Hola, all! I’m Marta Hernandez, and we need to have a chat about terrorism. Seems like every month we hear about swine-humping ISIS adherents launching attacks on…
Say, WHAT? No, really … As feminists, we’re working to put more women in office and in corner offices. We fight for equal pay, tax-free feminine hygiene…
…Even though he chose to kneel. Colin Kaepernick is a sad soul. It seems as if the quarterback is down on his luck these days in obtaining…
The tramping of free speech on campuses across America has found its way into the news as of late. From indoctrinating freshman on “microaggressions,” disallowing conservative speakers…
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is not messing around. And it looks like his tough stance on “sanctuary cities”—where criminal illegal aliens are welcomed, American citizens not so…
Last week Toni gave her list of six people Fox News needs to fire. I’m going to turn the tables today, telling you whom I think needs…
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch has described her meeting in a plane on a tarmac in Phoenix with Former President Bill Clinton as “regrettable”. At the time,…
China has decided to try the stick instead of the carrot with Kim Jong-un. But the tactic of “get back to that table and finish your carrots,…
The Democrats have a problem, and the top leaders are only now starting to come to grips with it. Today, on “Meet the Press,” California Governor Jerry…
President Trump is heading to his New Jersey golf club for vacation — oops! It’s not a vacation, he says. Over the upcoming 17 days he will…
Fox News has reached a very disappointing place in its news life. It sucks. A lot. Not the morning people. “Fox & Friends”, “Fox & Friends First”…
Is yet another shoe to fall soon at Fox News? On Saturday, the channel suspended Eric Bolling, host of “The Specialists,” for allegedly ‘sexting.’ According to reports,…
A California couple has filed a complaint this week with their son’s private school. Priya Shah and Jaspret Brar say Heritage Oak Private School advertised itself as…
In an interesting turn of events yesterday special counsel Robert Mueller requested documents on ousted former National Security advisor Michael Flynn in hopes of better understanding Flynn’s…
The fair Maxine was on The View. She espoused her regular impeachment rhetoric against Trump and excused the behavior of any leaker that favored bringing forth damaging…
Lena I get that your fifteen minutes of fame are fading fast. You want to be relevant and important and make money off millennials. But did you…
Many have been wondering what Debbie Wasserman Schultz has to say about her pal Imran Iwan and the massive IT scandal. Yesterday she spoke in an exclusive…
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