March 29, 2016
By now, everyone has heard the story. According to witnesses, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, yanked the arm of former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields hard enough to leave bruises. Today, Lewandowski was given notice to appear and charged with misdemeanor battery.
JUST IN: Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski charged in alleged battery of Breitbart reporter.
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) March 29, 2016
I guess these just magically appeared on me @CLewandowski_ @realDonaldTrump. So weird.
— Michelle Fields (@MichelleFields) March 10, 2016
And now the police department in Jupiter, Florida, have released a surveillance video that gives a clear picture of what happened.
The 11 second video shows Fields walking alongside Trump, asking a question (as previous audio/video by other media outlets had shown her doing), and Lewandowski grabbing her arm and yanking her roughly back. Fields stumbles, but does not fall down (she had said that she did not fall over, but that she nearly lost her balance).
Remember that Lewandowski claimed he’d never met Fields, much less touched her.
Remember that Trump himself called her a liar.
Remember that the press failed to stand up for her, because, eh, she worked for Breitbart, and the media is heavily invested in Trump ratings.
Remember: every cable news network failed to seriously confront Trump about his campaign mgr's assault. Ask yourself why.
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 29, 2016
Remember that Breitbart News tried to hush this up and ignored the assault to their own reporter, which caused Fields, former editor Ben Shapiro, and two other staffers to quit Breitbart.
Remember that Corey Lewandowski has no compunctions about manhandling people.
Trump should remember that the law swings both ways.
After all of this hell I hope @MichelleFields sues for damages over @CLewandowski_ and @realDonaldTrump's libel, slander and defamation
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) March 29, 2016
I wonder if the Donald would be so keen to loosen those libel laws if they came back to bite him?
The Trump campaign has issued their statement.
Trump Camp statement on Corey Lewandowksi charges
— Hadas Gold (@Hadas_Gold) March 29, 2016
Lewandowski's court date: May 4.
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) March 29, 2016
And now Breitbart News’ Joel Pollak is eating crow on Twitter.
Based on the evidence available at the time with no video and weak description. Clearly I was wrong; @bterris right.
— Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak) March 29, 2016
What happens now? Well, a lot of people need to follow Pollak’s example and admit, publicly, that they were wrong. Most of them should also offer personal apologies to Michelle Fields (and to Ben Terris, who was the direct eyewitness).
And remember that the Trump could have made Lewandowski apologize. Instead, they lied and defamed Michelle Fields.
This would have gone away but for the lie.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) March 29, 2016
Lies only make things worse. I learned that as a child. Maybe someone should have reminded the Donald of that. And that having a campaign manager who is now charged with leaving bruises on a woman doesn’t help his campaign in the least.
UPDATE: Speaking of picking winners to associate with…
Kendall Coffey is listed in the Trump campaign press release as one of Corey Lewandowski’s attorneys. Birds of a feather…
Remember also that Fields SUPPORTED Trump. She said as much. She’s also disappeared from Eric Trump-Lover Bolling’s Cashin’ In show on Fox.
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