Energy Secretary Granholm Says Prepare To Suffer

Energy Secretary Granholm Says Prepare To Suffer

Energy Secretary Granholm Says Prepare To Suffer

The Carter years are back, baby! At least, that seems to be the general takeaway every time Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm opens her mouth.

Granholm has the task of running defense for Team Biden on their colossal failures when it comes to energy policy. We all remember that right after coming into office, Biden killed off the Keystone XL pipeline (much to the consternation of Canada), and then was forced to go begging to OPEC to send more oil last August. OPEC told Biden “no” back in August. So naturally, Biden is now blaming OPEC and Russia for not just sending more oil and claiming it’s their fault that prices are skyrocketing.

Someone get Peter Doocy to ask Biden why he killed off Keystone XL. Oh wait, Biden says he’ll be in trouble if he takes more questions.

All of this means that Energy Secretary Granholm has a very unpleasant job right now, and I might feel sorry for her… if she wasn’t such an unpleasant person to begin with. You peasants think that just because I’m Energy Secretary, I can solve this problem? HA HA HA HA!

Yes, that was Granholm’s reaction just a couple of days ago.

How utterly charming. What IS it with Democrat women like Hillary, Kamala, and now Jennifer Granholm who think that fake laughing is a good deflection when asked a question you don’t want to answer???

Someone must have told Granholm to knock it off, because there were no giggles when she went on CNN this morning to talk to Dana Bash. Her takeaway message this time? Prepare to suffer in the cold this winter, because energy prices aren’t coming down anytime soon.

Americans should expect to pay higher costs to heat their homes this winter, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said Sunday, a result of high gas prices caused by the coronavirus pandemic.”

“This is going to happen. It will be — it will be more expensive this year than last year,” Granholm told CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union.” “We are in a slightly beneficial position, well certainly relative to Europe, because their choke hold of natural gas is very significant. … But we have the same problem in fuels that the supply chains have, which is that the oil and gas companies are not flipping the switch as quickly as the demand requires.”

Just how bad is it? Well, Granholm says in the above video that she “hopes” it won’t be $4 a gallon as a national average. Wow. So much leadership.

Oh, and in yet another example of how President Brandon doesn’t really run his own administration, a day after Biden explicitly said that he didn’t think dipping into the country’s “Strategic Petroleum Reserve” would solve any problems, Granholm just ran right over him.

In an interview with CNN’s “State of the Union,” Granholm said Biden is “looking at all of the tools that he has” to address high prices at the pump, including tapping into U.S. oil reserves.”

“That’s one of the tools that he has,” Granholm said. “And he’s certainly looking at that.”

She also warned that home heating prices will be more expensive than the same period last year.”

“Yes, this is going to happen,” Granholm said. “It will be more expensive this year than last year.”

Aren’t you just so EXCITED to know that hoping prices don’t rise, and blaming OPEC for not coughing up more crude when demanded, is the official energy policy now? Can’t you just FEEL the leadership just rolling off Granholm – and Buttigieg – and Kamala – and President Grandpa Houseplant – as they all work to spend more money than ever printed before make YOUR lives better?

I have a feeling we were a whole lot better off when gas was closer to $2 a gallon nationally, and we used the fury of the left reacting to Trump’s “mean” tweets to keep us warm.

Featured image: Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, official portrait, public domain

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  • George V says:

    Ah, yes, Granholm, the author of the “lost decade” of economic growth in Michigan. In the years following 9/11 when the rest of the country recovered from the recession the attacks induced Michigan was stuck in the doldrums. In her 2006 State of the State speech she said “In 5 years you’re gonna be blown away!” and we were. You could hear the wind blowing through the empty factories and buildings, the air being drawn in by the space emptied by the thousands of people leaving the state.

    When Brando… Biden made her Energy Sec. I knew we’d be blown away again.

  • Dians says:

    I’m From Michigan and I never heard anyone say they miss Granholm. We have her ideological twin for Gov. I don’t know who is worse……

  • […] classic Marxist governing right there. Given what we are dealing with right now, high inflation, skyrocketing gas prices, and a crippled supply chain MORE government spending and regulation is NOT the […]

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