U.S. Is In “Economic Comeback” Says Joe Biden

U.S. Is In “Economic Comeback” Says Joe Biden

U.S. Is In “Economic Comeback” Says Joe Biden

Never mind all the ‘Now Hiring’ signs around our communities, Joe Biden is here to tell us that the United States is in an “economic comeback.”

President Biden spoke to small businesses Friday in and around the Philadelphia suburb of Allentown, which the White House said is experiencing an “economic comeback,” as he touts his “Bidenomics” agenda in an effort to shore up his record on the economy.

Biden’s pitch Friday was that he’s been better for small businesses than former President Donald Trump, a billionaire, real estate magnate and reality television host who won the presidency in 2016 on the premise that he knows how to grow the economy.

“My name is Joe Biden and I work for the governor and the senator,” the president said as he stepped into the Nowhere Coffee Co. in Emmaus, Pennsylvania along with Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pennsylvania. Biden ordered what appeared to be a mango smoothie.

I’d like to know where that economic comeback is. All but one of the 11 jobs reports issued since Joe took office have had to be revised DOWNWARD. For example: 

First, the BLS reported an increase in nonfarm payrolls of 216,000 in December, which beat Wall Street’s expectations. But that increase comes on the heels of November and October being revised down by 71,000 payrolls. One-third of the jobs allegedly added in December were ones we thought we already had.


The second red flag is the unemployment rate. At first glance, a steady rate of 3.7% sounds great, but it wasn’t in December. The rate stayed low because about 680,000 people left the workforce and were no longer counted as unemployed. The labor force participation rate fell all the way back to where it was in February.

None of that is good given last year no actual new jobs were added. In fact, many of the jobs counted in December’s report involved full-time employees adding a SECOND part-time job to cover rising costs impacting their households. Furthermore, not only is a certain percentage of those “new” jobs government jobs, the U.S. is still not at the pre-Covid levels and has around 4-6 million people not working. 

Joe Biden says his Bidenomics plan is working. Oh really? Then how come every business I cross paths with in my area whether it is restaurants, grocery stores, clothing stores, local businesses, etc are advertising job openings?? 

It doesn’t matter that inflation (by the numbers) is seemingly low. Those of us who actually shop for groceries, clothes, sundries, and household goods know otherwise. Costs for everything has gone up, and won’t go down anytime soon. 

Yet, we have an addled pudding-brained President telling us the economy is totally fine and the U.S. is in comeback mode. WOOHOO!! 

Yes, everything is totally fine. Nothing to see here guys. 

We need to know who got what done now? This from a guy who looked like he was lost in space at the cycle shop earlier?


Here’s another thing concerning Biden’s assertion that Bidenomics has gotten American on the comeback track, we are going to see costs go higher the more this Houthi mess in the Red Sea drags on. Meanwhile, major companies are slashing jobs all over the place. Also, if the federal version of California’s AB5 gets put into place via the Department of Labor, a significant portion of the U.S. gig economy will crater.  

California Congressman Kevin Kiley has been waging war against AB5 for over three years since prior to its inception when it decimated thousands of jobs across the state, and he’s not about to let this mandated rule go into effect on March 11. 


It will indeed harm the gig economy, could take away right-to-work, have a negative impact on the economy overall, therefore ensuring that Bidenomics truly will be the failure it already is. 

Look around you. Look at what you are paying for goods and services now and compare to pre-pandemic times. How much more in supplies, product, wages, and overhead are all those businesses, that Joe visited yesterday afternoon, are paying as compared to 2019? 

Is Bidenomics really giving our economy the boost, the “comeback” that Joe Biden claims it is? Keep in mind that actual employment was overstated by nearly half a million jobs in 2023. Yet Joe Biden and his handlers are trying to snow us into believing that everything’s fine and the economy is roaring back. 

Who are you going to believe? Joe and his “economic comeback” schtick or your monthly budget?

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    That poor firefighter looked uncomfortable as hell standing next to the senile pedo…

  • Larry Brasfield says:

    Xiden is a liar, and always has been. He has also always been too stupid to form assessments such as economic prognostication, even before his dementia became patently obvious to all but fools. The only people who believe a word he says are fools. That he is now uttering yet another blatant lie is a “dog bites man” story.

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