Jim Carrey Mocks Melania With More Bad Art

Jim Carrey Mocks Melania With More Bad Art

Jim Carrey is at it again with his very bad art. This time, bidding farewell to former first lady, Melania Trump.

Melania Trump Speaks Out, Liberals Are At Their Worst

Melania Trump Speaks Out, Liberals Are At Their Worst

First lady Melania Trump posted her first message since Election Day on Friday, reflecting on Be Best, her youth initiative that addresses cyberbullying. So what did the…

Michelle O’s Fear Porn Biden Campaign Ad

Michelle O’s Fear Porn Biden Campaign Ad

As if 2020 hasn’t been scary enough, the Covid-19 pandemic, wild fires, hurricanes, and violent, destructive riots, Michelle Obama has cut a campaign ad for Joe Biden….

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Snubs Biden, Endorses Bernie

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Snubs Biden, Endorses Bernie

The DNC Convention has moved from smooth protest jazz to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsing Bernie over Biden. Never mind Michelle’s blatant untruths, AOC used her sixty plus second…

Michelle Obama Tells Untruths, Media Swoons

Michelle Obama Tells Untruths, Media Swoons

The virtual 2020 Democrat National Convention opened with virtual yawn last night. Governors Cuomo and Whitmer, Senators Klobuchar and Sanders and Representative Jim Clyburn all told us…

Kasich To Team Up with Michelle O and Bernie

Kasich To Team Up with Michelle O and Bernie

John Kasich must think he’s still relevant. Because at the (virtual) Democratic Convention, he’s teaming up with Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders, according to a CNN source…

WaPo Op-Ed: “Red America” May Vote Dem If Coronavirus Grows

WaPo Op-Ed: “Red America” May Vote Dem If Coronavirus Grows

The Washington Post’s motto asserts that “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” But, these days, the WaPo is where the truth, and democracy, goes to die. Just ask Nicholas…

Jill Biden Saves Joe From Lunging Vegans

Jill Biden Saves Joe From Lunging Vegans

I am not a fan of anyone with the last name Biden. I know the sad and tragic Biden story. Be that as it may, the whole…

Michelle and Barack Obama Go Low In Trademark Dispute

Michelle and Barack Obama Go Low In Trademark Dispute

Barack and Michelle Obama are in a trademark dispute regarding their company name, Higher Ground Productions. It seems the US Patent and Trademark Office won’t let them…

From The VG Bookshelf: Becoming By Michelle Obama Part II

From The VG Bookshelf: Becoming By Michelle Obama Part II

Last week I reviewed Michelle Obama’s early years in Part I. As I noted, what many of those are ignoring is her tone in which she discusses…

The Guardian vs. Michelle Obama On Motherhood

The Guardian vs. Michelle Obama On Motherhood

The Guardian published an editorial bemoaning how terrible motherhood really is, back in October. NARAL, for some reason, decided that they were totally on board with this…

Follow Stephen Colbert’s Example

Follow Stephen Colbert’s Example

It’s not often when I will applaud the left for having some class, but I need to give props to Stephen Colbert today, whose recent tweet earned…

Kardashian-Obsessed Nation Still Admires Obama and Clinton Most

Kardashian-Obsessed Nation Still Admires Obama and Clinton Most

Gallup published a new poll yesterday, indicating that Americans, as they have for the past 10 years, are most likely to name Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as…

Hope And Change: Jefferson/Jackson Dinner OUT, Obama Dinner IN [VIDEO]

Hope And Change: Jefferson/Jackson Dinner OUT, Obama Dinner IN [VIDEO]

Democrats just can’t help themselves. No matter what anyone says nor what evidence shows, they will cling to their Obama worship with all their might. Case in…

Michelle Obama Library Normalizes the Abnormal

Michelle Obama Library Normalizes the Abnormal

PJMedia.com has a stellar article on an event at the Michelle Obama Library in Long Beach California. A Drag Queen was brought in to read to small…

Michelle Obama To Richard Branson After Leaving White House: “We’re Free!” [VIDEO]

Michelle Obama To Richard Branson After Leaving White House: “We’re Free!” [VIDEO]

Michelle Obama has been a busy bee since January. It’s been one endless vacation around the world with occasional forays into the speech circuit. For example: Thanks…

SHAME! Democrats Go Into Hiding After Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Revelations [VIDEO]

SHAME! Democrats Go Into Hiding After Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Revelations [VIDEO]

Shakespeare In Love. Sex, Lies, and Videotape. Good Will Hunting. Kiss The Girls. Finding Neverland. Those are just a few of the movies spearheaded by Harvey Weinstein….

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Ava Gardner