Is The Tide Really Turning Against Biden And Toward Trump?

Is The Tide Really Turning Against Biden And Toward Trump?

The calendar says that there is six more months before the election. While there is cause for optimism, there is also a need for caution. This election is certainly not “in the bag.” Still, the anecdotal evidence is showing a turn away from Joe Biden – and a tacit acceptance of Donald Trump.

Biden’s Shrinkflation Rant Was A Comical Dumpster Fire

Biden’s Shrinkflation Rant Was A Comical Dumpster Fire

Joe Biden doesn’t have it in him to do a softball Super Bowl interview. But he did have the time to go on a rant about Shrinkflation….

Biden’s “Dream Team” Is Our Nightmare

Biden’s “Dream Team” Is Our Nightmare

Biden, and his handlers couldn’t help themselves. They had to brag about their fabulous “Dream Team” running the country into the ditch these last three years.

U.S. Is In “Economic Comeback” Says Joe Biden

U.S. Is In “Economic Comeback” Says Joe Biden

Never mind all the ‘Now Hiring’ signs around our communities, Joe Biden is here to tell us that the United States is in an “economic comeback.”

Trump Supporters Shouldn’t Be Measuring for Oval Office Drapes

Trump Supporters Shouldn’t Be Measuring for Oval Office Drapes

It’s looking rosy for the likely GOP nominee Donald Trump in a prospective matchup between him and President Biden. For example, the Real Clear Politics average of…

Libertarian Javier Milei Is Argentina’s New President

Libertarian Javier Milei Is Argentina’s New President

Javier Milei is Argentina’s new President, and the U.S. media hates him with the passion of 1,000 suns. Just check out these headlines.

Voting Against Joe Biden Is Age Discrimination

Voting Against Joe Biden Is Age Discrimination

Age is just a number in regards to Joe Biden opines Richard Aquila in The Hill this morning. Richard, along with Juan Williams, are certainly all in…

The New Underground Economy In New York City

The New Underground Economy In New York City

By now, I am sure you’ve heard all about the new underground economy in New York City. Illegal immigrants have taken to exploitative ways and created a…

Biden’s Green New Deal Is One Cause Of Auto Worker Strike

Biden’s Green New Deal Is One Cause Of Auto Worker Strike

It seems that Biden’s Green New Deal crap embedded in the Inflation Reduction Act is one of the major culprits for the auto workers strike.

Bidenomics: A Successful Failure

Bidenomics: A Successful Failure

Joe Biden, actually his handlers, wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post touting his fabulous Bidenomics record.

A UPS Strike Could See Economy Take A Seven Billion Dollar Hit

A UPS Strike Could See Economy Take A Seven Billion Dollar Hit

Unless the ship turns around and all parties agree, UPS could go on strike on August 1st. That proposed ten-day strike could cause a $7 BILLION hit…

Janet Yellen’s Magical Mushroom Diplomacy

Janet Yellen’s Magical Mushroom Diplomacy

Evidently Janet Yellen is a mushroom fan. Reports are now emerging that she happily dined on not one, but FOUR helpings of these magical mushrooms.

McDonald’s Layoffs Hold An Economic Warning

McDonald’s Layoffs Hold An Economic Warning

The American economy has never completely recovered from the COVID shutdown and the “rescue plan” that just dumped cash in people’s pockets and inflated everything. The latest…

DeSantis Organizing States to Push Back on ESG

DeSantis Organizing States to Push Back on ESG

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will be announcing an alliance of 18 states with the intention of pushing back against President Biden’s environmental, social, corporate governance (ESG) agenda.

Democrats Dump On Biden And Kamala

Democrats Dump On Biden And Kamala

Even as Biden gets ready for the SOTU this evening, it’s becoming very clear that Democrats are trying to dump Kamala and figure out how to dump…

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Suddenly Resigns

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Suddenly Resigns

In a move no one expected, Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand announced her resignation. 

Biden: Six More Weeks To Flatten Inflation

Biden: Six More Weeks To Flatten Inflation

It’s going to take six more weeks to flatten inflation according to Joe Biden. At least that is what he promised during an event yesterday.

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Ava Gardner