The Columbia Food And Water Negotiator Worse Than You Thought

The Columbia Food And Water Negotiator Worse Than You Thought

If you didn’t see it before, where have you been? Doesn’t matter. You are going to see it now. The Columbia University Hamilton Hall Food and Water Negotiator Girl is worse than your worst nightmare of what these anti-Semitic, Pro-Hamas protestors are like. And, that’s saying something. Come let us dissect this video.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Makes HUGE Mistake on Kwanzaa

Marjorie Taylor Greene Makes HUGE Mistake on Kwanzaa

Republicans in leadership positions seem incapable of learning something very important. That is, when your opponent is floundering, keep your pie hole shut. The Democrats are screwing…

Currency Nominee Omarova: Gov’t Must Bankrupt Oil, Gas, Coal Industries

Currency Nominee Omarova: Gov’t Must Bankrupt Oil, Gas, Coal Industries

Bankrupt oil, gas, and coal industries. That is what Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of Currency, Saule Omarova, wants to do.

BLM Chooses Cuba Regime Over Cuban Protestors

BLM Chooses Cuba Regime Over Cuban Protestors

BLM is showing its true colors once again. This time they’ve issued statement praising the communist Cuban government instead of standing up for the Cuban protestors.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez – Not the Everyman She Would Like You to Believe She Is [VIDEO]

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez – Not the Everyman She Would Like You to Believe She Is [VIDEO]

The news was stunning. The heir apparent to Nancy Pelosi was defeated in the Democratic primary in Queens by a previously unknown 28-year old progressive Marxist whose…

Let’s Thank Our Lucky Stars This Senile Statist Has Retired

Let’s Thank Our Lucky Stars This Senile Statist Has Retired

From the “No one wants to take away your guns file” – retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens penned an editorial in the New York Times…

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Ava Gardner