Floyd Protests Continue: Where Does It Stop?

Floyd Protests Continue: Where Does It Stop?

Saturday was Day 12 for the George Floyd protests, and the events have spread over all 50 states. Protests are even happening in Australia, Britain, and Japan. The movement…

President Trump Addresses The March For Life

President Trump Addresses The March For Life

The 47th annual Washington D.C. March For Life is happening today, and for the first time, a sitting president addressed the crowd in person.

Jane Fonda Arrested at Capitol Building

Jane Fonda Arrested at Capitol Building

Once a slack-jaw commie pinko anti-American bed-wetter, always a slack-jaw commie pinko anti-American bed-wetter. And Jane Fonda proved that to be true because on Friday, police arrested…

Trump Inaugural Committee Subpoenaed By D.C. AG

Trump Inaugural Committee Subpoenaed By D.C. AG

The Attorney General for the District of Columbia has issued a subpoena to the 2017 Trump Inaugural Committee, according to the Associated Press. Earlier in February subpoenas…

Covington Catholic Boys and Nathan Phillips, Activist and Veteran

Covington Catholic Boys and Nathan Phillips, Activist and Veteran

Can you stand one more post about the Covington Catholic Boys who were falsely accused of disrespecting an Indigenous Tribal Elder in Washington, D.C. after the March…

I Didn’t Walk Out, By A Middle School Student

I Didn’t Walk Out, By A Middle School Student

My 14 year old daughter, who is in 8th grade, attends a public school in the greater Puget Sound area in Washington state. I asked her if…

#MarchForLife: Because Life Wins [VIDEO]

#MarchForLife: Because Life Wins [VIDEO]

While the political arm of the abortion movement gets louder and more shrill each year, the pro-life movement continues its steady work. Today, across the country (and…

Rumor Mill Cranked in High Gear with Buzz of Justice Kennedy Retirement. [VIDEO]

Rumor Mill Cranked in High Gear with Buzz of Justice Kennedy Retirement. [VIDEO]

Will he stay or will he go? Court watchers and political junkies are salivating over rumors that Justice Anthony Kennedy will announce his retirement on Monday. To…

Betsy DeVos Runs Teachers Union Gauntlet in Washington DC

Betsy DeVos Runs Teachers Union Gauntlet in Washington DC

You may admire her or wonder why she was ever appointed to be Secretary of Education. But Betsy DeVos was treated disgracefully by members of the Teachers’ Union…

#MarchForLife:  The Steadfast Power of One Truth, One Voice [VIDEO]

#MarchForLife: The Steadfast Power of One Truth, One Voice [VIDEO]

They have traveled to Washington DC for the past 44 years, these steadfast defenders of life. Nothing has deterred them from their mission, even when a blizzard…

#Inauguration: Leftwing Terrorists Descend on Washington DC [VIDEO]

#Inauguration: Leftwing Terrorists Descend on Washington DC [VIDEO]

Whether you supported Donald Trump or not, you must agree that the transition of power was peaceful. That is, on the Capital steps. Other places in Washington…

#Inauguration: The Speech Says “America First” [VIDEO]

#Inauguration: The Speech Says “America First” [VIDEO]

It is official. The 45th president of the United States is Donald Trump. And his inauguration speech hit the Washington DC establishment right between the eyes. As…

Women’s March Kicks Out Pro-Life Groups, Because Feminists Demand Conformity

The Women’s March on Washington is scheduled for this Saturday. It’s supposed to be a chance for women’s groups who have real concerns about a Donald Trump…

VA Proposes Elimination Of Concurrent Retirement And Disability Pay For Veterans [VIDEO]

VA Proposes Elimination Of Concurrent Retirement And Disability Pay For Veterans [VIDEO]

I don’t know who the idiot was that thought the following was an excellent idea, but I’d like to meet him or her and have a very…

President-Elect Trump Goes To Washington DC [VIDEOS]

President-Elect Trump Goes To Washington DC [VIDEOS]

It started off with a water cannon salute over his private jet prior to leaving New York City. President-elect Donald Trump's plane receives water cannon salute at…

#GlobalCitizenEarthDay: Trashing the National Mall to Save the Planet

#GlobalCitizenEarthDay: Trashing the National Mall to Save the Planet

Yes, it’s that time of year again, when liberals and Gaia-worshippers across America celebrate their High Holy Day. I am speaking, of course, of Earth Day. The…

Veterans Descend on D.C.; Second Protest and BarryCade Redistribution Planned for Tuesday

Veterans Descend on D.C.; Second Protest and BarryCade Redistribution Planned for Tuesday

In a second (third, fourth, fifth?) round of blatant provocation lobbed at our veterans and political dissenters from behind the opaque walls of the hyper-partisan White House,…

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Ava Gardner