Spike Lee Promotes Rally For Colin Kaepernick: “United We Stand”

Spike Lee Promotes Rally For Colin Kaepernick: “United We Stand”

Spike Lee Promotes Rally For Colin Kaepernick: “United We Stand”

…Even though he chose to kneel.

Colin Kaepernick is a sad soul. It seems as if the quarterback is down on his luck these days in obtaining gainful employment in the NFL. I remember rumblings of my beloved Seahawks perhaps taking him under their wings and I’m not going to lie, I was happy to hear that he was not going to stink up my team and get the privilege to play alongside a true class act, Russell Wilson. It seems like Miami wasn’t liking Kaepernick’s fondness of Fidel Castro much, either.

What did he say, exactly? Let’s recap:

Thankfully, the Dolphins took a pass, too.

Alas, Spike Lee has come to Kaepernick’s side to combat the racists at the NFL who refuse to sign Kaepernick to a new contract with a new team by way of supporting a rally to happen on August 28th. This is the second rally held in solidarity to Kaepernick to include the one held back in May:

They love the guy so much, they can’t even spell his name right!

Not to mention the sheer hypocrisy of it all:

Perhaps he will wear his favorite pair of socks to the rally:

And there were, of course some fun little comments from the Twitterverse:

Amen to the above. For someone who decided to kneel because the flag represents privilege, he certainly feels that he should be privileged enough to earn a multi million-dollar salary and suffer no consequences for his actions.

African-American males are only six percent of the United States population, but comprise nearly 70 percent of the players in the National Football League. The NFL’s 32 teams earned around $12 billion in 2015 with merchandise sales over $1.55 billion.-Huffington Post

Kaepernick chose to kneel because of privilege and American “entitlement” and unfair treatment of his African_American counterparts. Yet people should stand for him? Right. The irony here is delicious. Perhaps Lee should put up or shut up and give Kaepernick a job in another one of his Spike Lee Joints. After all, he may need a leg up this upcoming fall.

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  • Scott says:

    OK, I’m very unhappy! I checked Grunt Style, and can’t find the “Hurt Feelings Kit”… I know a couple people that really need a couple of those…

  • GWB says:

    I love the poster showing them kneeling while it’s “United We Stand“.

    Satire is dead. We used to say “You can’t make this sh stuff up.” Then we said, “You could make it up but no one would believe you.” Now we are reduced to facepalming and shaking our head.

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