DOJ Pays Off Strzok And Page For Their Messages In Settlement

DOJ Pays Off Strzok And Page For Their Messages In Settlement

It’s a classic Friday night news dump, because the Department of Justice (DOJ) knows that this looks like a payoff. Because it IS a payoff.

John Kelly Plays Brutus To Donald Trump’s Caesar

John Kelly Plays Brutus To Donald Trump’s Caesar

Going back through posts I wrote five years ago, brother, was I a babe in the woods. I actually wrote a post extolling the virtues of General…

Judge Sullivan Issues Whining Petulant Dismissal Of Flynn Case

Judge Sullivan Issues Whining Petulant Dismissal Of Flynn Case

Judge Sullivan wrote a 43-page whining petulant dismissal of the Michael Flynn case. According to Hizzoner, Michael Flynn is still guilty of treason or something no matter…

Crossfire Hurricane Team Knew Steele Dossier Was Bogus

Crossfire Hurricane Team Knew Steele Dossier Was Bogus

New twists on the Crossfire Hurricane and Steele Dossier sagas came to light yesterday. Both jaw-dropping. Let’s take Crossfire Hurricane first. Seems that quite a number of…

Joe Pientka And The Trump-Russia Collusion Delusion

Joe Pientka And The Trump-Russia Collusion Delusion

Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, has declassified documents that raise even more questions about the FBI and the Trump-Russia Collusion Delusion. The main questions are: Who…

Peter Strzok and the Michael Flynn Case

Peter Strzok and the Michael Flynn Case

Peter Strzok, the disgraced former FBI agent, is the gift that keeps on giving. If anybody represents the arrogant, elitist attitude of the Swamp, it’s Peter Strzok…

Lisa Page Wants Sympathy For No Apology

Lisa Page Wants Sympathy For No Apology

In a new interview, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page wants everyone to feel sorry for her. Look, she made a mistake, but that’s no reason for President…

FBI Official Under Criminal Investigation Regarding Carter Page Surveillance

FBI Official Under Criminal Investigation Regarding Carter Page Surveillance

Fresh off yesterday’s impeachment hearing, CNN reluctantly reported that an unnamed FBI official is now under criminal investigation. Why? Carter Page.Updated below

Is Patrick Byrne Crazy Or Crazy Like A Fox?

Is Patrick Byrne Crazy Or Crazy Like A Fox?

Overstock’s CEO Patrick Byrne resigned yesterday and the interviews he gave after his resignation were quite something. Is he crazy as in crazy? Or crazy like a…

Andrew McCabe Claims Firing Was Unconstitutional And ‘Politically Motivated’

Andrew McCabe Claims Firing Was Unconstitutional And ‘Politically Motivated’

Andrew McCabe, former deputy director of the FBI has filed a lawsuit in federal court alleging that his firing was unconstitutional and ‘politically motivated.’

Peter Strzok Sues FBI, Cites Privacy And Freedom Of Speech Were Violated

Peter Strzok Sues FBI, Cites Privacy And Freedom Of Speech Were Violated

Failed and fired former FBI agent Peter Strzok has decided to sue the FBI and DOJ. Why? It seems that his firing violated his freedom of speech,…

The Obama Administration’s Problem With Spying And Trump

The Obama Administration’s Problem With Spying And Trump

Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson dropped a three page letter on the Department of Justice yesterday that could mean big trouble for everyone tied to the…

Democrats Do Not Want FISA Documents Made Public [VIDEO]

Democrats Do Not Want FISA Documents Made Public [VIDEO]

One story that is somewhat flying under the radar due to the Kavanaugh debacle is the Trump FISA declassification order. One would think that the Democrats would…

Trump Orders Carter Page FISA Documents Declassified And Media Freaks [VIDEO]

Trump Orders Carter Page FISA Documents Declassified And Media Freaks [VIDEO]

As if Monday wasn’t crazy enough regarding the Kavanaugh accuser’s increasingly problematic story, Trump decided to pour fuel on the fire. His order to immediately declassify the…

James Comey Lied: Majority Of Hillary Clinton Emails On Weiner Laptop Were Never Examined [VIDEO]

James Comey Lied: Majority Of Hillary Clinton Emails On Weiner Laptop Were Never Examined [VIDEO]

These days, James Comey is all about the truth along with sub tweeting truthisms at Trump. However, we now find out that, despite his many assurances, James…

Fools And Money: Peter Strzok Is Raking In Cash Via GoFundMe

Fools And Money: Peter Strzok Is Raking In Cash Via GoFundMe

“A fool and his money are soon parted” must be the informal motto of GoFundMe, the website that allows regular people to “crowdfund” – meaning fundraise off…

The Termination of Peter Strzok

The Termination of Peter Strzok

My phone pinged this morning with the news that FBI agent Peter Strzok has been canned over what the Washington Post headline claims to be “anti-Trump texts”…

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Ava Gardner