Feature Photo Credit: Senate Banking Committee, public domain via Wikimedia, cropped and modified
[…] post Currency Nominee Omarova: Gov’t Must Bankrupt Oil, Gas, Coal Industries appeared first on Victory Girls […]
An out and out communist. Fraudident Joe*’s whole political career has been about getting payoffs from private businesses. She wants to end these private businesses. She’s not the current Oval Office occupant’s choice, she’s the Obama cabal’s choice.
Can we start the direct, physical, grave consequences to these people yet?
Make Communists Afraid of Rotary Aircraft Again.
The BIG problem with Saule Omarova is…
… she is a COMMUNIST. Probably the most blatant one we’ve ever seen applying for a gov’t position. The Senate should not only reject her but censure the Executive for even nominating her. And maybe they should defund (mostly) the Fed while they’re at it.
There’s only one way to get rid of communists, btw. And it’s not with ‘comity’.
Sheesh!!….This Brandon gang is pretty much made of foreigners and freaks. Not good for America!
And we know from recent experience that these crazies mean what they say and will do what they say when in power. Vote no now on this crazy woman, please!
[…] Cancels Veterans Day Parade Due To COVID Transterrestrial Musings: A New University Victory Girls: Treasury Nominee Omarova – Government Must Bankrupt Oil, Coal, & Gas Companies Volokh Conspiracy: Police Officers’ Libel Lawsuit Against Seattle Councilwoman Kshama […]
How many people who are going to lose their jobs because of this voted Democratic last November? Sadly most likely a majority of them.
The current government, under Brandon, is not interested in SERVING the people. They only wish to CONTROL the people. For the Biden crew, our government is now ON…OVER…and AGAINST the people !! We can thank Biden voters for the current mess in this once great country.
The problem is (for many, but not all) that the control is intended to make us better people so they can bring about their heaven on earth which would be the ultimate “serving” of the people. (Well, other than the cookbook version.) So, they justify their abuse on the premise that in the end we will be living in paradise.
(IOW, “The b**ch made me hit her. If only she were a better wife, I wouldn’t have to treat her like this!”)
[…] I noted the other day, a key goal of hers is to completely and utterly bankrupt the coal, oil, and natural gas […]