Trump Says ‘Anti-Semitism Has No Place In Congress’ And Ilhan Omar Should Resign

Trump Says ‘Anti-Semitism Has No Place In Congress’ And Ilhan Omar Should Resign

Ilhan Omar is a disgrace. Her anti-semitism is loud and clear. Yet for some inexplicable reason, Nancy Pelosi gave her a seat on the House Foreign Affairs…

Ilhan Omar Apologizes for Jew Hatred, Promises to Make it Less Obvious

Ilhan Omar Apologizes for Jew Hatred, Promises to Make it Less Obvious

Just when you think Minnesota Rep Ilhan Omar couldn’t get more repulsive, hateful, and loathsome, she says “hold my dawa” (yes, I know it’s Kenyan, but al-Shabaab…

Ilhan Omar Goes Ugly In Her Anti-Semitism

Ilhan Omar Goes Ugly In Her Anti-Semitism

The Democrats have an anti-Semitism problem. And it is personified in the likes of the new Congresswoman from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar.

Democracy Of Israel Almost Gets A Chuckle From Ilhan Omar

Democracy Of Israel Almost Gets A Chuckle From Ilhan Omar

Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) seems to be going out of her way to flout her anti-Semitism all the while denying that she is an anti-Semite. In an…

Rashida Tlaib Unapologetically Curses Out President Trump

Rashida Tlaib Unapologetically Curses Out President Trump

It would appear that the newly sworn in Democrats of the 116th Congress are having a contest to see which one of them can offend the most…

Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Uses Thomas Jefferson’s Quran As A Prop

Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Uses Thomas Jefferson’s Quran As A Prop

Rashida Tlaib, one of two Muslim women elected to Congress, attended her swearing in wearing a traditional Palestinian thobe and using Thomas Jefferson’s copy of the Quran…

CNN’s Mark Lamont Hill Endorses Palestinian Violence, Wants Israel Eliminated [VIDEO]

CNN’s Mark Lamont Hill Endorses Palestinian Violence, Wants Israel Eliminated [VIDEO]

Just three days ago, CNN released a story showing that there is widespread ignorance of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism is alive and well all across Europe. What…

Duncan Hunter’s Opponent Is the Grandson of a Munich Terrorist [video]

Duncan Hunter’s Opponent Is the Grandson of a Munich Terrorist [video]

Duncan Hunter, who is running for reelection in California’s 50th District, has a descendant of a Munich terrorist as his opponent. Ammar Campa-Najjar is the grandson of…

Israel Rescues Syrian White Helmets: Zero Thanks [VIDEO]

Israel Rescues Syrian White Helmets: Zero Thanks [VIDEO]

Thanks to Israel, there was an amazing rescue this weekend – a feat weeks in the making, and teetering on the edge of disaster time and again,…

Ocasio-Cortez Repeats Anti-Israel Script, Knows Nothing [VIDEO]

Ocasio-Cortez Repeats Anti-Israel Script, Knows Nothing [VIDEO]

If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the “future of the Democratic party,” as DNC chair Tom Perez claimed, then the party is in trouble. This millennial is not ready…

Iran Blames Israel For Stealing Clouds [VIDEO]

Iran Blames Israel For Stealing Clouds [VIDEO]

Otherwise known as “how the Jews control the weather, part 2.”

#TehranBazaar: Iranians Chant “Death to Palestine” Amid Growing Economic Reform Protests

#TehranBazaar: Iranians Chant “Death to Palestine” Amid Growing Economic Reform Protests

Following Monday’s general strike that closed the Tehran bazaar, Iranians once again took to the streets demanding economic reforms amid a tanking economy, rampant corruption, and stifling…

US Reportedly Will Leave UN Human Rights Council [VIDEO]

US Reportedly Will Leave UN Human Rights Council [VIDEO]

The report is out that the United States will be withdrawing from the United Nations’ Human Rights Council over what Ambassador Nikki Haley previously said was its…

Gaza Children Act Out IDF Soldier Execution – At School [VIDEO]

Gaza Children Act Out IDF Soldier Execution – At School [VIDEO]

Will there ever be peace between Israel and Gaza? Not as long as young children are being raised as sheep for the slaughter by Hamas – and…

Nikki Haley Drops Reality Check About The “Peaceful” Thugs At Gaza [VIDEO]

Nikki Haley Drops Reality Check About The “Peaceful” Thugs At Gaza [VIDEO]

It is mind-boggling how many people, who should know better, have aligned themselves with the violent protestors terrorists on the Gaza border. Not only that, but the…

Peaceful Palestinians Deploy Molotov Kites At Gaza Strip, IDF Responds [VIDEO]

Peaceful Palestinians Deploy Molotov Kites At Gaza Strip, IDF Responds [VIDEO]

History Made. Today, the U.S. Embassy was officially moved to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. As Deanna wrote here, President Trump pledged during his campaign to make this…

US Embassy Opens In Jerusalem [VIDEO]

US Embassy Opens In Jerusalem [VIDEO]

Today is the 70th anniversary of the state of Israel in its modern form, and today, the United States has formally moved its embassy from Tel Aviv…

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