Feinstein Could Face the Dumbest Possible Primary Competition [Video]

Feinstein Could Face the Dumbest Possible Primary Competition [Video]

Dianne Feinstein has been in her Senate seat, fighting to erode our gun rights, steal more of our earnings, and increase the size of the federal government…

No, Ted Cruz is Not a Hypocrite

No, Ted Cruz is Not a Hypocrite

The media, the Republican establishment, and the left hate Ted Cruz. I can understand why. He challenges both sides of the political aisle, he’s unabashedly conservative, he’s…

#CPAC2017: Ted Cruz and Mark Levin Rock the House [VIDEO]

#CPAC2017: Ted Cruz and Mark Levin Rock the House [VIDEO]

For this Victory Girl, Senator Ted Cruz is the quintessential Constitutional Conservative. I had the privilege of attending a Cruz primary-season rally last year here in my…

Eye Bleach, Stat! Artist Creates Mural of a Barely Clad Hillary [VIDEO]

Eye Bleach, Stat! Artist Creates Mural of a Barely Clad Hillary [VIDEO]

You’re being warned. What has been seen cannot be unseen. A street artist in Australia has created a mural of Hillary Clinton portrayed as a stripper, with…

Did the Trumps Orchestrate Cruz Boos at the #RNCinCLE

Did the Trumps Orchestrate Cruz Boos at the #RNCinCLE

The Republican National Convention is playing out like some television Soap Opera. Instead of “The Young and the Restless”, it could be called “The Young and the…

#RNCinCLE: Ted Cruz Says Choose Freedom [VIDEO]

#RNCinCLE: Ted Cruz Says Choose Freedom [VIDEO]

Tonight was the night. Would Ted Cruz endorse Donald Trump in his speech to the Republican National Convention or not? Well, you be the judge. Honestly? Watch…

Who Is Bill Kristol’s Promised Independent Candidate? [VIDEOS]

Who Is Bill Kristol’s Promised Independent Candidate? [VIDEOS]

Bill Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard, posted a cryptic tweet over the weekend promising a third party alternative would soon emerge to challenge Donald Trump and…

Who Will Trump Pick as his Running Mate?

Who Will Trump Pick as his Running Mate?

It’s no longer just a potential strategy in the primary. Now it’s real. Trump must pick a running mate, and consistent with his own unpredictable jibs and…

GOP Chaos As Establishment Falls In Line For Trump, Demands Unity

GOP Chaos As Establishment Falls In Line For Trump, Demands Unity

Last I checked, Donald Trump still has not reached the requisite number of delegates to actually win the Republican nomination. However, with all other opponents having suspended…

Trump Is The Likely Nominee – Now What?

Trump Is The Likely Nominee – Now What?

Judging by the comments that I’ve seen scattered all over Facebook and on other blog posts and news articles, I’m not the only person dismayed and stunned…

Trump Claims Cruz’s Father Helped JFK Assassin Oswald in 1963 [VIDEO]

Trump Claims Cruz’s Father Helped JFK Assassin Oswald in 1963 [VIDEO]

With this single moment, I think we can officially say that the shark has been jumped in this election. Obviously, Trump and Cruz are battling it out…

#IndianaPrimary: Will a Donald Trump Win Bring Mourning in America? [VIDEOS]

#IndianaPrimary: Will a Donald Trump Win Bring Mourning in America? [VIDEOS]

I’ll be frank. And I apologize in advance for the gloom this post may cause. I fell into bed last night with a sinking feeling in the…

Quote of the Day: “Don’t Give In to Evil”

Quote of the Day: “Don’t Give In to Evil”

What kind of party do we want to be? What kind of country? Who we elect to represent us speaks volumes. It’s about more than just who…

Yes, Donald Trump, Mike Tyson Is A Convicted Rapist [VIDEO]

Yes, Donald Trump, Mike Tyson Is A Convicted Rapist [VIDEO]

Mike Tyson is a longtime friend and supporter of Donald Trump, and endorsed him as far back as last October. And Tyson owes Trump, as a Daily…

Man Tries to Fool Cruz into Signing Communist Manifesto, Here’s What Happened

Man Tries to Fool Cruz into Signing Communist Manifesto, Here’s What Happened

Ted Cruz has been campaigning in Indiana in advance of that state’s crucial primary. Because Ted Cruz, unlike the current frontrunner, has made a habit of reaching…

Cruz’s “Desperate” Carly Pick

Cruz’s “Desperate” Carly Pick

The news media has picked the meme for the Cruz/Carly team and it is “desperate”. “Ted Cruz will make Carly Fiorina running mate in desperate bid to…

#SuperTuesday Again: From Saccharin to Slugfest, Dueling Campaign Ads for Primary Day [VIDEOS]

#SuperTuesday Again: From Saccharin to Slugfest, Dueling Campaign Ads for Primary Day [VIDEOS]

If you’re anything like me, you’re sick of poll numbers, name-calling and ridiculing, and wondering which candidate will win which states by what margins, and thoroughly confused…

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Ava Gardner